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Day 3 of 12 Days of Christmas! (with Bella Schwenk)
*If you are reading this post in your email inbox, be sure to navigate to my blog order to leave your comment and be entered to win the giveaway. To do so, click here. NOTE: The best way to make…
Hi. I read your first chapter and I have to share that my words messedup my middle school experience too. I too was popular. I was gonna be asked to my first dance by the most popular boy in school. But i chose to befriend a little girl no one liked. Because i chose to be her friend i lost my popularity. I became an out cast. I tried to get everyone include this girl but they rejected her so they also rejected me. I am glad i chose to be her friend but it was hard for the rest of the year. I had a hard time standing up for people ever since then, including myself. I do agree that the power of our words comes from the condition of our walks with God.