Red Hot Faith giveaway by Cindy Bultema
Today I am excited for you to meet my close friend and prayer pal Cindy Bultema who is guest posting on having faith that is Red Hot. Can I get an Amen? {I am on Cindy’s personal prayer team and she is on mine. I pray for her children and marriage and she prays for mine. Our combined seven kids and two hubbies owe us each a new pair of jeans because the knees on the ones we own now are worn right through!}
This girl lives her message and I am excited to have her share that message with you here. {Be sure to leave a comment on today’s post for a chance to win a leader’s pack, which includes the DVD teaching (8 lessons) plus leader’s guide and participant guide.}
Now meet Cindy.
Cindy loves the Lord, loves her family, and loves to celebrate! With nearly 20 years of ministry experience, Cindy is a popular women’s speaker, author, and Bible teacher. But don’t let her cheerful smile fool you—Cindy has endured single parenting, overcome bondage to addiction, and survived tragic loss. Sharing messages of God’s hope and redemption is now Cindy’s great delight. Her video-driven Bible study, Red Hot Faith: Lessons from a Lukewarm Church, was released in July 2014. Cindy lives in Michigan with her husband and their four kids.
Most days you can find Cindy walking her dog Rocky, attending one of her boys’ hockey games, or serving hot lunch at her kids’ school.
Is your faith life more fired up or fizzled out? How I long for a faith life filled with purpose, passion, spark, and meaning but truth be told —most days I feel caught up in the whirlpool of life. After long days jam-packed with a house full of kids, never-ending chores, and our zany dog—I barely have energy to change the sheets, much less change the world.
Maybe when my family life slows down, then I should serve. When I lose weight, then I’ll be more comfortable sharing my story. Or when I learn more Scripture verses, then I’ll be a better Bible teacher. In the meantime, it’s easy to settle into a lukewarm routine, filling my days being busy with “good” things, while allowing the “best” opportunities God has for me to pass on by.
I wonder if you can relate. You read about women who are moving mountains with their faith, blogging to billions, caring for orphans, and you want that life! You declare “Use me, Lord!” But when it’s time to talk to your neighbor, sign up to serve, or pray for the hurting friend, you hide behind your badge of busyness and settle in to accept comfort over calling, simplicity over serving, hiding instead of hospitality. Thankfully God never intended for “lukewarm” to become our norm.
I’ve found the key to living with fresh passion and purpose tucked in a letter to the ancient church of Laodicea, also known as Revelation 3:14-22. The people in that church were not very different from you and me today. They struggled with being lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—and Jesus had the perfect remedy for their lackluster faith.
Sweet friend, what if God has purpose for us in the midst of our most mundane days? What if we went from just “believing in God” to allowing Him to ignite every part of our faith lives? Let’s learn from the lukewarm church and say “no” to lives of complacency, staleness, and stagnation and instead pursue a life of Red Hot Faith!
Visit Cindy at
Now for the giveaway.
Someone will win Cindy’s Red Hot Faith leader’s pack. Leave a comment on how you said ‘NO’ to mundane living and yes to living a life of Red Hot Faith.
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Going through trials right now, as I read, and i live by my Faith on a daily basis. Yes-I say to Red Hot Faith. Somedays-though it’s mustard yellow and small as a seed, ever present ever passionate with God’s love just the same. Through a custody disbute my heart was stricken worse than I could ever imagine. So, I did what I know works- Grab God, a Bible and a good Church. Broken I jointed Hospitality trusted God to keep me close- I got close to others. Hurt I served the poor and needy- I got love and compassion and God served my every need. Broken I reached out my heart, as is….and got a mix of concussion, disappointments and LIFE. So God tells me my Faith “IS ” my lifeline. I hold it, He does the work. I walk, He moves. I pray, He answers. I trust, He supplies abundantly more than I can ask, dream or amagine. Just BELIEVE. [email protected]