Proverbs 31:28 Etsy Necklace giveaway from Designing4One
A sweet online friend who has a fabulous Etsy shop has offered to give away a necklace today. Be sure to leave a comment by Monday June 16 on what you think is an important quality of a mom for your chance to win this fantastic necklace for you or a special mom you know!
This beautiful necklace is made out of a hammered vintage silverplated spoon, hammered penny charm, rhinestone cross, and brass heart, all hung on a 24′ ball chain.
The necklace is on verse Proverbs 31:28, her children rise up and called her blessed. Sometimes it is a long time until your kids rise up and call you blessed but at least this necklace will do it for you in the mean time.
To take a peek at the necklace in Designing4One’s Etsy store, click here.
To be humble and say I’m sorry, I messed up, will you please forgive me. Showing your children your brokenness is what Jesus wants.
Truthfully I think the most important qualities of a mom would be faith driven, patience, respect and LOVE. Children are a blessing, but raising them is the hardest job there is. You have to be a role model for them and since they look up to you and mimic most of everything you do you have to be the to lay the set the path, so they can follow them. Showing your children how to love and being there for them is truly one of the best qualities a mom can have… Time is free you just need to add worth to it.
Patience like Job! Teenagers and rambunctious grade schoolers will always test your patience. But I know…these are the golden days. I will REALLY miss them when my kids are grown and live far away.
Pray first; assures God is in control.
Bring a woman of prayer. There is no power greater.
Grace and kindness
Wisdom. To know when to correct, teach, to practice patience. I think wisdom covers a multitude of areas.
Love them and respect
Offer grace and love like Jesus, pray constantly.
Put Christ in first place….let your children follow you, following Christ. IMPOSSIBLE to do in our own strength – only by His grace day by day!!! :)
I think it is important to be honest with your children and to teach them to respect others.
A Godly mother is full of grace and full of the fruit of the Spirit.
Great listening skills!
It is important to treat your childre, spouse and others with respect, and to love God first
A mom should put God first always. A mom should be quick to listen slow to speak…be loving , joyful, a referee (promoter of peace) , patient, kind , good to others , faithful to her husband and children, gentle, and have self control.
God fearing woman!
Love like Christ
Unconditional Love and patient.
Patience is the most important quality that helps me with parenting.
Praying for children and self. Sacrificing
I think the most important quality a mother should have is to be a hugging, kissing, meddling until it hurts, cooking, trying to be understanding, not a bestfriend, and to talk over your children in the name of God EVERYDAY. Make sure you do the first two every hour on the hour and the last thing on my list in the morning when they wake up and when they go to bed. Oh, and the last and final thing or two final things always say you love them and the next is listen to your children even when they are older.
The most important quality of a mother is love. Love encompasses respect for your child, a willingness to let them go when the child gorws up, a love of God that is translated through your actions, words and deeds.
Unconditional love and devotion to the Truth.
Being faithful.