Giveaway with Ruth Simons of Gracelaced



Profile hi rezI want you to meet my friend and fellow blogger in ministry at The Better Mom,  Ruth Simons.

It’s only by the grace of God that Ruth considers motherhood to 6 young boys a high and worthy calling. She’s been married almost 16 years to her headmaster husband, who was formerly a pastor for 10 years.Ruth educates her children at home part-time, through a Classical Christian school they were part of founding in Albuquerque, NM. She is an artist, foodie, and writer who shares her heart at her blog, GraceLaced. There, you will find her writing about the everyday moments in which the Gospel intersects the beautiful and the banal as a wife, mom, and child of the King.

While she has been blogging for the last 7 years, the GraceLace Shoppe has only been open since November 2013. Ruth is so grateful for this new season in her life where she is able to create and point to the Master Artist with her artwork. Visit her blog and shoppe at GraceLaced, and connect with her, behind the scenes, on Facebook and Instagram.

Here are some of Ruth’s gorgeous products PERFECT for Mother’s Day. {Please order by midnight Monday, May 5th for delivery by Mother’s Day. Ships to US and Canada only}

Pink Peonies WM

Aren’t they lovely? As a woman who can barely draw a stick figure, I am so in awe of her talent!

Now, for her giveaway. To enter, simply head over and “Like” Ruth’s Facebook page. {click here to find it} Then, come back here and tell us you did and which of the two prints she is giving away is your favorite. You may enter until 7:00 am Monday morning. Winners announced Monday.

Here are the two prints she is generously giving away, both based on verses from Proverbs 31:

Call Her Blessed WM8×10 of “Call Her Blessed”
-reproduction of an original watercolor with hand lettering, professionally printed on heavyweight, linen-textured paper
8×10 “Clothed With Strength and Dignity”
-reproduction of an original watercolor with hand lettering, professionally printed on heavyweight, linen-textured paper


Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Clothed with Strength is my favorite. It reminds me of my friend who is in an ugly season in her life. But she has to go through it to get to her happy ending.

  2. Wow! Thank you for introducing me to gracelaced! Ruth’s artwork is eye catching and rich with beauty! I love both the proverbs prints. The rise and call her blessed is probably my favorite of the two, but I am doing a little woman’s brunch and the strength and dignity verse has been on my heart. I would love to Adorn my walls with her work. Thank you again for sharing. I am now a definite fan of hers on her Facebook page!

  3. Already “liked” on FB ……… I like the “Clothed with strength and dignity”. Beautiful work!

  4. Love all of her work…best scripture print I like is Called her blessed…I have liked her page also!

  5. I “liked” her Facebook page and shared her website with my daughter who is an art major. Love Ruth’s work and her heart! I LOVE “call her blessed”~hope to buy that sometime but I think my Mom would love the “strength and dignity” print so I hope to win that for her.

  6. I liked her page, and I’m glad I did! :-) i love the “blessed mother” print. So lovely….

  7. I like her page, and I love them both, but especially the colors in “They call her blessed”.

  8. I have already liked her on Facebook and both prints are just beautiful! I think I like “Call her Blessed” the best :)

  9. Love them both, but the one saying Her children rise up and call her blessed is my favorite of the two. So pleased to like her Facebook page!

  10. Love love love both these prints! My favorite is “Her children rise & call her blessed” beautiful talent!

  11. I love them both. I would be honored to have either print! But I do love “call her blessed” the best :-)

  12. Liked her FB page and absolutely love her art work. I Love the print that has the “Clothed in strength and dignity!” verse.

  13. I liked her page on Facebook. Beautiful artwork but liked “Call her Blessed” print best.

  14. What absolutely beautiful artwork! I liked her on Facebook, and like the “children rise up and call her blessed” print best ~ lovely.

  15. Liked her on fb. I like the colors on “call her blessed” but like the verse on”clothed with strength and dignity”. :)

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