What Jordyn’s Missteps Teach Us
Did you see it? US gymnast sensation Jordyn Weiber’s slight step out of bounds on the floor exercise? Or her momentary bobble on the beam? That tiny wobble on the bars?
These minuscule missteps cost her a spot in the all-around individual competition for a gold medal.
Our entire region was heartbroken. Jordyn lives in a little town 9 miles from me. We were rooting for her looooong before the rest of the world knew who she was.
But Jordyn’s missteps didn’t cost her anything in the eyes of her hometown fans.
We still love her. Believe in her. Will root for her til the closing ceremony.
Her standing with us was unaffected by her bobbles and blips.
I needed that lesson last night from this dynamo of pint-sized athlete.
My bobbles and blips in my walk with Christ do not affect my eternal standing. They don’t disqualify me or leave me out of the heavenly ceremony that will one day take place.
When Jordyn returns to our rural community, we’ll be cheering and clapping like crazy, no matter if she brings home multiple medals or none. Just like Jesus will be for you, dear one, when your earthly life is over.
Will we sometimes step out of bounds? Wobble and need to adjust?
But when the game of life is over, Jesus will be standing, waiting for us. Clapping and cheerling like crazy.
Thanks for the lesson Jordyn. This middle-aged, no-longer-can-do-a-cartwheel mom needed it.
You are forever our hometown hero!
WOW!! What a wonderful analogy!! We are so BLESSED that our bobbles and stumbles don’t pull us from the love of our Jesus! I praise Him each day for the Love He has for me. I long to grow my friendship in Him each and every day, and I KNOW He is closer than I even imagine, ready to catch me when I trip up!! Thank You Jesus! And thank you Lord for showing us through our friend Karen’s words that You always love us, no matter what we do, or how much we mess up!
Thank you for that fantastic message. It’s absolutely true!
Love this article!
This is an amazing reminder that we only stand strong and firm if our foundation is in Christ. I love what others have said about Christ never leaving or forsaking us…….never, ever!!! He’s accepts us just as we are and for that, I’m grateful!
Thanks so much for sharing this story! I needed to hear that message too:-) I experienced such a wobble lately and knowing that I am in Christ and that he will never leave or forsake me has made all the difference in the world.
Great analogy, Karen. How reassuring it is to realize that through God’s forgiveness we will be welcomed Home no matter how we have stumbled in this life..
I Bless the Lord for this message! Goes perfectly with what God has been teaching me and my husband in this time! Thanks! God Bless You Karen! God Bless Jordyn!
I use a list app on my phone and a spiral notebook – not fancy but economical. But I would love a pretty organizer.
Thank you for this post. We love Jordyn down here in Alabama too!!!
She looked so beautiful last night.
Keep up the good work JORDYN.
As difficult and heart breaking as it was to watch, we know that this isn’t the end for her. She is loved and cheered on by many, medals or not. Thanks Karen for this reachable moment.
This is so true but I do see something else. At the young age of 17 (I believe that’ right) this young girl has the weight of an ENTIRE nation on her shoulders. To be able to do this and even remotely function is more of an accomplishment than I will ever have. Jordyn should be applauded!
Jesus took on all of our sins. This is the heaviest weight to bear of all.
It makes me wonder what weight I’m willing to bear.
Such a wonderful lesson for us all. Thank you for your words of wisdom.
As I watched last night in the late hours here on the west coast, it was heartbreaking. I was praying that Jordyn would not lose heart, but that this experience would make her stronger. Thank you for your analogy to the unconditional love of Jesus for us. Your words of encouragement are appreciated.
God bless you!
So true Jesus is all we need. When we fall He is there to pick us up. No disappointment here. So keep moving forward to His calling.
Thank you for the timely message. I’m a little “off step” right now in my walk with God. It’s good to hear that it doesn’t change God’s love for me one bit. Have a blessed day!
What a precious article! Well written, well said. I love the support for this classy young lady and your personal association with her made it more special. We are indeed blessed that Jesus loves us in spite of all our missteps.
Thank you for sharing this. It brought tears to my eyes as well. It is great to know that our bobbles do not affect our standing with Christ. :)
Karen, thank you for this post…as my family and friends watched the Olympics lastnight we too were heartbroken for Jordyn; we sensed her heartache and hurt for her as though we all knew her personally. We do love and serve a God whose ways are often beyond our comprehension as He works all things out for our good. God Bless,
Thanks for the reminder today Karen- this mom needed it.!
Love the analogy, Karen. What a great reminder of how loved and treasured we are by Jesus in spite of ourselves. I was heartbroken for her last night but also know that God will work this out for her good; to build perserverance, strength, character and hope in her for future life circumstances.
Love and blessings :)
Wow! Loved this post! I was crying right along with her last night! Now, after reading this I’m crying tears of joy! Very well said! See you one day for that grand celebration in eternity!
Your message brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for reminding of how much I am loved missteps and all. I am so glad that I found your blog–it has been a true blessing to my life.
Thanks for this. I so needed it. God loves us regardless. He is forever in Love with us. God bless you all. Jean
Karen, beautiful message!!!! We so need to be reminder not let mind games think Jesus loves us less when we mess up:))) He’s LOVE is more than our minds can comprehend. Blessings and peace to all on this Monday!
Amen and Amen!!