Stress Point Giveaway with Sarah Martin
While I ready myself for our Proverbs 31 She Speaks conference next week (and feed three freshman football players after their morning workouts1) I am having a few friends offer giveaways.
Today, meet my friend Sarah and hear about her book Stress Point.
About her:
Sarah Francis Martin has a passion to encourage and relate to women in their twenties. Her relevant and conversational style will lead young adult readers to live out the kingship of Christ in everyday life in order to find godly success, purpose and well being. Her ministry, LIVE IT OUT!, is a space for 20-somethings to connect with one another and grow closer to Jesus (
About her book:
Want to ditch the drama and thrive through your twenties? Body image. Friendships. Career. Money. Dating. All these issues and more serve as points of stress for the 20-something woman, and combined they can make for a decade of drama in a girl’s life. Sarah is the slightly older girlfriend who’s been there, done that, and got the not-so-cute t-shirt. Through this interactive Bible study, Sarah helps young adult women address each stress point by encouraging them to wait on the Lord, worship Him, and make Him the focus of their lives.
Her interview:
~ Sarah, what prompted you to write Stress Point?
After working with the She Seeks, a division of Proverbs 31 Ministries for 20-somethings, I noticed that our readers were in need of resources that speak directly to the single/college/career stage of life. I thought this would be an awesome opportunity to share with young adult women how they can put Jesus in the center of every single area of life.
~ What do you feel are the greatest stressors a woman faces in her twenties?
In addition to the typical stress of dating and navigating relationships during this decade, the topic of money, career, body image and making a difference in the world are just a few stress points. This is such a transitional and even weird stage of life where young adult women are navigating life now that they are “officially.” It is difficult to work through these stress points when we don’t have a center of focus on Jesus.
~ What do you hope your readers discover as they experience your book?
It is my prayer, hope and dream that young adult women will see that they are not alone in their stress points. I also hope and pray that after they’ve conversed with me by reading the book, they will put Stress Point down, pick up their Bible and have some meaningful conversations with the Lord.
~ Anything older women can glean from your book?
Absolutely. We all face stress points in life yet often lose our way as to what matters most. I think women older than 20-somethings (our “slightly older girlfriends”) will learn how to what I call, LIVE OUT! the Kingship of Christ in every area of their life.
Also, Stress Point is a great resource for parents of 20-somethings. Not only would they get a glimpse into the mind and heart of their daughters, Stress Point makes for a great graduation gift!
Thanks Sarah!
Now, if you would like to be entered into a drawing to receive a signed copy of Sarah’s book, answer this question:
~IF YOU ARE IN YOUR 20’s: What is the biggest stresser you face?
~ IF YOU ARE IN YOUR 30’s OR ABOVE: What is one piece of advice you wish you could go back and give your twenty-something self?
(Winner announced Friday)
I am 50, so here’s my advise to me in my 20’s. Don’t be so hard on yourself. You are just figuring it all out. Allow yourself to make mistakes and learn from them. Don’t be so afraid of life that you forget to live it. All you have to be is who God made you to be.
In my 20’s- My biggest stressor now is the patience to wait for God’s timing in everything! In every area of my life and not to have any doubts about His plans that he has for me.
Love “YOU” Afterall HE made you!
I just turned 28 today and I would have to say my biggest stresser is learning how to become more budget minded so that I can continue to be a stay at home momma.
I am about 8 months and 1 week away from 40. If I could go back and give myself advice I would tell myself;
Everyone makes mistakes! Just because you have strayed far from the straight and narrow doesn’t mean that God won’t forgive you and accept you into His loving arms! Run straight to Him with everything………..He will NEVER fail you!
I would have to say that my biggest stressers are money, kids, time managment and trying to be a Proverbs wife. I would hope that when I’m in my 30’s that I have a wonderful relationship with God and that i’m a great wife and mother.