9th Day of Christmas Giveaways with Alicia Bruxvoort
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Welcome to the 9th Day of Christmas Giveaways!!!
Today my friend Alicia Bruxvoort is sharing her thoughts on the Christmas Party that you won’t want to miss! She will be giving away a Christmas party basket brimming with goodies for you and yours to enjoy! Alicia Bruxvoort is a writer, speaker, and abundant life seeker. She lives with her husband and five children in western Michigan where laundry piles high and laughter rings loud. A member of the Proverbs 31 writing team, Alicia is passionate about helping women experience the life Jesus promised when he declared, “I’ve come so that you might have life and have it to the full” (John 10:10). When she’s not managing mini-van mayhem, Alicia can be found scribbling hope at The Overflow or speaking at women’s ministry events.
To join in on the fun and be entered to win the various prizes, simply leave a comment on the post answering the question of the day. ALSO—one grand prize will be given to one person who comments on all 12 days.
The Grand Prize is a $50 gift certificate to Proverbs 31 Ministries store and a $50 gift certificate to Amazon.com!!!
Here is Alicia for today’s post…
The One Party You Won’t Want to Miss This Christmas
It was a simple conversation in the grocery store that first sparked the idea for my favorite Christmas tradition.
A mom with a cart full of little ones was standing ahead of me in the long winding check-out line.
The clerk in the fuzzy red Santa was listening to a customer complain about the price of the Barbie doll that should have rung up on sale, and my preschooler was tugging on my arm begging for that jumbo candy cane that had been placed strategically at a four-year-old’s eye-level.
The speakers overhead cackled a tinny version of Jingle Bells, but it was evident that our line wasn’t going to move as fast as a one-horse-open sleigh anytime soon.
The mom in front of me offered an empathetic smile as she bounced her fussing baby on her hip. “I’d get out of this line if I didn’t have to make cookies for the office Christmas party tonight,” she confided.
She exhaled a weary sigh and muttered, “Funny how Christmas parties just kill my holiday spirit…”
She shrugged her shoulders and ended the conversation with a high-pitched laugh, but I could see the tears pooling quiet along the brim of her weary eyes.
I didn’t think much about that conversation until later that day when I tucked my kids into their beds for nap time and sat down on the couch with my Bible and a cup of coffee.
I opened the Word to Luke 2 and read the Christmas story like I’d been doing each day of Advent for the entire month.
But this time, I saw something new—
The “holiday spirit” on that very first Christmas wasn’t fueled by sale prices or Santa hats, by office parties or tinseled trees; it was propelled by praise.
After the Heavenly Messenger announced the “good news of great joy,” the silent night was pierced with a chorus of praise (Luke 2:13).
And after those wide-eyed shepherds found Jesus lying in the manger, they “returned to their flocks, praising God for all they had seen and heard” (Luke 2:20).
The holiday spirit for which we’re all searching flows from a heart of gratitude.
Suddenly, I knew what I need most that Christmas.
I needed a praise party.
I needed to gather my friends and applaud God’s faithfulness.
I needed to linger near the manger with my peeps and marvel at the greatest gift we’d ever been given.
I needed to remember that Christmas is about a Promise kept and Kingdom that’s coming.
I needed to proclaim the good news of great joy to myself!
And so began my favorite Christmas tradition.
Days later, I gathered a handful of friends to the one party I knew they wouldn’t want to miss!
We gathered in my living room in the light of the Christmas tree, and I gave each friend a little piece of paper filled with “praise prompts.”
And while our kids played at our feet, we fanned into flame some serious Christmas spirit.
We cupped mugs of hot coffee in our hands, nibbled bites of gooey chocolate and swapped stories of God’s faithfulness.
We told tales of His tender mercies and put words to His with-ness.
In short, we gave gratitude a voice.
We laughed until our sides ached and cried until our cheeks were streaked with mascara. And when we finished our simple celebration, our hearts were filled with a joy that couldn’t be quenched.
That was ten years ago, and this simple tradition continues to be one of my favorite parts of the holiday season.
For me, Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without a praise party.
Praise makes room in our hearts for that stable-born King we celebrate on the 25th of December.
And praise opens our eyes to the true glory of the Christmas story.
By the way, it’s not too late for you to host a praise party of your own.
Just gather your family or a handful of friends and use the praise prompts I’ve provided below.
Keep it simple. Keep it real.
And plan on your guests begging you to do it all again next year.
Because this is one party nobody will want to miss!
Praise Party Prompts
Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done. Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts. Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice. – Psalm 16:18
Praise Prompt #1: Consider a time you experienced God’s presence in a special way this year. Thank Him for making Himself known to you!
Praise Prompt #2: For what “unexpected gift” or answered prayer would you like to thank God this year?
Praise Prompt #3: Name one person whom God has used as His hands and feet this year to encourage you or your family.
Praise Prompt #4: How has God grown you or challenged you since last Christmas?
Praise Prompt #5: What do you love most about your Savior this Christmas? Praise Him for who He is. Always.
We’re holding our own party right here today. Leave a comment in response to any of the five praise prompts above and you will be entered to win a party basket filled with everything you need to host a praise party this Christmas season (or in the new year).
The party basket includes…
*a bag of Starbucks Holiday Blend Coffee,
*a package of beautiful Christmas napkins that say, “Christmas Begins with Jesus”
*star of Christmas coasters
*a Give Thanks plaque to remind you to praise all year round,
*and plenty of Ghirardelli and Lindt chocolate to share.
Here is a printable PDF containing the praise prompts to keep your party focused on Christ! praise party prompts
All winners will be announced December 22nd!
I am thankful and give praise for a prayer request coming to fruition. I’ve been praying for my son and his wife for many years to return to Christ. Last night he texted me and asked for me to pray for them (it means he still believes ). I told him it wouldn’t hurt for them to go back to church and he said they have found one but my daughter in law needs a new job where she doesn’t have to work on Saturdays and Sundays. GOD Is Moving just like he promised. Thank you Jesus!!!
I thank him for the unexpected gift of my current part time job. We are a diverse group of people all with varying strengths ( and weaknesses ) and I’m learning a lot about God’s love and encouragement.
May I add to your wonderful traditon as I will add your praise prompts to ours. When my first grandchild began reading, I had her read the Christmas story from Luke. What a delight. Then my very young grandson passed out candles and holders. After al the lights were extinguished, II then allowed him to light everyone’s candle and we praised God for sending His everpresent light into the world. Looking forward to my youngest granddaughter doing the reading this year. Will be using the praise prompts then and on Sunday with my wonderful SS class. Thank you.
#3- my friend Dana. She has helped me with child care, along with kind, uplifting words and encouragement
How has God grown me? This year He’s reminded me that His timing is always best and drew me back to walking in His steps instead of trying to lead. A difficult lesson, but a needed one!
Love the Praise party idea and the giveaway!
#3 I experienced a tough loss in October and the ladies in my small group have been a great support, full of love, encouragement, and prayer.
This year, I am so thankful for my two wonderful sisters in Christ that I share a lifegroup with! I think we have all benefitted fro each other through our weekly meetings!
Praise Prompt #1: Consider a time you experienced God’s presence in a special way this year. Thank Him for making Himself known to you!
I am spending the weekend with my college roommates (graduated in 1979)! It is such a blessing to have this time before Christmas to gather, share our life stories and challenges! We have been planning this for the past year – coming from all over the state and the world. We’ve shared dinner, Christmas blessings, music, art, over tea and chatter and in my heart great prayers. This reminds me that God has a plan for all of our lives and the plans intersect in so many ways and then shimmer and shine God’s light towards others, through others.
When we return to school I will use these with my high school students! Thank you!
Merry Christmas!!
Prompt 1:
This fall I was part of an Apples of Gold group at my church. I joined the church last March and was interested in meeting more people in our congregation. It was a great Bible study! Our mentors prepared delicious menus for us to learn about cooking and hospitality in our homes. The Bible study time was a great time to share. I told the group about Karen Ehman’s books, Clare Smith’s blog and womenlivingwell.org. I made some wonderful new friends in the process..God was working through us.
The person that has blessed me the most this year is a group at church called be the light. They are one of the three outreach groups our church has. Christmas has been tough this year with my husband in prison. They adopted us and bought my kids and I gifts for Christmas!! Now, my kids are set for Christmas!!
#2: We finally were able to move this year and were blessed to have found a wonderful church in the area we are hoping to call home.
GodhS carried me through the first year after Moms death, my best friend, mentor, teacher. This was something I had feared for years. And God gave grace. I do praise Himfor that!!
Praise Prompt #1: Consider a time you experienced God’s presence in a special way this year. Thank Him for making Himself known to you!
Over the last several years, I have experienced intermittent anxiety leading to much fear. I really don’t know why. What I do know is that God did not cause this fear. So, during the times I was anxious and fearful, I looked up Bible verses addressing fear, worry, anxiety and wrote them in my journal. Then, I could easily read over them everyday. Sometimes multiple times a day. In addition to this, I became much more intentional in asking God to take away my anxiety and fear, replacing it with peace and calmness and trust in HIM, to give me a sense of wellbeing and safety.
Through reading what God says in scripture about fear and worry and praying specifically about that, I have felt God calm my heart like nothing else could. I am so very thankful, beyond words, that He cares for me and helps me daily. I now have more days without anxiety than days with it. Praise Jesus!
What I love most about my Savior this year is that He is unchanging. The world seems to change opinions and directions with the wind. It’s good to know God doesn’t change. I can always come back to His Word and be reminded that He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and that gives me great comfort.
I praise God for providing for my mother in a special way as our family is helping her live with her dementia. He helped us find just the perfect place for her to live totally by “accident”. NOT! God was in it all the time!
Prompt 4:
I have seen God at work in the life of a person I have been ministering to. I see her faith and reliance on God grow everyday and I am so thankful to be on this journey with her.
My comment is the same as I wrote above where it says, “Karen Christiansen says….”
Praise Prompt #4: How has God grown you or challenged you since last Christmas?
I have spent the past year as a 24/7 caregiver for my 90 yr old Mom. I have realized more than ever how important intercessory prayer is for everyone, but especially for our homebound senior adults & how much they appreciate even the smallest contact with others…that small touch means so much. I have been challenged to reach out more.
The Lord Has been extra good to me this year. I had to have a third abdominal hernia operation this August. This is the 8th operation I have had in the last 6 years. ( all abdominal operations). I had asked the Lord to let me see our 3 grandchildren grow up. The girl twins are 18 and their brother is 11. So I believe he is allowing this tremendous blessing. I thank the Lord and praise His holy name.
Wow, I love the praise prompts. I am definitely going to copy them down and consider them over the next few days. For praise prompt #5…I love my Savior this year most because He is always with me and will never leave me and when things get difficult it’s when I am being carried in the loving arms of my Savior. What a blessing to know He is there morning, noon and night watching out for me, listening to me in praise and tears.
I have a very high energy toddler andam always praying for just a bit more patients and just a bit more energy and God always seems to hear my prayer and jhelp me stay calm.
God answered some financial prayers…they were direct and relief came within days. I’m sure he is watching over me and my kids. I thank Him so much for this! He has also challenged me to study more and my mom has been a great influence in my increased Bible studies.
My answered prayer would be the miraculous healing of my sister Debbies uterine and bladder cancer. Through alot of prayer by a group of amazing people headed up by my friend, Donna Clogston, who would also be the person who God sent to help me in my new journey with Jesus. Bladder cancer is an extremely aggressive cancer yet God healed her with praise and prayer miracles do happen. Merry Christmas to you all!!
Started out the year in recovery from a back surgery and my sister Rosie had kept me encouraged and motivated.
I’m so thankful for Laura and Taelon. I know that if I need good counsel or just someone to pray they are my gals.