The 6th Day of Christmas with Linda Hundt of Sweetie-licious Bakery Cafe
Welcome to the 7th annual 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways!!!
12 Days.
12 friends guest posting sharing a Christmas idea, recipe or favorite with you.
12 great giveaways for you to enter along with one GRAND PRIZE for someone who comments to enter all 12 days!!
Please help me welcome Pie Baker Extraordinaire, Linda Hundt, founder of Sweetie-licious Bakery Cafe in DeWitt, Michigan. Although her 3 bakeries are limited to Michigan at this time, her pies are widely acclaimed around the USA. She is the author of the cookbook Sweetie-licious Pies: Eat Pie, Love Life.
{Fun fact: Linda and & used to cheerlead for cross-town schools in high school so I recognized her the first time I went in her shop. Now, we’ve become friends as adults. She even let me use her remodeled farm house for a photo shoot recently for an upcoming, top secret project!}
Linda has been featured in numerous national, state, and local television segments, magazine, and newspapers including Country Living, Midwest Living, and Parade. Linda is a sought-after keynote speaker: speaking on faith, dreams, and love, as well as giving pie baking demonstrations for hundreds of people at a time.
She resides in a century-old farmhouse with her sweet husband. The Hundts have two beautiful daughters. Linda believes that Sweetie-licious Bakery Cafe can change the world one pie at a time through good food, good pies and good deeds and if you eat pie, you will inevitably, love life.
Now, from Linda…..
As long as I can remember I have loved to bake. It was part of my upbringing and I have so many wonderful memories associated with the sights, smells, and tastes of Christmas. Today I am sharing one of my favorite recipes with you. This is a wonderful cookie that my sweet mommy made all the time, as I know they were her favorite too! To make them a little fresher I have added some lemon zest to the original recipe. The secret to these and all cookies really, is to under bake them! I hope you enjoy making Mom’s Lemon Ginger Balls and making your own “sweet” memories this Christmas!
Mom McComb’s Lemon Ginger Balls
1 C. sugar
¾ C. Crisco shortening
1 egg
¼ C. Blackstrap molasses
2 C. flour
2 tsp. baking soda
1 ¼ tsp. cinnamon
1 ¼ tsp ginger
1 tsp. of lemon zest
Pinch of salt
Cream the sugar and shortening together. Add egg, molasses, and lemon zest in sugar and shortening mixture, mix well. Whisk flour, salt, soda, spices together. Add to other ingredients. Mix together well, but do not overbeat. Roll dough into small balls and roll in sugar, raw or granulated. Bake at 350 degree preheated oven for 8 11 minutes.
Connect with Linda at her website or Facebook.
Giveaway: Linda is offering her beautiful cookbook Sweetie-licious Pies: Eat Pie, Love Life to the winner of today’s drawings.
To be entered for a chance to win, simply make a comment under today’s post sharing your “sweet” memories of pie or other favorite sweet holiday treats.
Don’t forget to come back for all 12 days! {And remember, if you comment on all 12 posts, you might win the Grand Prize!}
We love cake or pie (eggnog or cherry) and cookies for Christmas dessert.
I can’t make it through the holidays without making a pumpkin pie, a pecan pie and an apple pie. My boys now always ask for a apple pie with a crumb crust, instead of cake
I loved my Grandma’s rhubarb pie. Her cooking was very much like Amish Country style cooking.
I love Chocolate Chip Pie – we’ll be having that on Christmas Day!
Always loved the sugar cookies my mom would make and decorate with poinsettia flowers. Now that she can’t bake any more, I miss those.
I love to make pie, especially blackberry pie. Every summer we pick blackberries, which grow EVERYWHERE around here, and I make blackberry jam and blackberry pie.
I am not a pie eater but my family likes apple and lemon meringue pie as well as mincemeat. Two of our children also like pumpkin pie.
My mom made the best lemon meringue and butterscotch meringue from scratch. Don’t have her recipes but we love pie, berries, apple and pumpkin. I also mix raspberries with apple.
My Mom would bake apple and pumpkin pies and special pecan rolls.
My Mom just passed away the day before Thanksgiving so it is bittersweet to think of her baking to show her love for us.
I have to say that my favorite pie recipe is from my mother-in-law….Shoo Fly Pie! It’s a Pennsylvania Dutch recipe and just delicious! Not super sweet and my adult kid’s have been known to eat it for breakfast. A no-guilt pie. Ha!
Pies from my grandma were a special treat growing up. Whenever she would make a pie, she would make a mini pie too. Those mini pies were a tangible way she showed me her love : ) I miss her …
My husband I both love pies. We both have wonderful memories of our grandmothers’ making the most amazing pies.
I have fond memories of my Mother making pecan pie. It is one of my favorites!! My Mother made the best pecan pie and it was a real treat to have a cold slice of pecan pie with a little dip of French vanilla ice cream……to die for.
In our family, we have two favorite pies. One is my mom’s banana cream pie. I have tried to replicate it with no success. The other is cherry-raspberry pie. I accidentally stumbled upon this recipe years ago in a Better Homes & Gardens cookbook. My brother who wouldn’t eat raspberries tried it, loved it, and asks for it frequently at our family get togethers! :)
My grandma’s pecan pie and my mama’s caramel popcorn, caramel brownies and chess squares! The best.
My sweet Mammas homemade Chocolate pie……miss her so much.
I’m not usually a pie person but have had a couple of the Sweetie Pies berry pies and they are delicous!
My mom makes an amazing pumpkin pie with a nutty crust. That is definitely the traditional pie for us. My daughter also does a great apple pie. Also a great holiday treat. Pies definitely cross the generations.
Loved my grandma’s pies!
My Mom’s chocolate chip cookies!!
I am known for my coconut cream pie and pecan pie but my husband’s favorite is cherry. I am still looking to find a great recipe for cherry pie.
I miss my Mom’s Coconut Cake!
Although pie is the ultimate dessert, I am starting a tradition where my grandchildren come to decorate Christmas cookies. Maybe we will have to make a pie, too.
My grandmother used to make me scrumptious raspberry pie every year in the summer. With a scoop of vanilla ice cream – divine! I’ve never met a pie I didn’t like. YUM!
There’s nothing more that says comfort than pie. Although I have memories of my stepfather making pumpkin pies every year for Thanksgiving, my favorites are cherry and lemon meringue. I’ve found pies are hit and miss when you order one up at a diner or restaurant. I sure would love to learn how to make a good one myself.