The 9th Day of Christmas with She Plans
Welcome to the 7th annual 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways!!!
12 Days.
12 friends guest posting sharing a Christmas idea, recipe or favorite with you.
12 great giveaways for you to enter along with one GRAND PRIZE for someone who comments to enter all 12 days!!
Today’s idea comes from me {and the giveaway is from my new friend Ashley over at She Plans Esty shop.}
But before we get to today’s idea and giveaway, I wanted to tell you about a free resource from me based on my new book releasing next month. (And be sure to check out the pre-order incentives for the book. Zondervan is giving away all sorts of cool stuff if you pre-order one or more copies before midnight January 5th. Click here for details)
This free email resource is called 5 Days to Sweet & Salty Speech.
5 characters from the Bible.
5 lessons for our lips.
If you need a little help in the area of watching your words, this 5 day free devotional will help. Enter your email below to sign up!
Now for the 9th Day of Christmas Giveaways…..
Book ‘Em
One of my favorite gifts to give through the years has been book-based baskets. In my first book Homespun Gifts from the Heart, my co-authors (and dear friends), Trish and Kelly, and I devoted an entire chapter to book baskets and bundles. This is a unique gift-giving idea that encourages reading and is a snap to come up with.
Simply chose a book your recipient would love to read. Then, brainstorm on the topic (or leaf through the pages) to find items to round out the gift. Combine the items in a basket, add some clear cellophane, a ribbon and gift tag, and voila! You have a hit on your hands. Here are a few examples.
The first time I ever witnessed this idea was when my daughter received a Laura Ingalls Wilder basket. In it was an antique copy of Little House in the Big Woods. The rest of the surprise contained items Laura had gotten for Christmas in the late 1800s—a shiny new penny, a peppermint stick, a heart-shaped cookie sprinkled with white sugar, a tin cup, and a rag doll named Charlotte. (You can also do this for a younger child by using the book Christmas in the Big Woods}
Know someone who is a culinary whiz? Try a cookbook with some measuring spoons and cups or a gadget such as a pastry blender or fancy chopper. Add jars of spices and seasonings and a fancy bottle of fruity spritzer for your loved one to sip on while cooking. Tuck a small wooden spoon into the bow.
What should you to give to a baseball lover? Pick up a biography of a Major League legend such as Hank Aaron or Willie Mays, or even a football standout like Tim Tebow. For an MLB player, round out the basket with some Big League Chew gum, a bag of sunflower seeds, a Baby Ruth candy bar, and tickets to a ball game. For filler, use peanuts in the shell, just like at the real ballpark. For a football player, add some wrapped football chocolates, some chips and dip for watching a game on TV, a referee whistle and tickets to a local college or NFL game.
For a little whippersnapper, Curious George books are easy to build a theme around. Check out his antics at a candy factory (give with fancy chocolates or candy-making supplies), or making pancakes (include a mix, fresh blueberries, a pancake turner, and bottle of real maple syrup) or at the zoo (tuck in a stuffed animal and some gummy creatures or animal crackers).
And my new favorite, It Will Be Okay by our Proverbs 31 president Lysa TerKeurst. This darling story about a fox, a farmer and a tiny seed teaches children to trust and not fear. It would be perfect given with a stuffed fox, a packet of seeds for planting, and a warm fuzzy flannel shirt to wear, just like the farmer.
Your turn! Name someone on your list. Ask yourself, “What is a book they’d delight in reading?” Now . . . build your basket. GO! {Head to Amazon to search for books}
Now….today’s AWESOME giveaway…..
Here is a book for you! My new favorite planner from She Plans Etsy shop.
Oh I love a paper planner. Sure, smart phones are great, but there is something about holding a paper planner in your hands or having it open on your desk.
These planners are fantastic! With month-at-a-glance and week-at-a-glance sections (laid out vertically–the best!) and each daily space includes:
• Today is Special section to note birthdays & celebrations
• Today’s Priorities section to list your top priorities that you want to hold yourself accountable to.
• To Do Today section for all other daily to do’s as well as any timely appointments for the day.
• Evening Plans for meal planning, late night practices, or anything you’d like to accomplish at night.
You might want to order one of these for a friend for Christmas. Ashley, from She Plans, set Sunday, December 14th as her “make it there by Christmas” deadline.
Of course, if you want one for yourself for the new year, head to her site for ordering details. They are MORE than worth the money and keep you on top of your tasks in an oh-so-pretty manner. Click here to see all the awesome designs and products.
I think The Christmas Orange would make a cute themed basket. :)
I would make a basket with the book “The Best Yes” and include some specialty tea or coffee, a mug, scones and a journal +/or new planner. Great book!
“You Are Special” by Max Lucado.
All is Well by Frank Peretti.
My little kiddos love Bible stories. So anything with stories from the Bible is great!
There are so many great ideas on here and I can’t seem to come up with any ideas off the top of my head so I’ll blame my cold on that!
I would gift a book that I knew the recipient liked or wanted and I would add in a pretty bookmark, some hot chocolate and maybe some popcorn. At this time of year especially it is fun to curl up with hot chocolate and snack and spend the afternoon reading a book!
I loved the idea of the Laura Ingalls basket…I’m hoping to get my daughters reading those books soon!
There are many books that make a good theme for a gift basket. Jesus Calling or before Amen would be great starters.
“The Donkey Who Carried a King” would make a great addition to any gift basket!
“The Adventures of Lily Lapp” would be wonderful. So would a journaling Bible with a basket full of art supplies!
Oh so many great ideas on here. I think the Jesus calling devotion book along with a notebook and coffee or tea mug and a pen would make a great gift
A year long devotional, journal, pretty pens…HEAVEN in a basket.
Every year before Christmas, my girls and I have a major baking day. Since they were in school I would let them stay home from school one day in early December and we’d bake the day away. Last year when my daughter was a senior she said, “Mom, how are we going to do this next year, I won’t be home for baking?” Well, she flies in on Wednesday from Bible School out in Colorado and we’ve got a date to bake on Friday. Would trade this tradition for the world. I just love our day together in the kitchen.
A canning/ food preserving book and supplies would make a good basket.
I love the Gooseberry Patch Cookie Cookbook…which would go great in a basket with cookie ingredients and cookie cutters, of course!
I love the idea of a book theme basket although I’ve never given one. I like the “night Light” dobson books which would be cute with an actual night light in them. :)
I have done this a couple of times and Anne of Green Gables wins hands down!
The new Ann Voskamp book with ornaments for Jesse Tree. We are LOVING it! :)
The Best Christmas Pagent Ever
Family Christmas by James dobson
My favorite is “Where the Red Fern Grows”. I love to give an assortment of little gifts in a gift bag for a surprise especially picked for the recipent.
I really like Eric Carle’s book Drean Snow. Maybe some toy farm animals and a blanket would be cute to go with it.
When our kids were little, someone gave us several of Max Lucado’s children’s books. They were great books and our kids loved to read them. My 15 yr old daughter was reading one the other day, said she found it in a drawer in her room and was re-reading it. It would be great in a gift basket for a child!
I’m currently reading Ann Voskamp’s One Thousand Gifts Devotional. It’s such a wonderful book about being thankful and praising God. It would be an awesome book to include in any gift basket.
For a woman the book “Jesus Calling” along with a highlighter, pretty pen, and devotional.
I used to be a preschool teacher, and I kept picturing “If You Give a Moose a Muffin.” I would package it with silicone muffin holders or a metal muffin pan with pretty paper liners. Then add in some dried fruit or something extra : )
Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas with some fun ornaments and baked goods