Stressed-Less Living Giveaway with Tracie Miles

Got stress?

Yeah, you do!

Today’s woman has stressers coming at her from many directions: home, work, mothering, marriage, finances, extended family, schedule, church and community commitments……WHEW!!! I’m stressed just reading that list!

My dear friend and ministry partner Tracie Miles has just released a woman’s go-to-guide for reducing stress and finding peace. Here is what I had to say after reading and advanced copy:

“Women today are stressed out. Whether dealing with cranky coworkers, colicky babies or controlling in-laws, at every turn we encounter more people, responsibilities and situations just waiting to sap our mental energy. The result? Jumpy nerves. Physical ailments. Racing minds. Tracie Miles has been there. Her story is one of a worn-out woman who finally learned how to unload her stress and find sweet rest instead. Her extensive research, biblical insight and practical solutions will help lead you out of the land of frazzle and straight into the presence of the Prince of Peace.”

For those of you feeling like the stress is just about to do you in, get a hold of this book! It it chock-full of so many helpful statistics and biblical advice. Reading it helped to calm even normally hyper me right down!

Click here to buy a copy.

Tracie is giving away a stress-reducing package to one of you that includes:

~ Signed copy of Stressed-Less Living

~ Pink Reading Light

~ Purple Spa Poof

~ Mini-manicure set

If you’d like to be entered in this great giveaway, leave a comment telling us what in your life causes you the greatest stress.

Winner announced Monday.


  1. My stomach pains. Having sickness for three years that no doctor can identify and find an answer to adds stress that spills over into the other chaotic parts of my life. Weekly doctor appointments steal precious time from accomplishing other tasks that a healthy person could finish without the time constraint in a less stressed manner. I can hardly imagine having to deal with such terrible pain for twelve years like the hemorrhaging woman from the New Testament. With the much less sophisticated medical situation in the time period, she faced enormous amounts of stress from many angles.

  2. Forgetting that God has prepared these works (daily tasks, connections, relationships, even laundry!) in advance for me to do!

  3. OMG not knowing how we will do it this month to pay our bills. I have a job but there is no work, so since it is a family business no work no pay:(.

  4. my stress is my business. i am on a medical disability and after a year i needed to do something with my life. i went back to school at 49. i have had my business for 7 years and always tryin to get more clients. i feel like giving up, but i love what i do sooooo much it scares me to think about sittin home and not being with people. its my husband and i and our 3 dogs my 2 sons are grown. when will i know to stop trying?

  5. What causes me the biggest stress right now is homeschooling! We’re getting used to a new system and I feel lots of pressure to get it figured out while balancing all the usual things around the house. I’ve been praying a lot (though not as much as I could) and asking God to help me keep my perspective through the help of His Holy Spirit!

  6. What stresses me most is being a single mom without a full time job for 2 years, going to interview after interview and the doors just not opening. I know God walks with me through this valley just as he did when I lost my husband to cancer and I hold onto God’s promises minute by minute. The stress though is so powerful at times and it is a real struggle to not get discouraged and allow the stress to eat away at your physical and emotional being. I am thankful for my blessings and I rejoice in those daily.

  7. Hi I m stressed I would say my life in a whole. I am a christian but I have my mom living with my older husband and me and so i have two elderly over 70 people and a business to run and we live on a farm.I pray often but sometimes i get so over whelmed at all the pressure i feel. bills , selling ,general house work and feeding what each person wants and they don’t know what they want drives me nuts sometimes. I have been blessed by having my mom love in she was over 1000 miles away and alone so I love that she is here and I am getting used to living with both her and my husband they get along good.
    I guess my situation is maybe different then others but we all share a common thing and that is stress!! I want to say God bless all those responses I read for many have much more stress then I:)

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