5 Steps to Quiet Giveaway
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Welcome to those joining us after reading my Encouragement for Today devotion. If you haven’t read it, click here to do so.
How do we get to a quiet place so the cracks in our spirit don’t cause us to break?
~ Get Alone.
While it is possible to read the Bible or pray with others nearby (and sometimes moms with small children don’t have much choice!) it is best if you can get alone. No other people present. Find a quiet room out of the main traffic of the house. (I go into our master bedroom’s large closet sometimes and shut the door!) Withdraw for a while.
~ Get Quiet.
Being alone isn’t enough. It is possible to be alone but not be quiet. Especially if you insist on taking along your phone. Having it buzz and beep at you is not being quiet. So turn off the TV. Silence the radio. Put the phone away for a while. Try just sitting in silence for a while and asking God to calm you and speak to your heart.
~ Get Real.
No sense in trying to fool God. He knows your thoughts before they are even formed! Talk honestly to Him, telling Him of your feelings, desires, hopes and regrets. Ask for His guidance. Seek His forgiveness. Beg for His wisdom. Talk to Him as if you were confiding in your best friend. Being real and raw is the place to start rather than saying what you think sounds “religious” when you pray. I’m not saying to throw respect and reverence out the door, just to be honest as you pour your heart out to the Lord.
~ Go Deep.
Yes, read the Bible during your time alone with God, but also learn to utilize some great classic books of the faith to understand the concepts in scripture or disciplines of the faith that aren’t always so clear. My favorites are Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster, Forgotten God, Crazy Love, and Erasing Hell by Francis Chan, Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis and The Reason for God by TImothy Keller.
~ Go Forth.
Yes, chasing and capturing quiet is essential to our spiritual lives but it is not an end in itself. Our goal in seeking quiet is to emerge stronger, more rested, more focused and ready to live our lives to the glory of God!
Now, how about you? Do you seek quiet? Why or why not? Any tips? Hopes? Other thoughts?
One person who comments will win the items above. They are:
~ A cup and saucer from Blessings Unlimited
~ A box of one of my favorite teas—Tazo Wild Sweet Orange
~ Two Bible highlighter pencils
~ Some fall lotion from Bath & Body Works in the Leaves scent (I LOVE this scent!!!)
Okay…….comment away! Winner announced Friday.
NOTE: Please join us next week when I’ll unveil a freebie for you. From Chaos to Calm: The LET. IT. GO. Christmas Challenge. It is a five-day free devotional, practical study for having a harmonious holiday! Stay tuned!
I loved this article. I always welcome quiet time so I can get in some much needed time with the Lord and maintain my sanity. It is the qutiet times when I feel the most relaxed and calm. I also love to read! Thanks for sharing! :)
As a single mother of two small children, I cling to my morning quiet time. God has shown me that I need to offer Him one hour, every morning, and to trust Him to work out the details of my day. I am walking through some tough valleys, and yet, God is sustaining me and teaching me His ways and His pathway, as I am learning to trust Him, step by step.
I try to seek quiet early in the mornings by getting up early, which can be hard with a toddler and another on the way. But, when it does work out, I feel so much better about the day, and thankful that I did get quiet time with God.
I keep waking earlier to try and find some quiiet and alone time. It is difficult sometimes but so worth it!
I need to try harder to get quiet time. I need to turn off the tv, computer, etc. and just sit with my bible and a book and read.
I get up with my husband early before he leaves for work, when he leaves I enjoy my quiet house befiore my kids get up to begin schooling (we homeschool). Morning is always best for me to have my quiet time with the Lord.
For a mom with three little kids all under five yrs.old, I have my hands full. However, I try to have my quiet moments with God when they are asleep during their naps… but I sure really miss my morning devotions.
As a mom of 3, I’m always seeking quiet. But I don’t always make good use of it when I find it!
I do really well for a while, then take 2 step back. I appreciate your helpful tips.
I got up early today to spend some time with my Jesus. It sure is hard to find time, but for today this was wonderful! Thank you!
I have been focused on Proverbs 31 as well, as the Proverbs 31 “way” is something I strive to achieve daily. I am looking for an audio book related to that, that will play on my iPod (found an audiobook on Proverbs 31, but for some reason doesn’t play on Ipod) for those times that I have quiet time, but I need to be doing other things (dishes, laundry, etc.). I’d like to play and replay it so that it becomes “way”! :) It is my goal, however, to make quiet time to spend with the Lord and to not be tempted to do other things (tv, computer, etc.) to unwind at the end of the day, or to spend time before the day begins. Thanks for all you do to encourage us, Karen! I’ve just started your Untangling Christmas and hope that you get your new book on audio!!! :)
Meant to say, “…so that it becomes MY “way”.
Having quiet time with the Lord is essential to me. When I have a hard day, where I can’t figure out what’s wrong I have to ask myself “Have you forgotten to spend time with Lord and have quiet time?” I usually know before I ask the question. I am disabled, so don’t work-it should be easy to find quiet time but sadly, I often let it go…thinking, I will get to it later. It helps me to be doing a Bible study that requires daily homework-then I stay on track.
Praying for everyone affected by Sandy…I haven’t been but some of my family has–praying God’s peace in the mists of this storm,
God Bless,
We are all out of our routine due to Hurricane Sandy. Taking care of the kids who are out of their routine has left me edgy and drained, Need to find some time alon with God to recharge. Hopefully, school will re open next week.
Hello, everyone! I believe God has severely “spoiled” me by my living in an extremely quiet environment–an assisted-living-facility, where nearly every one 20+ years older than I [I’m in my mid-50’s]. It also, is a mixed blessing that I have no husband, nor children. I’m indeed, VERY fortunate to have a very good q.t. every morning!!
I hope everyone has a good 1st day of November!!
I learned this quiet sitting for the first time in early October while at a Women’s Conference with Nancy Stafford, in Cannon Beach, Oregon. What a breakthrough – while I talked to God and He talked to me. The tears flowed and peace was restored in my heart. Thank you for the reminder to continue to take some time away from the busy-ness of life.
I have a hard time being still and quiet. “Be Still and Know that I am God” Once a week I go to church and pray with my husband, we go from 11pm till 12am. There is no one else there but God and his angels. It helps to give me peace for at least a few days.
Every morning after I have taken the dogs out and fed them, I make myself a cup of tea and come into my office and read my daily devotion emails. That is also my quiet time before I get into the rut of the day. When I just start my busy day with out my tea and quiet time I feel stressed all day.
Thank you for this devotion and blog entry. I am really struggling with taking time to be quiet every day and I know it’s important. Our family is going through some tough times right now and I need to have this quiet time so that I can function better (my kids and husband will benefit)
I wish that I was better at this. I really need yo mindfully make time each day. With three Kiddos, i often forget about myself and pour everything into them. Thank you foor forays message. I am a work in progress :)
How amazing and what a peaceful feeling it is when I find alone time with just God and I. I have a nice small space in my attic that is just mine to do what I need to do to get away from all the hectic in my life. Being in touch with God, and just letting him know everything I am feeling gives me such peace. To have someone to just listin to me is what I need. God is amazing.
The easiest way to find quiet time is to get up earlier then the rest of the household. I do this every day. I don’t turn on the tv or check my phone or computer. It really helps not to have any distractions when reading God’s word and praying and listening.
I need to do more of this. Just as I was reading your devotional post, I muted the TV and it is so quiet in my house and even in my mind. It almost seems foreign, but I could sure get used to it once and awhile. I have been wanting to convert one of our grown children’s bedrooms into a sanctuary where I can go to spend some alone time with God, pray, read, do my Bible study homework, or to just be. Your words have reminded me to make that happen. Thank you!
I find it interesting that your give away with this posting is a hot cup of tea. There is something comforting about a hot cup of tea and it helps to quiet my insides when I am feeling frazzled.
I find that my entire day (and life in general) seems to go so much better when I make the time to be with the Lord in quiet. He truly recharges my batteries, gives me peace, strength, wisdom, and guidance for the day, when I focus on Him. I love the saying, “Instead of trying to fit God into your day, plan your day around God!”. So good & true!
First thing in the morning before every wakes up at my house!!
I know the best time to find quiet is early in the morning before the rest of the house is awake. I am not a morning person though, and continue to struggle with this.