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Announcing Zip It: The Keep It Shut 40-Day Challenge

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Announcing Zip It! the Keep It Shut 40 Day Challenge from New York TImes bestselling author Karen Ehman

Be sure to read to the end to find out about how to join our group Doing Lent Together on Facebook!!!

I have some fun (and potentially helpful!) news. Announcing my new devotional book  Zip It, a follow up to my book Keep It Shut: What to Say, How to Say It, and When to Say Nothing at All. 

Zip It is a 40-day walk through the Bible and what it says about how we are—and are not—to use our words! Keep It Shut covered many topics, including anger, truth-telling, people-pleasing, our digital tongues online, and gossip. Because there are countless verses in the Bible that relate to our words and our silence, Keep It Shut only scratched the surface of these issues. My new book Zip It! now takes a deeper look and offers practical how-to’s that will inspire you to use your words to build, not to break; to bless, not to badger; to encourage, not to embitter; to praise, not to pounce.

Each of the forty interactive entries includes a Scripture verse focus for the day, a story or teaching point, and reflection questions with space for readers to write their answers and thoughts. Each entry ends with both a challenge that will help you carry out the directive in the verse and a prayer prompt.

Please join us for Doing Lent Together using #Zipitbook in 2018 HERE.

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  1. I’m very excited to be participating and just bought the e-version. I’d love to have the hard copy, too, so I can keep my notes in it, so I’m going to order it as well. Thanks so much!

    I am curious, though, as to how I join the FB group. Will there be an email?

  2. I am not on FB but would so enjoy being a part of the Lent program you are doing. Your devotion on “Sweet and Salty Words” was so good! Do you have any help for those who have been effected by over-salted words?

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