5 Steps to Quiet Giveaway
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Welcome to those joining us after reading my Encouragement for Today devotion. If you haven’t read it, click here to do so.

How do we get to a quiet place so the cracks in our spirit don’t cause us to break?
~ Get Alone.
While it is possible to read the Bible or pray with others nearby (and sometimes moms with small children don’t have much choice!) it is best if you can get alone. No other people present. Find a quiet room out of the main traffic of the house. (I go into our master bedroom’s large closet sometimes and shut the door!) Withdraw for a while.
~ Get Quiet.
Being alone isn’t enough. It is possible to be alone but not be quiet. Especially if you insist on taking along your phone. Having it buzz and beep at you is not being quiet. So turn off the TV. Silence the radio. Put the phone away for a while. Try just sitting in silence for a while and asking God to calm you and speak to your heart.
~ Get Real.
No sense in trying to fool God. He knows your thoughts before they are even formed! Talk honestly to Him, telling Him of your feelings, desires, hopes and regrets. Ask for His guidance. Seek His forgiveness. Beg for His wisdom. Talk to Him as if you were confiding in your best friend. Being real and raw is the place to start rather than saying what you think sounds “religious” when you pray. I’m not saying to throw respect and reverence out the door, just to be honest as you pour your heart out to the Lord.
~ Go Deep.
Yes, read the Bible during your time alone with God, but also learn to utilize some great classic books of the faith to understand the concepts in scripture or disciplines of the faith that aren’t always so clear. My favorites are Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster, Forgotten God, Crazy Love, and Erasing Hell by Francis Chan, Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis and The Reason for God by TImothy Keller.
~ Go Forth.
Yes, chasing and capturing quiet is essential to our spiritual lives but it is not an end in itself. Our goal in seeking quiet is to emerge stronger, more rested, more focused and ready to live our lives to the glory of God!
Now, how about you? Do you seek quiet? Why or why not? Any tips? Hopes? Other thoughts?
One person who comments will win the items above. They are:
~ A cup and saucer from Blessings Unlimited
~ A box of one of my favorite teas—Tazo Wild Sweet Orange
~ Two Bible highlighter pencils
~ Some fall lotion from Bath & Body Works in the Leaves scent (I LOVE this scent!!!)
Okay…….comment away! Winner announced Friday.
NOTE: Please join us next week when I’ll unveil a freebie for you. From Chaos to Calm: The LET. IT. GO. Christmas Challenge. It is a five-day free devotional, practical study for having a harmonious holiday! Stay tuned!
Finding quiet time with the lord for me is probably equal parts harder and easier than it used to be. I am now living on my own and I have no trouble with turning off the electronics. However, it is harder for me to turn off my own mind, which is often much louder than a TV or radio. When I do have quiet time, I focus more on praying and less on reading my bible, although the latter does happen too. Quiet time does help with the daily stress of things and I really should do it more often.
I do seek quiet time with the Lord.I get distracted easily though.You had some wonderful ideas for us.Thanks.
monk5 at charter dot net
My quiet time usually comes at night, when the littles are in bed and hubby is off doing whatever. Can’t beat sitting in the dark, sipping on a cup of hot tea, and talking to God. :)
I have severely neglected my quiet time with God. :(
Thank you for sharing your afternoon tea date with your daughter. That is just what I am needing to do with my 4 1/2 year old daughter while baby brother sleeps! So excited to begin our special time. :)
I do seek daily quiet time. And when I get away from it, everything goes off the rails so to speak. I’m actually now in a time of disarray with daily devotional time. But when I can get back on track, first thing is the morning is best for me. It sets my day right, actually the only real quiet time of my day. I really appreciate this guide, it is going to help me.
I seek quiet time early morning before anyone else is up. This way ther are fewer distractions so I can read scripture, pray , and ask God to guide my activities.
My quiet time is usually in the morning…it begins with prayer and devotion with my hubby. He then heads off to pack lunches, etc and I get to spend the next 30 minutes alone with God. However, there are some mornings that the morning quiet time is cut short. I absolutely loved today’s posting…so much so that I would like permission to borrow it for my Women’s Ministry group at church. Thank you for sharing.
Smiles and Blessings, Robin :)