How God’s Word Helps Us Use Our Words Without Regret (& a GIVEAWAY of Zip It!)
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Giveaway winner: Congrats Jamie (comment left 1/23 at 9:45 a.m.) – check your email!

Yeah. Me too.
“I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.”
Sound too simple? Too antiquated? Too difficult? Nope. It isn’t any of those things. When we commit God’s word to memory, it can help us to use our words in a way we won’t regret. To use them to build, not to break; to bless, not to badger; to encourage, not to embitter; to praise, not to pounce.
When we are about to hurl a little harshness at a child who has just ticked us off royally by asking us the same question for the forth time that day, we can pause and in our minds recite Psalm 15:1:
A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
When you are in the midst of a group of people two are tearing it to someone, gossiping behind their back, in your mind you can rehearse the words of Ecclesiastes 5:6 over and over again, and then chose to keep your lips zipped:
Do not let your mouth lead you into sin.
Get the picture?
Now, if you’d like a little support in this endeavor, I have a devotional releasing next monthentitled Zip It, that is a follow up to my book Keep It Shut: What to Say, How to Say It, and When to Say Nothing at All.
Zip It is a 40-day walk through the Bible and what it says about how we are—and are not—to use our words! Keep It Shut covered many topics, including anger, truth-telling, people-pleasing, our digital tongues online, and gossip. Because there are countless verses in the Bible that relate to our words and our silence, Keep It Shut only scratched the surface of these issues. My new book Zip It! now takes a deeper look and offers practical how-to’s that will inspire you to use your words without regret.
Each of the forty interactive entries includes a Scripture verse focus for the day, a story or teaching point, and reflection questions with space for readers to write their answers and thoughts. Each entry ends with both a challenge that will help you carry out the directive in the verse and a prayer prompt.
AND…..STAY TUNED!! Because this book contains 40 days of devotions……and Lent is coming…….
Please join us for Doing Lent Together in 2018 HERE.
I try to learn the verses my children are learning in Awana as my way of putting them into my life!
I am guilty of storing the Word in my heart, yet not allowing it to change me. Looking forward to this Lenten journey of Zip It!
I read the Book & participated in the P31 Bible Study, loved every minute of it. I still say to my self daily,.. “Lord help me not to speak too much, or too soon, help me not to speak without first listening & most of all help me to be mindful that perhaps I don’t need to speak at all!”
I am constantly using my words incorrect. I get annual reviews at work and it is always the things I’ve said or how I’ve said them that get me in Trouble. I could definitely benefit from this book and this discussion group!
Oh boy do I need this kind of help! Praise God I have already started memorizing scriptures & have ur book about keeping my trap shut. But any additional help so greatly appreciated. It’s all so important, I’ve been the one to lash out with my words & I’ve been on the receiving end of another’s stinging words. God help us all be kinder, to love one another! Teach us Lord!
God is so good! When my kiddos were younger, I so struggled with the isolation of raising them “in the woods” with no family close by! I used to place cards with scripture all over the house addressing my temper & reminding me “in the heat of the moment” to speak life & love. These days, they are teenagers and full of sass…the beautiful kind! But I still struggle with the words that come from a weary heart some days. God has used His Word to calm my heart and give me strength in the midst of my weakness as He gently guides my tempest further toward peace. I’ve already bought your book & am looking so forward to #doingLENTtogether!!??Thank you, Karen, for this beautiful blessing!
I have some verses memorized, but not many. I find it very hard to memorize. I would like to get better at it. The one verse I had memorized was Philippians 4:6-7. I had to grasp this one tightly in my fist during a tough time with my son. I needed to know that God was in control and that I could just give Him my son.
I try real hard not to interrupt conversations but sometimes it’s really hard when I see someone going to use the wrong thing or policy or etc. This would help me learn to keep it shut. thanks
Great read this morning. I struggle with gossip..I know it is wrong..and yet I continue to do it. Definately need help and guidance in this area. Hope to join your 40 day devotion. Would love to win the book!
I am very excited about this challenge! I want to be fully engaged in God’s Word, memorizing it, seeking Him and pausing before saying anything. The impact that this could have! WOW!
Thank you Karen for using your life for Him! I SO enjoy you! :)
I write Scripture on index cards and then pray that scripture back to the Lord. This has helped me the most with memorizing God’s word.
I need to work on keeping it shut when I’m angry. I tend to hold in lots of feelings and words, but when I’m frustrated or angry (especially with my children), I have a much harder time holding everything in. Too often the interaction ends in tears & guilt.
I grew up memorizing scripture but have not done such a good job of it since I’ve become an adult. It’s something I need to rededicate myself too. I struggle constantly with my words and my tone of voice especially when I’m angry, hurt, or upset. It’s something I’ve been trying very hard to work on.
Yes, I find God’s word keeps my attitude positive and helps me to be a better person. I find guidance in Proverbs 31 and in the stories of Ruth, Mary, and Martha. I pin scripture that speaks to me on Pinterest so I can find it easily.
Today, with all of the dissension on social media, I am reminded that bad company ruins good morals and arguing with a fool proves that their are two. So I have decided that instead of arguing with people, it is time to let go of some of my college acquaintances and people I don’t know very well on Facebook. Several were unfriended today. He who walks with the wise is wise, but the companion of fools suffers harm. Straight from scripture! Let it guide your way. Keep up the good work Karen!
I often use God’s word to get through the day. It often helps give me a good perspective, and keeps me going on bad days.
I try to hide God’s word in my heart so that when I am going through a hard time the holy spirit will bring it back to me.thank u for giving us this opportunity to win.
Memorizing scripture AND zipping it! Can the combination be beat! (that is if I could manage to practice this on a DAILY BASIS :)! )
I have many verses memorized from when I was younger. In the last year, I have been feeling and challenged to learn some newer ones.
We have been talking about hiding his words both is Bible Study and Sunday school recently. It is so important yet most of the time I CHOOSE not to make this a priority. Can’t wait to go through Zip It with you.
I need to work on not saying too much. I talk before I think sometimes ans it gets me into trouble.
I remember going to Vacation Bible School as a young girl. My favorite part was memorizing the Bible verse each day…..yes they are hidden in my heart for sure!
I so need this in my life. I need to learn to zip it when interacting with my ex husband. I am trying to work through anger I have towards him. More times then not I find myself regretting what I say, I want to retaliate when he begins to belittle me and say bad things towards me. I need to zip it and pray for him. We have a long way to go and I know God is the only way. Thank you for this devotional, I can’t wait to dive in!
I’m so looking forward to this study. I am quick to mouth off to those who have utilized harsh words on me. I need to be more mindful of my mouth and further my heart
Oh yes!!!! One of the most wonderful times that still brings me to tears is when I did my 1st half marathon and the entire 13.1 miles I was reciting scripture <3 My heart was full – my body was crying LOL, but my mind was alive and my heart was full – The Word is powerful… I want my words to be in obedience to His Word. I would LOVE to win!!!!
I need to focus more on prayer than speaking words in today’s society. Prayer can give me patience, time to reflect, and compose myself. Words can sometimes be unkind and can’t be taken back. One goal our family has been working on in 2017 is not “polluting the environment” with negative words. I see our family growing in a more positive direction. as we work on building one another up daily. This book would help enrich our Lenten journey.
I was in Bible Drillers as a child, I still remember those verses I learned although I may not exactly remember where they are found. Being able to bring them to the forefront of my mind in certain situations is helpful!