LET. IT. GO. Sneak Peek & Giveaway
Want a sneak peek at my new book LET. IT. GO. How to Stop Running the Show & Start Walking in Faith?
It is on how NOT to be a control freak and start trusting God—-with our circumstances, our schedules, our homes, our hubby and kids (if we have them) and ultimately with our lives.
I am posting an excerpt over at Roomag from the chapter Hovering Over the Home. Roomag is the online magazine headed up by Candace Cameron Bure. (You may remember her as DJ Tanner from the sitcom Full House) She wrote the foreword to my book. :-)
I’d love for you to take a peek and then come back and tell me what you think.
In fact, I’ll give away a signed copy to one of you who does when it releases hot off of the presses on November 13th.
If you’d like to pre-order a copy to get it when it comes out, you can do so by clicking here. It also includes a 6 week dvd teaching and a Bible study workbook for group or individual use. Maybe you could grab a group of friends and study it together!
Okay, head over to Roomag to check it out by clicking here but be sure to come back here to comment!
This book sounds like something I could benefit from!
Def a control freak myself, can’t wait to have the chance to read the book.
Love the post. So me at the end, I can talk the talk but hard to follow thru. Looking forward to reading book
I am sooo looking forward to this book! I have 3 grown children and wish I would have had it then. I grew up with a control freak mom; she loved us dearly, but there was only one way, her way, to do things. I still have an 11 year-old son at home, so maybe there is still hope for me. And then I think this book will be great to gift to my daughter who now has two small children herself (and, yes, I can the control freak in me repeating itself in her). Passing it forward….thank you!
I love, “better a mom’s bleeding tongue than a son’s badgered heart!”
Sums it up in a way I can remember throughout the day with 3 boys ages 6 and under and a traveling husband.
I think this is a book I need to read. I’m raising my granddaugher and I think it may solve some conflicks we may have at time. Can’t wait to read it.
This was so true, I believe you’ve been in my kitchen listening. ;) It’s so hard to remember all of these things when you are molding your children, that the words out of our mouths might have a lasting effect good or bad. Especially when you know yourself from hearing words towards yourself, you swear you will never ever be like that but then out of nowhere comes this voice that sounds a lot like our parents. I’ve at times stopped mid-sentence and thought oh my I’m saying exactly what I promised never to do.
This describes me to a T! I don’t have any kids, but I struggle with this, especially in my home. I have major control issues, and I would love to get over them, and let things slide off my back a little easier. If my husband tries to help out (and I complain when he doesn’t), I have to bite my tongue from telling him everything he’s doing “wrong”, when in fact, he’s just not doing it the way I want it done. I would definitely want to read this book!
This is easily my home, even my husband comments on how I say things are done “right”. By “right” it means my way. He always asks if anyone got hurt or will they because of how they did something. The questions you listed actually made me stop and think (sometimes we need to hear it from more than one person). The clip from the book is the type of book I would read. This is one book I look forward to reading.
Ouch, I am so mom number one but with my husband. Can’t wait to read the book and change my ways!
Busted. I am a controll freak, and I hate it. My patience is very thin right now, with caring for my grandmother who lives with us, and has alzeheimers and dementia. Working a full time job, and also taking care of my one year old grandson while his mom goes to school and work. Life is complicated, and starting to cause me problems with palpitations. I need to let alot of things go. Hope I win this book so I can learn how to do that. Sounds like something I need. Thanks for writing it.
I like the way you offer practical solutions to the issue, pointing out the real problem and who it belongs to makes changing behaviors easier for me.
I can so relate to the example you gave of letting the child wash the dishes. I tend to be the control freak in so many areas! I have a deep desire to let it go and just have fun with my kids. I’m a work in progress! Thank you for the thoughtful questions “will it matter?” That’s something I want to remember!
This is definitely a book I need. Especially considering God has recently shown me that I cannot control anything and need to give it all to Him.
I never thought of myself as a control freak but I realize that I really like my daughter to do things the way that i think they should be done. Thank you for sharing this passage from your book with us. It seems to easy to say that we should choose our battles. Thank you Lord for placing this scenario in front of our eyes and please help me choose your Holy way next time I am confronted with something my daughter does differently from what I think is the best way..
I so need this. My husband just asked me last night if he could ever have the chance to participate in the parenting – ouch, I think I have a control issue in my life.
I am speechless!!! What do you say when God calls you out? I need to make the investment in this book so that my family and I will reap
the benefits. Man, it’s tough to see in black and white!! Thanks!!
Karen thanks for reminding us moms to show grace to our kids and let them be kids. I really don’t care how they do things as long as it gets done. However, that’s not to say there have been times when I’ve taken over to get it done quicker. It doesn’t matter how fast its done, just that they have a sense of accomplishment and a can do attitude.
Very insightful! I like the way you ended your post: will it matter tomorrow … for eternity, etc. That is so true and something I want to remember to practice. I’ve always tried to hold my tongue because I was grateful for the helping hands, but sometimes I know I interrupted the tasks too bluntly. I recently saw a friend crush her son’s ego and heart by criticizing many unimportant things constantly within about a 10 minute period. It was awful to watch. I want to share your post with my friend in a tactful way (if I can figure that out).
Wow!!! I felt like you were watching me…I see myself wanting to make sure my kids do it the right way …”my way”….LOL…I think this book could really help me leave it to God to lead me instead of me trying to help Him.
THAT. IS. SO. ME. I want to read your book!
Definitely a control freak! Have a checklist just so I can walk out my door in peace.
Thanks for chance to win.
Ouch, So many times I have opened my mouth without thinking, causing hurt to my children and grandchildren. I always thought I would be different than my Mom was but alas I fall into the small trap. I remember as a kid my brother got a spanking for getting water on the floor when it was the water heater leaking. You think I would learn! Thanks for the reminder to let kids be kids and pick my teachable moments.
It can be so hard to let things go and even to find that balance between done right and not that important. As in… drawers must close versus must be neat. I really try to assign tasks that I can tolerate some variation on.