Children’s HopeChest Trip Winner
You may recall the post where I introduced you to my friend Tom Davis CEO of Children’s HopeChest. This fabulous organization provides hope to impoverished communities, orphans and women caught in the sex-trafficking trade. So many of you reached out to Tom wanting to know how you could help in their mission.
Then Tom was a presenter at our Proverbs 31 Ministries She Speaks Conference in July. There he shared the passion and mission of Children’s HopeChest and even gave away a trip to one attendee. Now, I’m happy to announce that winner……
Holly Gallagher is HopeChest’s Moldova Trip Giveaway winner! A frequent speaker at women’s and youth conferences, Holly is passionate about sharing Christ’s love with those she meets, using her gifts of encouragement, humor and enthusiasm.
Mother of three and wife to Lynn, Holly is a midwesterner at heart. She grew up in North Iowa and at the moment is knee-deep in boxes as her family prepares to move to Florida.
Holly, we are excited you’ll be on the Moldova Trip. Congratulations!
Call to Action for She Speaks Attendees
She Speaks 2013 made one thing clear. You are gifted with the power of story, and God can use it.
Children’s HopeChest invites you to explore using your gifts on behalf of the world’s most vulnerable children and their communities. Our vision is to empower these communities to survive, thrive and succeed through relational partnerships with churches, networks and influencers like you.
Through HopeChest, you can use your blog or platform to advocate for kids in poverty; travel to see what God is doing up-close; build a partnership with HopeChest through your church or network; or raise support team-style for a cause you’re really passionate about.
In a few days, you’ll hear from Tom Davis, HopeChest’s president and CEO, inviting you to join the HopeChest’s efforts around the world. I hope you’ll prayerfully consider how God can use you and your platform to give vulnerable children the voice and hope they deserve.
{For more on Children’s HopeChest click here.}
I really can’t put into words (not good for a speaker:)) the impact that the She Speaks conference has had on my life. The presence of the Lord was so evident throughout the conference, through the Proverbs 31 staff, the speakers and workshop leaders, our speaker coach and evaluation group and the other participants. What a Spirit-filled conference! The encouragement that God has gifted us with the power of a story and the charge to use it made such an impact on me. I was again “speechless” when I learned that I had won the Children’s HopeChest mission trip. I am so humbly grateful for the opportunity to reach out with the love of Christ in Moldova. I have been a bit of an “ostrich” when it comes to human trafficking…I know it is there…but it seems easier to stick my head in the sand and hope it goes away. It is time to get my head out of the sand and use Jesus’ words of hope to reach out in love to these women and children. And to use my story to help the other “ostriches” out there to do the same. A HUGE thank you to She Speaks Conference and to Children’s HopeChest. Blessings, Holly Gallagher
As far as the ostrich attitude….it is time to “Let. It. Go.”