The Mended Heart giveaway by Suzanne Eller
I’m super excited to introduce my friend, Suzanne and she is our guest posting today on mending the heart. Be sure to leave a comment on today’s post for a downloadable chapter from her book, The Mended Heart and a chance to win a giveaway book.
Now meet my friend Suzanne.
Suzie is an International Proverbs 31 Ministries speaker and author, former radio co-host, and Bible Gateway blogger. She’s a woman who believes that our past shapes us, but does not limit us! (Read Suzie’s story). She has been featured on programs such as Focus on the Family, Aspiring Women, The Harvest Show, KLOVE, It’s a Miracle, MidDay Connection, DayStar, and hundreds of other radio and television programs. She served as co-host of the syndicated radio show, Encouragement Cafe with host Luann Prater.
Recently I was interviewed on a radio station. In the midst of the interview, the host asked:Suzie, what is the Jesus’ factor? This was my response.
The Jesus Factor is that not only did He come to release us from our sin, but to release us from the hold of other’s sin upon our hearts and lives.
Suddenly, on live radio, the host wasn’t able to speak. When she finally did, she said that she had been molested as a young girl by a respected community member. She had taken steps to heal, but she said, “I have always felt marked by his actions.”
For the first time she understood the power of the cross. It wasn’t just about her sin, but the healing power Jesus held out for her for the damage upon her young heart by another’s sin.
That sums up why I am so grateful that you are helping me to get the word out. Whether 1000 books sell or 100,000, my prayer is that women will grab hold of Jesus’ mission statement in Luke 4:18-19: I have come to heal the brokenhearted.
And that truth will transform them from broken to whole, forever changed by an encounter with Christ.
All will be able to download and read Sample Chapters: The Mended Heart Sample (Actual download link is:
One lucky winner will receive a copy of Suzanne’s The Mended Heart. Please leave a comment how the healing of Jesus’ love mended your heart.
Is it too late to enter? .. I hope not. I sure hope I have a chance at a great book by a great writer.
God has mended my heart at least twice in very huge ways. First He loved me and forgave me from unfaithfulness and years of quilt. He drew me to Him and He became my Savior. He also loved me so dearly He walked with me when our son was killed in an accident at the age of 23. His peace and presence was amazing!
I have spent my whole life feeling like I have no idea who I really am. I used to see this as a burden but know I see it as a beautiful blessing. I only want and need to know who I am in Him. I can be free to let go and follow Him.
I am so new to this writing on a blog. I had been sent the proverbs 31 Ministries that had your message on it. I was so inspired especially at this time.
It is late and I am just thanking you for being YOU and will follow you.
Tomorrow morning my husband of 56 years will be walking out our door. He has found and apt. and has said he does not love me nore has he loved me for yrs. That one hurt.
I warned him of his vow he made to me and the Lord of staying together in sickness and health till death parts us. He was even told by his minister (he does not want me to go to his church) to go back home and 2 other people told him the same. He said he has chosen to leave and will worry about it later.
He left last yr for 6 months but found out he could not pay two rents. I let him back with the promise he would not leave until I died and he PROMISED.
Well so much for promise He leaves again tomorrow and has found a room mate (male) to share expenses so he wont be backl and I don’t think I could go through him leaving again.. Sorry for the pity party. I am not a well woman and can use the help that he gave when here.
I will go slow and try to figure this out. Family is saying they do not want to talk about it and that they love us both. hummm IF not for JESUS who do I lean on? Thank GOD for him and his Son. I have bad habit of trying to fix things myself. I hope I know better this time and turn it over to GOD>
Thanks for listen to my poor self. going to be 75 in SEPT and never thought I would be where I am now. One more thing is we have NO family closer than over 2 hours away that is a little scaryl.
There’s a song that has these lines”Looking back Jesus thru’ my life you were everywhere, picking up the pieces i scattered there ,holding them for me till my heart could care”. The pieces He is picking up now is my broken heart, I have not mended as yet but I know the broken pieces are safely held in the palms of His hands until that day.Despite my broken heart, I feel His love enfolding me.
When I went through my divorce my father in law was very mean and hurtful. I was fortunate not to have to deal with him after the divorce, but then my sons father passed away and I knew I would have to deal with Larry again. I knew I couldn’t keep Mason from his dad’s family because of one mean man, I pray daily for this relationship. I see progress. I have forgiven Larry all the mean and hurtful things he has said to and about me.
Hello Suzie and Karen.
Your post from June 30th blessed me so much that I had to go buy the Mended Hearts book (so don’t enter me in the contest).
I am facing marital separation and divorce after my husband’s adultery and abandonment. This is the most difficult trial I have been through in my life but through it all God is teaching me so much and I am learning to lean on Him like never before.
I just wanted to let you know what a blessing your book has been to me as I’ve been reading it the past two weeks.
God bless you!
The Lord is continuing to heal my heart in such specific ways. It’s amazing how a song, a message, a book, a friend is used to speak truth into those hidden away places in my heart.
The Lord continues to heal me, as He wants me to share the testimony of the passing of my son with others. How He continues to comfort me, embrace me with His love, overwhelms me with His peace, blesses me by revealing His gifts to me (whether it be a beautiful sunset in the sky, a warm breeze, playing my son’s favorite song on the radio…….and more).
My twin-sister and I were adopted at age two. As a result I always had difficulty trusting others and opening up my heart – not until I re-dedicated my life to Jesus and begin finding my worth and comfort in the Word did I start to be healed.
There are so many days that I feel defeated. There are many days that I don’t feel loved by those around me, or feel that I have let them down. Being reminded that God has agape love for us all is something that blows me away daily. No matter how I may struggle or fail in my daily life, he will always be there to pick me up and mend the broken pieces.
This devotion touched me intensely as I am constantly praying to God perhaps like so many others to heal my broken heart. Sometime of often times my heart is tethered from emotional struggles. I intend to go with # 1 – Goggle it ! Using Bible gate way to find various bible verses relating to my situation. I would so much appreciate winning
your book “Let it Go!” These 3 words I’ve for some time now have planted into my being
and constantly recited same to myself. Once I have fully come to the point of FULLY letting go and trusting God, I truly feel my fragile heart will then be more at peace.
Knowing how much He loves me healed my heart knowing that I don’t have to perform for Him to love me. My heart never knew this and I had always felt the need to perform for God and others to gain their love
For years, I’ve struggled with low self-esteem, self rejection, insecurities, and just blinded… I faced sexual abuse as a child by a family member, and other horrible things….. and in my adult life, I struggled to find my self worth through sleeping with me. All I wanted to be was LOVED. I gave my heart to Jesus when I was 18 after leaving an abusive relationship, and as a babe in Christ I experienced church abuse. Backslid, did some things, and Jesus pulled at me….so years later, at 29 years old I’m JUST learning how to walk in grace. I’ve been through depression, suicide attempt, but the ENTIRE time JEsus was there with me. The ENTIRE time. When I tried to take a bottle of pills, He was there. When I sat in my room and just cried in the middle of the night, he was there. When no one called me or checked up on me in my depressed state, He was there the WHOLE time. One day, He gave me the strength to rise up from my ashes and make a new beginning for myself. Each day, He’s pushing me towards purpose. I can’t say that it’s been an easy ride, but I rest in His grace and His love and I know that He is constantly renewing me. All I wanted was love and my need for love and the abuse I’ve endured had me blinded to the fact that I had love–Jesus. He WAS there…despite of my bad childhood, despite of the fact that I defiled myself time and time again to numb the pain I was feeling, the broken relationships. Through His word, He redeems me, saves me, delivers me, renews me, washes me, cleanses me, and makes me whole. And now I know that He loves me and I have no need to look for another. He IS LOVE..
First, let me say, I’m a ‘work in progress.’ Every time I become content, reveling in God’s power and healing, something happens to let me know I am “not there yet”!
One of the biggest emotional healing that God has given me was the restoration of my mother’s faith and respect in me– she always loved me, but we were two very different people. Often I felt she despised me because I could not pursue the same dreams she had. I longed for her to hug me and tell me how proud she was of me! I graduated from college in 1996 at the ripe old age of 46, and she finally did! What a blessing to hear those words come out of her mouth!
Jesus is still working on healing me. I think I am holding him back.
Waiting is HARD !! I love your ideas.
It would be healing for me to read your book. Thanks
My husband is a pastor and he is currently preaching a series called “Under Armor.” His series is based on Eph 6:10-20. He spoke about the shield of Faith and mentioned exactly what we as in the Devo about immersing ourselves in God’s Word. I was recently challenged again by Kingdom Woman to pray and claim God’s Word. As a pastor’s wife our family so often feels the fire as my husband preaches on a specific topic and/or the counseling hours rev up from the spiritual battle. Bible Gateway is going to become a great friend of mine as I always seem to be in need of specific verses for our family or sisters in our church. Thank you!
Before I started walking closely with Jesus, I had horrible panic attacks. Those were some very dark days of my life. For a long time I took medication to help control my crazy thoughts and fears but I knew that was not the long term answer. Slowly, with the help of my husband, we worked through the pain and fear and discovered the source of the panic………a 5 yr old little girl who felt abandoned. That was the beginning of the healing and when I would turn to God in my time of fear, speaking out loud to satan, who attacks our weakest areas………” I am a child of God! There is no room in my life for your lies! Go away and leave me alone!” Some days I had to do this several times a day. It wasn’t long before the attacks were fewer and shorter in duration and then they were gone. No more drugs, just Jesus.
When I discovered I couldn’t have children, I walked through a long period of darkness until Jesus snatched me up and called me to Himself. I am secure in knowing that He has a great plan for my life, it is just different from what Ii envisioned.
My relationship with my father was strained as a child, but when the love of the Lord entered my heart, I was able to forgive him and love him with Jesus’ love and to see him with my Father’s eyes, as broken and hurting. That gave me such compassion for him.
He stooped for me, when I was younger but not a Christian, I now know he was there when I didn’t understand very well what that meant, after losing my son in 2011, he has helped me “mend” my heart and as he does this work in me it is beginning to show in other areas of my life. My husband is not a believer but slowly, he is also coming to realize that Jesus was with him along the way. We can only grow from here and I hope our lives can be a testimony to others. Thank you for your blog.
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God mended my heart through an outpouring of
Love and grace from my husband and church family. I fell into sin and was called out of it, but it became public and was humiliating. The grace shown to me by my husband and church friends was a balm for my wounded soul, and it was Jesus’ grace for my heart through them.