Own Your Life with Sally Clarkson {GIVEAWAY!!}

I remember when one of my closest friends and I were due to have a baby on almost the same day. It was a blast being pregnant at the same time, delivering our babies just days apart and then watching them grow up together. {Mine was a son and hers a daughter so we took LOTS of pics of them together just in case we could somehow pull off an arranged marriage. What a great slide show we could have at the reception!}

Well, my friend Sally and I were “pregnant” and gave birth on the same day recently. Now, now…hold your horses. We both released books on January 6th :-)

DSC_0095-300x300pxI first heard about Sally Clarkson, wife of Clay and mother of four grown children, when I was a young mom. My best friend from college first told me about her. She introduced me to her ministry to moms, especially homeschool moms, and I bought one of her books The Mission of Motherhood It was then I began to follow her ministry and, before long, we actually were at the same conference in Colorado where I was speaking so I got to meet her in person!

Sally’s new book is called Own Your Life.  Here is the book’s description:

Do you ever long for days full of joy and energy—days that bring out the best version of you rather than leave you exhausted? Do you sometimes catch yourself wishing life was more impactful and fulfilling? In a world that’s moving so fast, it’s easy to lose your sense of purpose. So now is the time to make each moment of your ordinary, everyday, beautiful existence count. It’s time to own your life.

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Sally Clarkson’s Own Your Life is a breath of fresh air into the life and soul of a busy woman. Like a faithful friend, Sally journeys with you to explore what it means to live meaningfully, follow God truly, and bring much-needed order to your chaos. Each page offers deeply personal, authentic, and practical guidance to help you build an intentional life. Discover what it means to own your life, and dare to trust God’s hands as He richly shapes your character, family, work, and soul.

Check out the trailer for it here:

Sally is giving away two copies of this great new book here on my blog. To be entered, leave a comment telling us in which area do you need to “own your life”–your marriage? Your schedule? Your mothering? Your home? Your friendships? How you spend your leisure time?

Winners will be announced Monday.

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  1. Must I pick one area?! Sally’s books always speak right to my heart, and I’m certain she could point me to many areas that I need to own. :). If I had to pick, I’d probably say my home is the most pressing one on my mind these days.

  2. Some of my biggest challenges are in the schedule-keeping & time-management categories. Helping my 3 kids succeed in these areas, in spite of my own shortcomings is tricky some days. I am encouraged by knowing I’m not the only one who struggles with this.

  3. I need to own my own life. My husband and I are truly living the Sandwich Generation with our adult daughter living with us full time, our granddaughter 1/2 of the time and my husband’s parents (live local) with failing health. Thank you for the opportunity to win this book!

  4. I don’t even know where to start. My life is chaos right now since our grandson was born 3 months early. God has been so good and William is doing very well. I have been keeping his 4 big sisters and helping wherever I’m needed. I have tried to keep life normal for all of us and I’m not doing so well. We are all fed and have clean clothes but the girls are bored and I am tired. I am blessed to still be able to help out and will continue doing what I have to until he goes home. This book sounds like just what I’ll need when I have “me” time again.

  5. I’m starting the year..without my precious wonderful husband who died very suddenly and unexpectedly at home. We had been soul mates together for 42years. God has blessed me with much support from friends etc… But now my life is looking very different as I take God at his promise to shine his light in every situation I will ever face?

  6. I think this book would just about knock me over…oh I so need to “own my life” in all areas. Right now I feel that everything I am doing is to please someone else or to make something else better for someone else. I have people who say…ask Robin…she will do it. She does everything. I think today is the day I will take back and own my life.

    What a great read it will be. May you all be blessed!

    Smiles & Blessings, Robin :)

  7. The description of this book hits me right between the eyes! I need to “own my life” in so many areas. I long to find a schedule that leaves me feeling energized, fulfilled and complete! I am a working mother of two and a devoted wife with little time for much else. I have seen this book popping up in several different areas of my life and feel that God is pushing me to grow with it!

  8. Am sure I need this book. This has been my struggle for a long time.

    God bless you both for sharing wisdom….

  9. Right now, I’m working on being letting it go. Through reading Karen’s book, I’m learning to accept that God is in control. Boy, has this been hard (I think I may be more controlling than Karen’s examples in the book!), but it has been life-changing as well. I think that through letting it all go, I’m creating a more positive, nurturing, and just plain relaxing life for myself, my children, and my husband. I have long way to go, but this is my way of owning my life and letting God be the boss.

  10. This book looks so good. I feel like I need to learn to own me and my relationship with God. Life is busy trying to homeschool, keep the house up, make meals, make and keep meaningful relationships with my family and friends… the list to do never ends. Of late at the end of the day I sometimes finding myself asking if I am enough and usually find myself wanting. Encouragement is always welcomed. I think the book would be an encouragement. Thanks for the giveaway!

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