Believing Big When You Feel Small {Giveaway with Suzie Eller}
Today, my friend and Proverbs 31 Ministries partner Suzie Eller is sharing a guest post based on her encouraging new book Come With Me: Discovering the Beauty of Following Where He Leads.
Believing Big When You Feel Small
A well checkup revealed something not quite right, and that led to tests and a biopsy. The doctor assured us that good news was more than likely, so we squeezed the doctor’s appointment onto our calendar.
Unfortunately, the biopsy revealed that Richard had cancer.
A few minutes later we stood in a parking lot. I closed my eyes, holding tight to the man who makes me laugh until I have to run to the bathroom.
The person I love second, after Jesus.
We hadn’t budgeted time for much more than that embrace. Richard had clients waiting. I had women arriving at my home in an hour for Bible study.
Richard and I climbed into our respective cars and turned different directions on Interstate 49. Suddenly I realized that I couldn’t see. I pulled off at the next exit and found a safe place to park. I rested my head on the steering wheel and wept like a baby.
I made it home in time for Bible study.
We gathered around the table and opened our Bibles, flipping to the Scriptures for the day’s study. I numbly read the passage in front of me. It was the story of the second miracle of fishes and loaves.
About this time another large crowd had gathered, and the people ran out of food again. Jesus called his disciples and told them, “I feel sorry for these people. They have been here with me for three days, and they have nothing left to eat. If I send them home hungry, they will faint along the way. For some of them have come a long distance.”
His disciples replied, “How are we supposed to find enough food to feed them out here in the wilderness?” Mark 8:1–4 NLT
Jesus had multiplied a little boy’s lunch into enough to feed thousands just a few days earlier.
Now there’s another opportunity.
Same problem as before. Too many people. Too little food. Not enough faith.
I often write in the margins of my Bible. In bold letters I saw my own words staring up at me.
How did they forget the first miracle so soon?
The page blurred. I stood next to the disciples, except this time I was in a parking lot in Fayetteville, Arkansas, with my arms around my husband.
I had forgotten our first miracle.
You see, twenty-three years earlier, I was sick with cancer.
We beat the odds, and that was a gift. For a long time, I thought that was the big miracle, but later I realized the true miracles came as we dug deep into our faith and came up with enough to make it through the day—or the hour if that was what was required.
That was our loaves and fishes, multiplied beyond our meager supply.
My friends at Bible study didn’t know what to think as I sat there, holding open my Bible, tears dropping onto the page.
In that moment I was a modern-day disciple holding up my not-enough faith.
Faith is birthed in the trenches of our not enough.
Surrendering all that we have from the very beginning is a big move of faith, no matter what we are facing.
Over and over in Scripture, Jesus asks the disciples to give what they don’t seem to have and he calls it BIG.
What Jesus sees as big is different from what we see as big.
When Richard was first diagnosed, I didn’t have enough faith, and it’s okay to acknowledge that. As long as I was willing to give him what I did have. Every hard place. Every strikingly beautiful moment.
What does God want?
All of it.
When we feel small, we carry our “not enough” to God on a regular basis.
Whatever big thing we are facing, God not only sees it, but is waiting for us.
We step toward him with our hands raised high, no-holds-barred, bringing him every uncertainty, every hope, all our fears, all our strength, every aspect of our situation.
The “big” is birthed inside of us as we believe that he can do something with the little that we do have. Whether it leads to a lame man leaping to his feet (healing), a few loaves multiplied by thousands (provision), hymns sung in the darkness of prison (hope), or standing near to Jesus while everything around us seems to fall apart (courage), our faith becomes an anchor.
BIO: Suzie is a Proverbs 31 Ministries writer, ECPA bestselling author and blogger. She’s been featured on Focus on the Family, Aspiring Women, Harvest Show, 100 Huntley Street, KLOVE, Daystar and numerous other programs. Suzie is a regular contributor to KLRC radio’s Words that Make a Positive Difference.
She is an author of eight books including her most recent, Come With Me: Discovering the Beauty of Following Where He Leads.When she’s not writing, you can find Suzie playing with her six grandbabies, all under the age of five. Find out more about Suzie and Come With Me: Discovering the Beauty of Following Where He Leads at
To be entered to win a copy of Come With Me leave a comment here telling us what journey you are now on where you need to walk closely with Jesus.
My journey is a change in career (provision) from teaching for school to teaching Biblical principles for success in life. I have always trusted GOD for provision and to do the impossible, or so I thought. GOD has shown me where I got more comfortable with my 6-figure income than in knowing that HE “shall supply all my needs according to HIS riches in glory, ” even when I’m reassigned tof life’s classroom.
From my teenage years GOD has proven to me that HE is my JEHOVAH JIREH, so when I realized GOD was showing me where my comfort rested I was remorseful initially. I’ve repented and am once again walking in faith and obedience to fulfill the calling on my life for the upbringing of the Kingdom of GOD.
This message touched my heart as I realize how often I limit the Lord when I do not reach out in faith to find His miracles right in front of me. I am in a difficult situation with my youngest sister who has rejected me for what she preceives as my disrepect of my deceased parents. I have written her and try to contact her via phone and text messages, but there is silence. God has been faithful to wrap His arms around me with the love of my other sister, but there is a hurt in my heart for the misunderstanding that my youngest sister holds about my help I gave in cleaning out my mother’s home in preparation for sale. God holds me close as I realize that she may never relent in her stoic rejection. It hit me that I am guilty of rejecting the Lord in many subtle ways by relying on my own ways insteading of trusting God to meet my needs. I can repent and find that He will always accept me and give me forgiveness and love. I need to expect a 2nd miracle that my sister will accept me and turn her heart to the Lord to find the truth of His grace.
I am exactly on that journey — feeling small, but believing big! Except — the more I believe, trust & act on my faith — the bigger I feel! God shows me His love & answers my prayers with blessings & favor…& I am transformed!
My journey with God includes living a “revival lifestyle”. Great term, it means drawing close to God so He can draw close to me. We are planning & doing miracles together. He is showing me the rewards of stepping out in faith! I am finding fvor & possibilities everywhere!
My husband is overseas with the military and I am on the journey of solo parenting a 4 year old strong willed child. Some days are such a challenge. I fail often at being the mother I want to be. I know God is with me and He has helped me to grow during this time.
Leticia, I was a single Mom for real so take my advice — stay close to God, pray your way through the day, find a babysitter & take off once a week to enjoy yourself — anything! Art class, a walk in the park, dinner with friends! May God bless you on your journey! Praying for you!
I am on the journey of becoming a writer and using life’s pain and struggle to bri g healing and hope…not only to others, but to myself as well ……Lord, I need Jesus to walk with me…..
We are on a journey of recovery after years of health issues and heartbreak. I’ve prayed for God to be ENOUGH for me. He is. I am discovering Him more and more. Thanks for a beautiful post.
Right now, I am just trying to get through each day – single mom of 2 teenage daughters, ex-husband who cheated on our marriage, multiple lies on top of lies, on top of stealing (ex-husband). Trying to teach my daughters right from wrong, with the constant negative influence of their dad. One moment at a time!
It has been a few years since a time of exhaustion, anxiety and deep depression. The children were grown into wonderful adults living 8 hrs away, dad had passed after several years of failing health and then mom had too after several years battling cancer. My brothers and I cleared out two homes after 50 + years of our families history in them. I lost my job where I had worked for 25 yrs. I have recovered so much and I am still trying to walk with God throuout each day.
This year has been a struggle with health for both me and my husband. There are also some long ignored things in our marriage that God is bringing up. We often feel sifted like wheat. We’re so thankful for the love & fairhfulness of God!
Come with Me journey struggle – giving up SELF. I’m sitting here trying to figure out if I need to say more to explain that phrase – but I think the statement carries itself.
It is easy to forget the first. Thank you for the beautiful reminder that all we have is all He asks.
Daddy just finished radiation for recurrence of cancer. I am waiting for the hearing date to see if judge will grant me disability. While both relatively minor compared to what others going through, been a struggle since Daddy takes care of me. Finances even tighter now due to his treatment. Try not to think about the future. KNOW God is there and He has a plan but what will happen to me when Daddy can no longer care for me?
The biggest “Come With Me ” moment for me, was a few years ago when my beautiful friend Donna gently lead me to my decision to accept Jesus as my Lord and savior. With my many questions and her patiently answering them as best she could, and a couple of years of watching Joyce Meyer on tv, I made the decision to walk with Jesus. It was difficult at first because I had to search myself for the many, many sins throughout my life but at the same time it was freeing to know that I could talk to God like he was right next to me. I was raised Catholic so repentance for me was in a box talking to our priest through a dark screen. I do not mock this, I just love knowing I don’t have to wait for a certain day and time to confess my sins. I love knowing that I can not only ask for forgiveness but when Jesus says come with me, we can talk about anything and everything. It’s so beautiful, and sad, and happy and oh just everything. The very first verse I learned was, “Be anxious for nothing but in all things by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving in your heart bring your needs to the Lord and the peace which is beyond understanding will cover our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” I suffer from anxiety sometimes, a lot, so my friend Donna taught me this verse. The best thing I learned from this is before I bring my needs, be thankful and give all praise to our lord. I love Jesus and am so grateful to be a Christian. Thank you for letting me write this. I am sorry it’s so long, but maybe, I hope, that this might help someone to come with Jesus.
My journey right now is to keep trusting and listening to Jesus. My husband and I moved 8 months ago to a 55+ building that is owned by a Government organization. Because it government funded we are not able to talk about Jesus in public places in the building. We can talk about him with others in our own apartment and in others if they want us to. I’m praying that Jesus will be able to show himself through us and shine though us so that others will see we have something they don’t and ask what it is.
I have been blessed through all the hard times I have seen and I thank Jesus for always carrying me through. My journey is foggy right now as I try to figure out where it is God wants me and what it is He wants me busy doing. I am praying and striving to lead my daughters in HIS ways and pray that they too will know their purpose. <3
Thank you for sharing what God has done for you! Praying your husband has been (or will be healed) ~ for His grace & mercy poured out for you and your family. <3
My journey right now is watching my kids suffer through infertility, miscarriages and a grandson born with a horrible disease.
God has walked us thru the journey and heartache of watching a baby born with no skin on his feet – just a red, muscle mess BUT watching God perform a miracle that is unheard of in that community – a testimony to the World of what He can do and a 2 year old now running and playing and only a few blisters here and there but alive and well and smart and fun. His parents can’t have another so they have adopted eggs to give life to a frozen embryo and we are watching them suffer as they lost five of them last year – the last being twins and as one didn’t make it, we were praying the other would but it did not. Our DIL will be trying again this summer to have twins again thru in vitro.
We’ve also watched our daughter walk thru years of infertility and finally a baby boy born last year. He was a twin, but his twin did not make it very far along in the pregnancy. She is trying again next month to get pregnant.
I know God has a plan. It’s perfect. I know to pray without ceasing and I truly believe that this time next year I will be talking about a few more miracles in our family. As I studied a book called I Know His Name by Wendy Blight last month and how God promised Abraham generations like the stars in Heaven and Joshua generations like the sands on the beach, I felt the peace of God telling me it’s going to be ok and I am doing a new thing – there will be generations and the pain of losing those six grandbabies these last two years will fade away.
My journey is in keeping the faith and leaning on God’s Word to help my sister through a difficult trial she’s facing. I’ve been giving her encouraging verses from the Bible to give her hope that all will be well. Our walk with Jesus will give us the courage, strength, comfort and hope. He hears our cries and when He beckons us, we will follow. I would love to share Suzie’s book with my sister.
My journey has had SO many twists and turns. I was happily substitute teaching and then was encouraged to apply for a term position. I am now in the middle of my term, teaching kindergarten. There are MANY challenges and God is stretching me. I will finish the term at the end of June and will return to substituting. I look forward to that very much.
I pray that I may trust in Him wherever He leads or is able to use me. I also pray for peace in wherever I am placed.