5 Steps to Quiet Giveaway
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Welcome to those joining us after reading my Encouragement for Today devotion. If you haven’t read it, click here to do so.

How do we get to a quiet place so the cracks in our spirit don’t cause us to break?
~ Get Alone.
While it is possible to read the Bible or pray with others nearby (and sometimes moms with small children don’t have much choice!) it is best if you can get alone. No other people present. Find a quiet room out of the main traffic of the house. (I go into our master bedroom’s large closet sometimes and shut the door!) Withdraw for a while.
~ Get Quiet.
Being alone isn’t enough. It is possible to be alone but not be quiet. Especially if you insist on taking along your phone. Having it buzz and beep at you is not being quiet. So turn off the TV. Silence the radio. Put the phone away for a while. Try just sitting in silence for a while and asking God to calm you and speak to your heart.
~ Get Real.
No sense in trying to fool God. He knows your thoughts before they are even formed! Talk honestly to Him, telling Him of your feelings, desires, hopes and regrets. Ask for His guidance. Seek His forgiveness. Beg for His wisdom. Talk to Him as if you were confiding in your best friend. Being real and raw is the place to start rather than saying what you think sounds “religious” when you pray. I’m not saying to throw respect and reverence out the door, just to be honest as you pour your heart out to the Lord.
~ Go Deep.
Yes, read the Bible during your time alone with God, but also learn to utilize some great classic books of the faith to understand the concepts in scripture or disciplines of the faith that aren’t always so clear. My favorites are Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster, Forgotten God, Crazy Love, and Erasing Hell by Francis Chan, Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis and The Reason for God by TImothy Keller.
~ Go Forth.
Yes, chasing and capturing quiet is essential to our spiritual lives but it is not an end in itself. Our goal in seeking quiet is to emerge stronger, more rested, more focused and ready to live our lives to the glory of God!
Now, how about you? Do you seek quiet? Why or why not? Any tips? Hopes? Other thoughts?
One person who comments will win the items above. They are:
~ A cup and saucer from Blessings Unlimited
~ A box of one of my favorite teas—Tazo Wild Sweet Orange
~ Two Bible highlighter pencils
~ Some fall lotion from Bath & Body Works in the Leaves scent (I LOVE this scent!!!)
Okay…….comment away! Winner announced Friday.
NOTE: Please join us next week when I’ll unveil a freebie for you. From Chaos to Calm: The LET. IT. GO. Christmas Challenge. It is a five-day free devotional, practical study for having a harmonious holiday! Stay tuned!
I so appreciative my quiet time in the morning! I don’t have small children anymore, unless my grandkids are visiting, so it makes it much easier for me to have that time. I so cherish it and don’t do well on days when I don’t have it. How important to have time for the Lord to speak into my life instead of always on the go.
Wonderful reminder today! I am guilty of starting just one more load of laundry, or putting the morning dishes away before having my time with the Lord. I cherish my mornings with God, but yet allow distractions around me take my attention away from the Lord. I have found that I must make an area that is clear of the stuff in my home that begs for my attention. My front porch is my favorite place to be with God and read His word. If I have neglected this relationship with my Lord, my husband can tell. He will say, you need some “Porch Time” !
terrific devotion and timely – linked here from the Proverbs 31 devotional – I’m missing a retreat day this Saturday so trying to plan another – the director of the ministry team I’m on plans these twice a year – we go to retreat center during the day and each have a room for the day and have quiet time – last time I wasn’t sure I wanted to go but I was blessed beyond reason from taking that time away – bless you!
With four little ones it is often difficult for me to find quiet time. And many times, this tired mommy brain just completely forgets. But this is something I desperately desire to make a habit of. Your thoughts today were just what I needed to hear! Thanks for the practical tips and the reminder!
As a single mom with 5 little kids, I really need my quiet time with God. Five a.m. Is when we meet. Thanks for the reminder and encouragement.
Spending time every morning with the Lord sets the focus on Him for the entire day.
The course of my entire day is so often set by the quantity and quality of my quiet time in the morning. Better said, with the quantity and quality of the time I spend focused on my Jesus, communing only with Him.
I am a retired RN who worked 22 years as a Maternal/Child nurse. 13 1/2 years were on the night shift. Because of that I am still a “night” person, however, I now have the luxury of having a special quiet time anytime during the day or night. What a joy it is to know the Lord is always waiting for me to come to Him. He never sleeps or slumbers but calls us to come to Him for rest. His precious Word is my delight morning, noon, or night!
So hard to let go of the control of things – a good reminder, especially with the holidays coming!
Thank you so much for your devotional today! I am a mom of 3 girls ages 22, 20 & 16. I know that without quiet time with God I can’t renew my spirit & expect to have the strength it takes to be there for them. I struggle with anxiety and the only way to get through it is to spend time alone with God. Your words are so encouraging and a great reminder! Thanks!
Thank you for this reminder, “Our emotional lives are much the same. When we do not allow time to rest and regroup from the stresses of life, we allow cracks in our spirit that make us emotionally and spiritually fragile. We keep going at break-neck speeds, rarely slowing down long enough to be refreshed.” that you put in the Encouragement for Today devotion. I really needed to read this.
Love my quiet time, reading the Bible and listening to God’s word. I feel so very near to Him during these times.
My habit has been, my whole long life, to have my devotions in the morning, first thing. When I had little children, it was harder, but I still managed to do it most of the time. I have been unemployed for the last two years, so I got used to having a wonderful leisurely quite time. I just got a job which requires a long commute, so I find it difficult to fit much quiet time in. I am really missing it! So the weekends are more precious to me, because I have a little more time to spend with Jesus then.
I try to have my quite time first thing in the morning, but I’m not a morning person, but I do try. This is when I read my daily devotionals
I pray on my way to work, after I have gotten on the highway, I always thank Jesus that I got on the highway with out incident, also pray for everyone I know who is sick, also for our military and missionaries. And most of all I thank God for everything He has
given me..
Also, before I go to bed, I always check Facebook for people that may be asking for prayers.
I definitely crave quiet and time to focus on the Lord, but I often struggle with the distraction of my own thoughts and nagging “to do list.” I often feel guilty for not having quality quiet times knowing I’m missing out on a stronger walk with the Lord. Thanks for your tips.
We have four girls from 10 yrs to 9 months so quiet time seems to be a rarity for me. I long for that time and take it any chance I can. Thanks for this great reminder!!
I find that setting this time aside is vitally important – but until a habit is firmly set, it is a spirutal warfare to make it happen. That is where I am right now…..trying to set a specific time each day.
Thank you for reminding me to slow down and enjoy a cup of tea and some quiet timewith the one who heals all. What a fabulous idea!
Early morning before the kids wake up is definitely my best bet for quiet time. I use my Daily Chronological Bible, a journal, and a blessings journal. It’s hard to get up, but there’s nothing like it once I do.
I have my “sewing/scrapbook” room with comfy furniture, very calming colors and no clutter where I can sit and look out at the woods, and be silent, pray and wait for God to speak to my heart. I love having that calm, quiet place to be with God.
Ever since my youngest started kindergarten this school year, my house has been very quiet during the day. But I often still find myself unable to quiet my mind and be focused on God. Your teacup devotion hit home, today was definitely a “hot water in a cracked cup” sort of day. I’m ready to make a change!
I so love reading through all of your comments and seeing your desire to spend quiet time with God. Whispering a prayer for the desires to become reality and your relationship with Him to deepen greatly!! I love my bloggy family!!!!
I haven’t done a quiet time in a long time. I need to take time to spend one on one time with God. Life happens and I feel bad. I do find time to read my daily devotions and read the daily proverbs 31 devotions.
I’m so pleased to have found your site. Thank you for such a great reminder that we should take time to find a quiet place and listen to God as He speaks
Like Heidi, I’m a high school teacher who begins her day an hour before the rest of the family begin to stir, a cup of coffee beside me, a cat curled up next to the Bible on my lap. Some days those quiet moments are true refreshment for my soul. Other days, it seems like I’m going through the motions, struggling to quiet my spirit as my mind races ahead into the day. I keep a journal record of blessings received, petitions rendered, and scriptures and quotes that have spoken to my heart. I love weekend mornings when I can linger in my “prayer chair” without having to rush off into the day. My 8-year-old son likes to awaken and join me sometimes, and I discovered the other day that he had pulled out my prayer journal and added hearts, suns, and smiley faces on random pages throughout. Unexpected blessings! :c)