Give That Mom a Muffin
Mothers Day is around the corner—
……the time of year for kids everywhere to color pictures, attempt to make mom breakfast in bed, or drop by the dollar store to pick up a bottle of fragrant perfume. Of course we moms are tickled with even the smallest of gestures from our kids. It thrills our hearts to know they were thinking of us. But kids aren’t the only ones who can remember moms and attempt to make them feel loved.
Do you have a friend who is a maxed-out mom? Or a single mom? Or one with a brand new baby who is stuck in tired mode all week long? Know a mom friend at work or church who could use a pick-me up and a little note telling her why she is a great parent and friend? Then, grab a pen and note card and write her an encouraging line or two. But you’re not finished yet…..
Finally, head to the kitchen to whip up a batch of tasty, moist muffins to take to your mom friend. {And tell her she totally has permission not to share!} CLICK HERE for the rest of the post and recipe over at The Better Mom.
Ms. Karen….I’ve followed you since seeing you give a testimony about your weight-loss journey on a television program many years ago. I love your heart for the Lord and know you are passionate about HIM….and your friends and family. If you should get a chance, I would love for you to visit me at my blog that I’ve had for about 7 years now (perfect number….LOL). HOPE you have a blessed day!