Birthday & Ice Day

Spencer and his big sister Kenna.

Hey friends.

Today is my youngest’s birthday. He will officially turn 15 in 7 minutes.

I’d planned a day of work and blogging while he was at school but today our district had an ice day.

So, sorry to let my kid trump all of you but….ummm…well…he does! (I hope all of your kids trump me too!)

I’m off to wake him at the exact moment he turns 15 and then just hang with him today.

I’ll be back tomorrow. :-)


  1. Aaawww… Happy Birthday Spencer! I probably realized this last year, but Spencer and I share a birthday. Only we’re 30 years apart! I took the day off too! I called in Old and had a fun day just hanging with my hubby, baking cookies and working on a puzzle. Made supper for the family and enjoyed the evening. February 11th is the best day for a birthday… IMHO. :-)

  2. Happy Birthday to Spencer and i hope the two of you were able to share a wonderful day together! blessings and hugs!!?

  3. Happy Birthday Spencer! My son shares the same birthday as you also. I can’t believe my son is 20 today. It seems like only yesterday he was just a baby and now he’s a grown man. He’s God’s greatest gift to our family (as well as our daughter). Enjoy each and every moment with your son while he is home because in a blink of an eye he will be grown.
    Blessings to you and yours and may Spencer have a Blessed year!

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPENCER!!! Have a very blessed day with your wonderful son!! Need to be flexible and take advantage of these wonderful interuptions in what we plan for our day!! Work will always be there but children…well they grow up WAY too fast. :)

  5. Hi,

    Just wanted to share that it is my son’s birthday too today!! He is 25 and wow, I can’t believe that he is 25 already. I just got remarried 7 months ago and he and his girlfriend came to visit with us this past weekend. We enjoyed such a nice time with them. I am proud to be his Mom. I will continue to pray for my children every day. God is in control.

  6. Karen,

    How sweet! I was born at 12:31 am on my dad’s birthday. For as many years as I can remember he always woke me and when I became an adult and was out with friends I always called him at that exact time. Sadly, he passed the year he turned sixty for diabetic complications and that has now been 30 years. I still miss those calls

    My two boys l9 and almost 23 – ths coming Saturday…always got wished HB at the time they were born and they both remember it fondly.

    Rejoice in the time you have him home and around and not in college. Hug and wish that smiling guy a super happy birthday! I can tell he has a tenderheart looking at his picture and I promise you he may be dreaming of the girl he hopes to marry but deep down he will love that his mom is that special girl now.


  7. My Son Sam shares your son’s birthday and he is turning 15 today as well!! Clearly I blinked and he went from the two-year-old running around my bedroom in his Superman cape to the handsome 15 year old I watched board the school bus this morning. He is truly one of the most precious blessings in my life!
    Happy Birthday to my Sam…and your Spencer!

  8. If I tried to wake my younger daughter at the time she was born, she would kill me. She was born 1:40am.
    Amazingly terrific, fantastically wondrous, brilliantly blessed birthday to the birthday boy. I hope you both enjoy the day.

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