The Ministry & Mission of Motherhood {Giveaway from Sally Clarkson}
NOTE: The winners of our new Proverbs 31 devotional Encouragement for Today are:
Polly Scheider
Becky Wearich
Tori L.
Jenny Martin
Congrats ladies! Please send you name and mailing address (along with what it is that you won) to my intern at [email protected]
Are you a mom? Ever feel worn out and weary from plugging away at this often over-looked role in society?
My friend Sally Clarkson, author, speaker and homeschooling mentor, has been there. She is a wise and gentle friend whose words and prayers have helped so many moms keep a proper perspective while in the trenches of motherhood.
Sally is the mother of four children, a popular conference speaker, and the author of numerous books and articles on Christian motherhood and parenting, including The Mission of Motherhood, The Ministry of Motherhood, and Seasons of a Mother’s Heart. In 1994, she and Clay started Whole Heart Ministries to encourage and equip Christian parents to raise wholehearted Christian children. Since 1998, Sally has ministered to thousands of mothers through Mom Heart Conferences, and more recently through her blog, (for Christian women).
Today, I am giving away a copy of each of her books below:
The Ministry of Motherhood
In a personal and devotional style, Sally addresses how a mother can spiritually shape and influence the precious hearts and lives entrusted to her care by looking to the life and ministry of Jesus. She examines the relationship between Jesus and his disciples, and suggests a plan for influencing children for Christ using the acrostic GIFTS: Grace, Inspiration, Faith, Training and Service. It is an uncomplicated yet strategic plan for passing on crucial gifts to your children. In the dailyness of providing for your children’s physical, emotional, and social needs, Sally helps you ensure that vital opportunities for spiritual nurture and training are not lost in the shuffle. Using biblical wisdom and practical teachings, Sally shows how you can make a lasting difference in your child’s life by following the pattern Christ set with his own disciples. The LifeGIFTS model will inspire and equip you to embrace the rewarding, desperately needed, and immeasurably valuable ministry of motherhood.
In The Mission of Motherhood Sally explores the “big picture” biblical design of God for motherhood. It is a vision that transcends cultures and trends.
Drawing on challenging insights from Scripture enlightened by her own experiences as a mother for 18 years, Sally paints a biblical and very personal portrait of motherhood that reveals the heart of God for all mothers of all times. This book, filled with personal anecdotes and stories, will refresh your vision for biblical motherhood, renew your commitment to your precious children, and prayerfully bring the reviving Spirit of God into your home and family.
If you’d like to be entered in the drawing to win a copy of either of Sally’s encouraging books, leave a comment telling us about your mothering. What are your kids ages? Their interests? Your current greatest mothering challenge. Any “mom talk” you’d like.
Go ahead, comment away :)
I have a 4 year old son and a 1 year old daughter. It is such a joy to be their Mom. When I was younger and dreaming about being a stay-at-home Mom to kiddos, I think I assumed that you just fall right into it. I am realizing what a serious task and wonderful calling it truly is. I am trying to be more intentional with my “training” and trying to study wise women who gone before me on this journey. My biggest challenge currently is being tired and fighting the selfishness of just wanting “a break”, the urge to do the easy thing rather than intentionally engaging with them when I can.
I have 4 boys, ages 13, 10, 7, and 4. Our youngest has some developmental delays, but I admire our older 3 (especially, the older 2) who play special games with him and get him to talk. I am continually impressed with how their minds work and the subjects about which they ask questions. Yes they rough house and giggle over the silliest things and Legos are our best friend/tool/inventions. And yes, there are times when their creativity drives me up a wall but then again when they are around I never have to open a door or carry a package or because their Dad has and is teaching them to be gentlemen (just like him).
Hi! I’m a mom of three, an 8, 5, and 1 year old. My biggest challenge is juggling school with the two while taking care of the almost 2 year old. :) I just started a book study with women from my church on Seasons of a Mother’s Heart. I would love to read Sally’s other books as well! Thanks!
I’m a SAHM to my kiddos who are 4.5, 2.5, and 7 months. The older two are very energetic and I am SO TIRED! My biggest challenge currently is learning how to discipline gently and effectively. I am also currently weighing school options as my oldest will be kindergarten she next year.
I have five children from 15 down to 3. They are definitely reflective of a classroom, as they are all sooo different~from ability and talent to interests. I am very much an attachment parent. My challenge in this season is needing renewal of vision! Sometimes there come seasons of just doing life and losing it’s essence….
I’m a mom of 4 boys (3,5,7, and 9) whom I homeschool. They’re great kids. My greatest challenge is to let them be wild at heart but not wild all together, ha!
My boys are 6 and 10. They enjoy soccer, karate, music and MATH! I’m having a hard time letting them do things they can do themselves, but it’s faster for me to do. I need to make decisions looking ahead. So hard when they cry and complain now.
I am the mother of two–a girl and a boy, ages 11 and 9. I love my little munchkins, but we are having a difficult time parenting our boy. He just doesn’t seem to get some things. I don’t know what more we can do. So all I can do is pray. He’s a good kid, just a couple rough spots like the rest of us. Me? I’m learning how to take and make time for myself. I have chosen exercise as my alone time because I need the stress relief and the other health benefits of exercise
My daughter will be 2 on friday. Just one child but feels like two children some days. She is very energetic and active, and that’s putting it mildly. However I have seen changes come to her as I have tried to be mommy and not just her friend. We read the bible together, pray together; and bless God she has started taking naps and sleeping at night without me lying by her side. Great feat accomplished there
I have 2 stepsons — 8 & 15. They are into sports. I’m trying to find ways to subtly show Christ to them rather than beating them over the head with a Bible. :) We also hope to have more children in the future.
My son is now 18 and a freshman in our local community college. He is living with us this first year because we feel that there are still life lessons to be taught. In a world that tells you an 18 year old is an adult, we beg to differ. I have Christian friends and family members that feel their parenting duties end at the age of 18. NO! To me this is even a more crucial time to parent. Although we allow our son to make certain decisions, we are still there to guide him, give him advice, and steer him away from very bad decisions. We are still very hands on, without being overly protective. He has seen the hand of God do things in our family. He has seen the doors open and the doors close. Because he knows we love him and want the best for him (God’s best), he is submissive to our authority. We’ve done this with lots of love and with unwavering determination that we were going to do what we felt God wanted us to do. (as unpopular as it might be!) It was tough for him as a younger teenager, but not that he is older, he can see the big picture of why we did what we did. I feel this has and will continue to equip him to make wise choices and seek discernment from the Holy Spirit when is 6 hours away from us next year and “on his own”. The Lord is also teaching this mother to let go a little at a time, and reinforcing the absolute truth that HE has my son in His hands and that HE has everything under control! Praise the Lord!
Hi! I am a busy home schooling mom of six – ages 10, 8,8,7,5,and 3. They have a variety of interests ranging from playing tennis to golf to playing board games. Homeschooling five of the six this year has been a great challenge but a huge blessing too. I would say my biggest challenge though is … My husband is a trucker and is gone a lot of the time and I know he is a phone call away but a lot of the responsibility of discipline and training falls to me and I feel I fall way short on how and when in this. Often feel overwhelmed and sometimes defeated as I try hard with the Lords help to raise a Godly family…. 5 boys and 1 girl. I don’t have a very close friend to help and encourage me… I did but The Lord took her home very unexpectedly and I have struggled there too. Thank you for reaching out to us struggling moms and offering tools to help and encourage us.
I am a mother to 3 wonderful kids, Makenna, age 13; Braden, age 10, and Rilynn, age 6. Between the beginning of teen years with my daughter and my youngest who believes she is more like 16……I struggle to find balance and just “time” with my kids. My husband works full-time and I work full-time at our church, which is more of a 24/7 job, but I LOVE IT.. However, I do not want my job to come before my family, however important it is.
I have a two and five year old. I teach yoga and am a SAHM. My hubby works oncall schedule 24/7 and is gone days at a time, we live 12 hours from family. Even though some days are long and hard, I couldn’t be more blessed!! I too struggle with balance sometimes and have been guilty of being a Martha instead of a Mary.
I have a 7, 3, and 1 year old boys. They are into anything boy and are very active. My greatest challenge is finding balance in everyday task, but also trying to find significant time with my boys that isn’t disciplining all the time.
I have 3 – 11, 9, 7. Homeschooling is my biggest struggle right now.
We are blessed with a beautiful daughter Grace who is almost 2 years old. She is an amazing child! She helps me when I just don’t know what to do anymore. I struggle so much with my temper, patience, and the loss of control and cleanliness that come with mothering a toddler. I am so thankful for this blog and all the other moms who have shared. It is the answer to my prayers and gives me hope and lets me know I am not alone. God bless you all!!
I have an 8 year old daughter and 6 year old son. My biggest challenge is raising them to realize that God will always provide us what we need, and that may not always match what we want. “Stuff” is just stuff and yes it is nice to have, but not necessary.
My sons are 3 and 15 months. They are super active and really enjoy having fun. My greatest challenge is raising them in a godly home because neither my husband nor I were raised in Christian homes so we need God to lead us every step of the way!
I have 4 kids. My only son is 15 1/2, then my oldest daughter is 12 1/2, next one is 6 1/2 and my youngest is 4 months old. Parenting is by far the toughest job ever. Training character into their lives is something I strive to do, but with so much worldly influence….even though I try to shelter them, it is so hard. I’ve read so many books on parenting and don’t ever want to stop learning.
I am a mothering of five ages 18, 16, 8, 5, and 21 months. They love family activities and sports. my biggest challenge right now is scheduling, juggling it all, having 21 month old who gets in bed with us nightly and adjusting to my 18 year old being pregnant
I am the mom of 3, Andrew 20, Elizabeth 17 and Bradley 8. Although have my 3rd so long after my first two, I feel it makes me be able to relate to moms of all ages and stages. I am always looking for books to help me mentor other moms. Thanks for sharing!
I have a 9 year old daughter and a 6 year old son. My son is into everything sports and my daughter is into everything artsy, music, and dramatic. My biggest challenge is balancing everything effectively.
I am a mother to a very quiet, laid back 8 year old boy and a lively 6 year old girl.
It has taken sometime but I do realize parenting is a ministry. And having 2 children who are total oppisite can be challanging but always rewarding.
Thanks for the chance to win this book. Sure sounds like it can be helpful.
-Colleen G.
My daughter just turned four weeks! This is my first child, and I absolutely LOVE being a mama! :)