12 Day of Christmas with Sheila Mangum
It is the final day of our 5th annual 12 Days of Christmas.
Oh how I have loved featuring just a few of my Proverbs 31 sisters here each day.
Even though this is the last day, remember that you can comment on all 12 posts until midnight EST Sunday. One grand prize winner will be chosen who comments on all 12 posts. (prize show below)
Up today, the fabulous Speaker Services Coordinator
Carrying a Gift to the Throne
When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.
Matthew 2:10-11
Merry Christmas to all of Karen Ehman’s bloggers! I am Karen’s friend Sheila. (I adore her so! Don’t you?) I work on staff at Proverbs 31 and am blessed beyond measure.
I love Christmas. My heart is happy-happy-happy when I hear Christmas music especially songs from the “olden days” by Bing Cosby and Andy Williams. IT’S THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEARRRRRR!
The song “Mary Did You Know” brings me to tears and to my knees ever year. I savor the smell of our Christmas tree and the sound of cutting wrapping paper to wrap a gift I know will thrill the receiver’s heart! Many memories and family Christmas traditions are treasured in my heart always and forever.
My favorite Christmas memory happened during Praise and Worship at our Christmas Eve service one year. The worship leader said to our congregation, “Let’s just close our eyes, worship, and wait on God’s presence.” My husband and I stood with our two little angels (Brittany and Stevie) to do just that. Wait on God’s presence.
With my eyes closed and my heart focused on the goodness of God, we were entering worship, when I was interrupted by a tug on my shirt.
I opened one eye and looked down at one of my little angels. Stevie wanted to whisper something in my ear. I bent down to listen, as he spoke in the softest loudest whisper he could muster up, “Mom! Mom! When is God coming with all the presents?” Out of the mouth of babes! (Psalm 8:2)
My answer to my little angel that sweet Christmas Eve was that God was on His way.
God is the ultimate gift giver.
He gave His only Son that we might live.
He continues to give by answering prayers and the deepest cries of hearts exceedingly and abundantly with His grace, mercy, love, and goodness.
And what you do not see today, know God’s provision is on its way, because God is the giver of all good things. He loves and gives well.
He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all- how will he not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things?
Romans 8:32
Every good and perfect gift is from above.
James 1:17
Have you ever wondered what present you could give back? This Christmas walk into the throne room of God’s presence and gift him with the gift of loving others well.
Love Anyway.
Give Big.
Give Grace.
Give Time.
Give Words of Life!
When you love His children, you gift Him. Just wrap a note in a beautifully wrapped box gifting God that you will love others well this year.
Will you do that? Oh, how His heart will be thrilled! O Come Let Us Adore Him!
Blessings and Loveeeee to you all and Merry, Merry Christmas from Proverbs 31,
P.S Oh, and as for my little Stevie, he opened a few presents the next morning that thrilled his heart! I thank God for that provision and the privilege to love him.
Love Big!
Now for Sheila’s giveaway: Comment what you are going to “gift” Jesus this Christmas and qualify to win the giveaway of both books by Elevation Church’s Pastor Steven Furtick Greater and Sun Stand Still and a bouquet of Candy Canes!
Remember, you have until Sunday midnight EST December 16th to comment on all the posts. One grand prize winner will be chosen from among the gals who post on all 12 days! The grand prize is:
A unique advent candle display depicting Bethlehem, Mary and Jesus, with votive holders and candles nestled inside. A $50 retail value. And, along with it, a copy of my new book LET. IT. GO. How to Stop Running the Show & Start Walking in Faith.
I want to offer jesus my heart, soul,mind and strength in increasing measure in 2013.
I am giving my obedience, forgiveness and time.
In the New Year, I want to be even more intentional about seeking His presence. So thankful for an extended Christmas break where I can make that more of a habit!
I am giving God more time spent with my family to bring them closer to Him.
My gift is acceptance and wisdom towards others especially my family.
I’d like to give more grace to others and to spend more time with God in his word and in prayer.
What an awesome devotion! I am going to share it with my Bible study class this morning.Thank you!
I will give time :)
I am trying to worship and bring praise to Him all the time and in every situation.
I am going to give more time in prayer and studying His word.
I like your advice of loving others more. That’s what I want to give Jesus because of His great love for me and everyone! With His guidance and direction, I want to couple that love with action. And I definitely want to give Him more of my time!
deepening my prayer life
I plan on giving more of my attention. I have definitely been very distracted with busyness rather than spending the time I should with God. I am also giving kindness and attention to others. So many people have come and gone in my life from family members to friends to people I know through my work. I want to share kindness and appreciation to others. I know that Jesus loves each and every one so much. I think it is best to gift him by loving others as much as I can.
Gifts for the poor
More of my time.
Thankful heart
Time in His word and in His presence.
Be more thankful. I get focused on one or two negatives and forget all of the blessings God has given me.
My gift to Him is the continued training and love I give my children. Trying my best to raise them to be his followers.
Trying to show more of His Love to others! More trust in Him! More Praise and Worship to Him! And growing my Faith in Him more! And especially Thankfulness for every blessing in my life!! :-)
I want to give the gift of love. I want to see others as Jesus sees them. Sometimes I’m quick to judge and that’s not fair. I don’t always know what others are going through or what has happened in there life so I need to stop myself before I think or say something I shouldn’t.
I need to pause more! I need to also be more gentle, in my words, actions, thoughts. To do both I have to be intentional.
Time, trust and praise
Patience and thinking before I speak