Answer Envy & Giveaway with Teske Drake
Before today’s post, a few updates: Would you like to get my posts automatically in your email inbox? Click here. Or follow me on Twitter? Pinterest or Facebook? I’d love to connect with you as we encourage each other.
Also….do you struggle with “Mama Mouth? Need help controlling your tongue and your temper when you can’t always control the look of the house or the actions of your family members who live there? There is help! Sign up for my free 5-day “Pause Before You Pounce” challenge. Short, practical devotions with a simple challenge of the day and a memory verse for the series. Click here to sign up.
But wait–want even MORE freebies? To find out how you can make one simple book purchase from us at Proverbs 31 Ministries and automatically get over $75 worth of mothering freebies including ebooks, helpful printables, Mp3 messages, sample chapters and a Bible reading log from some of my favorite mothering authors, click here. But hurry! Offer ends May 31st.
And finally…question for you–do you love a party?
If so, don’t forget to join me Saturday night as I host an online Facebook party with Candace Cameron Bure (you remember her–DJ Tanner from Full House?) as we watch her new movie Finding Normal at 9pm on the GMC channel.
Candace herself will be hopping on to chat with us live as we watch the movie in our homes while we also connect as friends on Facebook.
Click here for details.
Have you joined us after reading my Encouragement for Today devotion entitled Answer Envy? Thanks for clicking over. {Not read the devotion? Click here to do so}
In the devotion I talked about my struggle years ago to have a baby. So today I am asking my friend Teske to join us.
Teske Drake is a mommy to three babies in heaven, mother to two on earth, and wife to her one and only, Justin.
Inspired by her own loss experiences, Teske serves as co-founder and President of Mommies with Hope, a biblically-based support group ministry for women who have experienced the loss of a child through miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant loss.
Teske is the author of Hope for Today, Promises for Tomorrow: Finding Light Beyond the Shadow of Miscarriage or Infant Loss (Kregel, 2012) and she leads women to live in hope at
I have asked Teske to hop on today to respond to comments about dealing with loss, especially in the area of having children. You will love her gentle spirit and helpful perspective.
Also today, Teske is giving away a copy of her book, Hope for Today, Promises for Tomorrow: Finding Light Beyond the Shadow of Miscarriage or Infant Loss, along with a “Hope Journal” (a great accompaniment to the book, which calls for reflection and journaling throughout), and a $10 Panera Gift Card.
This is a hope-filled gift for you or a friend whose traveled the tough road of loss and infertility.
So let’s chat. Do you ever struggle with “Answer Envy”? In what areas?
Have you or a friend or loved one experienced heartache in the area of having children?
Tell us about it. One commenter will be chosen to receive Teske’s giveaway. Winner announced Monday.
Oh Karen, I am so glad I did not delete your Proverbs 31 devotional from May 17th (i was away and couldn’t read it.)
God’s timing is definitely perfect. I have been in God’s waiting room waiting for a good and Godly man for 25 years. (Seems overwhelming to actually write that.) I can see the Lord’s hand in protection, as He has removed unhealthy relationships throughout my life. When I was 30 I asked Him to remove from my heart the desire to be a mother if that was never His plan for me. He lovingly removed that desire. I am thankful for that wonderful blessing in my life.
I have found the church is not the safest place for single women. It seems to be socially acceptable to be a male and single in the church, but not if you are a woman. I have been asked if I have ever prayed for a husband, if I wore dresses everyday a man would like that but the worst is being told I am a homewrecker simply because I am a a single woman in her mid-40’s. Christian women my age tend to be suspect of single women the same age. This pain hasn’t made my waiting easier.
The only place I have found where I can deal with all my pain, disappointments and unmet expectations is at the foot of the cross. Thankfully, I have a risen Saviour who cares more about my singleness than I do. My worth is not based upon whether I have a man in my life, even when that is how many in the church measures worth.
Thank you so much for your post, it was a great encouragement to me.
Blessings to you