Living So That Giveaway with Wendy Blight
Today I’m super excited to introduce my friend and fellow Proverbs 31 gal Wendy Blight! She is guest posting how we all struggle daily with faith-fully living in the mist of our peaks and valleys of life. Be sure to leave a comment on today’s post for a chance to win one of 2 copies of her new book.
Now meet my friend Wendy.
Wendy Blight is an InScribedStudies author, speaker, Bible study teacher, curriculum writer, attorney, wife and mother. Sparked with the desire and giftedness to share God’s Word, she teaches women to stand on Scripture, understand what it really says, and apply It in their daily lives.
She brings intensity and hard hitting reality to her teaching. Her messages and lessons share the specific verses and prayers that have transformed her heart and home.
She equips women to:
- Apply God’s Word in a way that makes it relevant to everyday circumstances
- Gain victory over trials and struggles through faithfully praying the Scriptures
- Write powerful and effective prayers for themselves and others
Wendy has authored two books. Her newest book Living So That: Making Faith-Filled Choices in the Midst of a Messy Life and Hidden Joy in a Dark Corner: The Transforming Power of God’s Story. She has also authored numerous Bible study curricula, teaching them live in Charlotte as well as through on-line studies.
And now, here is Wendy:
Do these thoughts sound familiar?
How am I gonna hold it all together today?
I know I should be kind, loving, patient and have self-control, but...
how can I be kind with that annoying coworker who always drinks my Diet Coke…
how can I not spew out words of anger at my husband who missed dinner with us yet again…
how can I hold my tongue with this child who again popped her little brother in the head after he stole the remote…
how can I refrain from joining in the gossip on our girls’ night out…
I know I should forgive, pray without ceasing, and trust God, but…
how can I forgive when my husband walked out on me after 15 years of marriage…
how can I offer one more prayer when a wayward child for whom I have faithfully prayed continues to rebel…
how can I not fear when nightmares from years of sexual abuse intrude upon my sleep…
how can I trust God as chemotherapy treatments wreak havoc in every cell in my body?
We struggle to live faith-fully in the midst of life-altering pain and heartache. We struggle to live faith-fully life in the midst of our crazy schedules…to balance it all and make decisions that honor God. We know what we’re supposed to do, but it’s so stinkin’ hard! We want to react with an understanding heart but find it impossible. We want to be nice but can’t hold our tongue. We want to forgive but can’t speak the words. We want to trust, but it’s just not there..
So how can I be who God wants me to be in the middle of this mess?
If you identified with any or all of the above, Living So That is for you!
Now for the giveaway. 
Two fabulous people will win a copy of Wendy’s book Living So That: Making Faith-Filled Choices in the Midst of a Messy Life. Simply leave a comment with an example about how arming yourself with God’s word helped you make faith-filled choices in the daily chaos of life. Or, tell us why you or someone you know needs this book!
You can learn more about Wendy {and get links to a free 5 day devotional & a free chapter from Living So That} by visiting
The biggest way that I notice “arming myself with God’s Word” has helped me is in my parenting. When I have God’s word on my heart and in my mind, it spills out in how I handle my sons. It makes it all better because it is the Spirit of God working on them and not just my words! :)
Excited for the chance to win Wendy’s book. I own the ebook and love it and would like to pass along a copy to my sister who is a new Christian.
I could use a copy of this book! Thanks for the giveaway!
I would really like a copy of the book. I struggle with keeping The Lord first in my life… Not meaning to put other things first but it happens. Taking care of our home, the children, homeschooling, etc… It can be overwhelming.
It is SO hard to wait on God and to trust that He is working all things out for our good. (Rom. 8:28) We long to know what the outcome will be of every major future event. There are family issues, financial issues and obedience issues to struggle with and I don’t know which set of issues are the hardest to trust Him for! Please pray that as God grows the Fruit of the Spirit that I will learn to trust Him for the abundant life He promised His children. I need to be ministering to others, and not being the one needing ministry.
I’m facing some big life decisions. It’s so hard to wait on God and trust Him when the future looks scary and uncertain. I want to know the answers now. No uncertainties! :) But I need to relay on God and trust Him as I walk into an unknown future.
Being in God’s word daily helps me throughout the whole day. I seem to have a better perspective for the day. I love the bible studies that you do Wendy. There is a lot of depth to them and your studies really dig into God’s word.
My struggle to let go with my daughter and school is why I ask for guidance today. I am torn, one side of me says to me this is Gods plan and this is where she needs to be but other side so NO she is not in the class she should be in! She is not getting the education that is right for her! I am praying for answers on what I should do.
I need this for when my in-laws are around. For some reason, I seem to forget that Jesus lives inside of me when they are here. It is something I am struggling to make better. Thanks!
December 2013 my mom became real sick and i knew relocating to help her would be a must. I am raising my grandchildren as well after their mom ; my daughter was killed in a motorcycle accident. So in order to move from Nebraska to Florida certain things had to be in place. Money, housing, school, and most importantly church. I was the women ministry leader st my church at the time and we had a good year. So driving back to Nebraska i prayed. God said trust me. So, i went to church the following day; mind you i did not tell anyone about the possibility of moving. My pastors wife came up and gave me a hug asking when i was leaving? I said, how did you know? She said the Lord told her. My response…we will see, God has to put things in order first. The next day….everyone one of my “requirements” was put in place. And we moved within 30 days. God says trust me, i did, and He completed everything He promised.
God has definitely saved me. Having been faced with many medical issues in the last 19 years and having two children born with different birth defects and mental challenges my faith has been tested numerous times but by giving it all up to God he has definitely guided me through each trial and tribulation with a few bumps and bruises but I am a stronger and wiser woman after it all.
Having been faced with many medical issues in the last 19 years and having two children born with different birth defects and mental challenges my faith has been tested numerous times but by giving it all up to God he has definitely guided me through each trial and tribulation with a few bumps and bruises but I am a stronger and wiser woman after it all.
When faced with a decision that leaves you at a fork in the road, you can pull God’s word from your heart & it will usually light up the path you should take!
Depending on what issue I am going through, I put together a series of verses that address that particular issue and recite them to myself, often out loud, focusing on every word and letting it set into my mind (that is playing tricks on me), my heart and soul. So for instance, at one point for a while I had strong fear attacks to the point when I was afraid to even fall asleep…so I wrote out verses that said He is our Banner, He stands over us as a protective shade, He holds us in His right hand, etc…and was reading through them every time it started acting up again and before going to sleep as a kind of ‘calming meditation’….
I love how you broke down the word ‘faith-fully’…I never looked at it that way before…this is such a great reminder of what the word truly means!
I could use some encouragement in being a better example of Gods love to my husband and kids.
Dear Wendy, I would love to have your book because as a 63 years old mom and and grandmother we all need to keep fresh in God’s love daily. I had some problems with a friend last year and tried to pray with her and all she could say is “I did nothing wrong” She had talked terrible to me and had really broken me down, she was a very blaming person. I lost it for a few hours and then my daughter and a few very close friends prayed for me and I Let Go and LET GOD take care of the situation. Now we talk to each other when we see one another but it does not hold me hostage any more!!! I gave it all to God! Have a wonderful day and God Bless!!
My daughter could use the book and so I could. My daughter is at a stage in life where she is having to make decisions about her future.
I have needed and used God’s word my whole life to gain wisdom, give me strength and to know him better. I have been in a very long season of hard circumstances. Death of a close friend and business partner, dementia diagnosis for my mom and cancer diagnosis for my dad. Unbelievably, someone drove their car into my house, multiple roof leaks, repairs, etc., my daughter has type 1 Diabetes, just buried my precious Aunt who was a mother figure and my youngest is 17 and dating. Need I say more!? I don’t even recognize my own life. I find myself physically and emotionally tired. I’m hoping this season will be over soon and that God will use this for my good and for His glory.
I clung to scripture when my now 9 year old had open heart surgery at age 4 and a half, working my way theought the Bible in 90 days. Gods Word sustained me through my youngest daughter having hip surgery stage four and a half last summer and spending 6 weeks in a body cast. And last winter when my husband was laid off it was my strength. (He has a new and awesome job now and my children are healthy). But just as important I need Gods word everyday or I am a disaster.
God’s Word this year has helped me Live So That I have faith in Him and His watch care over me through breast cancer and multiple surgeries. He has truly blessed my family and I through this trial. Now I sure could use this book to help me as I traverse through raising our two kids one who is fixing to be a teenager in a few weeks and one who is a pre-teen. I yell to often at them and it is never productive.
I was lead to this page as I was looking through another page that I found after reading the Proverbs 31 devotional titled, Our Best Plans Are Not Always The Best. The reality is that scripture and staying in the presence of The Lord has taught me to listen closely to the Holy Spirit and follow the promptings of the Holy Spirt in complete obedience. My choosing of my own will to follow what I want or think I need and letting my emotions lead me has never worked out truly to my benefit. Following The Lord faithfully and trusting completely that he has my best interest in mind even if maybe at the moment I may not understand the path he has marked out for me. An example of this obedience was our family moving from California to South Carolina. I received several confirmations that this move was the path our family was meant to take. I pushed forward in obedience to the promptings with the move in faith even to the extent of resigning from my career in California. My children have been blessed with wonderful school and my husband and I are being blessed within our marriage. I believe God still works miracles everyday!
Approximately 8 weeks ago, I found myself once again begging God in desperation to please deliver me and break my chains of intimidation of my husband. That stronghold was initiated when I was under 5 yrs old but had held me captive all these years; and I’ve been born again for 35 yrs. This fear/terror/intimidation of conflict with him was a major factor in the breakdown in our communication.
On that particular day of begging once again, God’s Holy Spirit prompted me to read a particular chapter in ‘Battlefield Of The Mind’ by Joyce Meyer. This was my ‘Kairos’ moment in time; God’s Kairos moment for me to be set free by reading aloud God’s Word in that Chapter and then sensing my authority to declare it loudly, which I obediently did. From that time, I have been set free from the spirit of intimidation!!!
The result of that is a ‘peace that passes all understanding’ in my heart and mind and a joy in my being like I haven’t had for so many years. And wonderfully, I feel hope!
Ever since that day, I’ve faithfully declared God’s Word over me when the enemy’s taunting and accusations are whispered in my ear. Hallelujah!
I have used spiral bound 3 x 5 index cards and filled them with scripture to fight Satan’s attacks. I carry them with me everywhere I go, so I can pull them out whenever I need them. Great for scripture memory as well.
I am definitely struggling to make faith filled choices lately. I seem to snap at my children and husband so easily and then I feel so guilty. I want to be patient, kind and gentle but when life gets stressful it’s so hard.
I am 35 with 9 children . I lost my only sister in May & my eldest just moved from PA to CA for college yesterday. So I am clinging like never before . ):