Proverbs 31:28 Etsy Necklace giveaway from Designing4One
A sweet online friend who has a fabulous Etsy shop has offered to give away a necklace today. Be sure to leave a comment by Monday June 16 on what you think is an important quality of a mom for your chance to win this fantastic necklace for you or a special mom you know!
This beautiful necklace is made out of a hammered vintage silverplated spoon, hammered penny charm, rhinestone cross, and brass heart, all hung on a 24′ ball chain.
The necklace is on verse Proverbs 31:28, her children rise up and called her blessed. Sometimes it is a long time until your kids rise up and call you blessed but at least this necklace will do it for you in the mean time.
To take a peek at the necklace in Designing4One’s Etsy store, click here.
I think the most important quality for a mom is to be a steadfast prayer warrior. By continually lifting up her home in prayer, a mother is correctly positioned before the Lord to be used by him. She can also model for her children the power of prayer and the need to bring all things before the Lord.
A mother has to have to many Christ-like qualities, but one that I think is so important for our children is to be a good listener. As they are growing up and not understanding what is going on with their minds and their bodies, we, as mothers, have to be there to listen. Then we will guide them if needed.
Grace and more grace:)
I believe utter sacrifice and love for their children are absolutely necessary for all the moms in the world
Forgiveness and love
I think the most important quality of a mom is for her to have Christ first in her life so that she can always point her children to the One who holds the answers and who holds her children’s futures. I want my children to see Jesus in my words, actions and attitudes.
An important quality is to be a good example of how to be a wife and mother that strives to follow Christ. Many times daughters grow-up to emulate their Moms and sons look for a wife who is similar to his own Mom. Being a Godly example will give her children a great foundation to work from!
An important quality is faith. We teach by example.
I really want to not just talk about God but I want my kids to see how important the Bble ,Jesus, fruits of the Spirit etc ate so that they will see these things modeled and thus walk in God’s way. The thing I know I need to do better with is patience-both in words,tone and body language-patience is a fruit of the Holy Spirit and I do want these fruits manifested in me. The patience needs to be worked on both towards ny husband and children. One other thing, though no one but God may see or hear, I must be more faithful and specific when praying for my children and husband and I want my children to be covered in prayer and to also become men of prayer.
Thanks for the chance to win.
To allow God’s love to come through her…to her kids and her husband.
there will be plenty of days that a mom just wouldn’t be able to give the grace necessary without Gid.
Unconditional love they can feel and know in their heart : )
To set the example for her children by being a woman who loves God before than and more than anything else.
Faithfulness – in grace, in forgiveness, in love, in prayer.
Unconditional love is most important as well as love for Christ.
I have four children that I have carried under my heart for nine months. I am a blessed woman and love them dearly. I have encouraged them to be all they can be for the Kingdom of God..
A mom who prays
To live in the moment with her children.
Being a Mom is a special job that God granted. It is not necessarily by having biological children….adoption, surrogate, close friends, etc. it’s an honor. What is the most important quality? Everyone has unique gifts that God is revealing on a daily basis. We are supposed to live by example and remember Gods word. Every mom was chosen and hand picked to be given gifts of children. They are not ours anyway. Make everyday count.
I think the most important quality for a mom is to make it a priority to have a close relationship with Jesus by reading His Word and then you will be able to avail yourself of the grace and strength to love as Jesus loves.
Remember it’s ok to feel overwhelmed and it’s ok to not have all the answers. God has this. God chose you to be their mom. So breathe.