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Want to Win Our Next Online Bible Study Book?

Our first study of the year at Proverbs 31 Online Bible Studies kicks off on Monday! We’re studying Wendy Blight’s new book, I Am Loved: Walking in the Fullness of God’s Love.

Ever wonder at times, “How do I live in God’s love when I don’t feel loved?”

Join us as we dig in to 1 John and discover how to walk confidently in and live out God’s unconditional, extravagant, lavish love.

Join us for our #IAmLoved #P31OBS starting January 22.

Our study starts on Monday. Be sure to sign up HERE so you get the study blog posts sent to you in email.

Walk in Love

For those of you that know Wendy, you know she is a prayer warrior. If you don’t yet know Wendy, you are in for a treat with this study! Here’s a special prayer Wendy wrote that she wanted to share with you as you walk in God’s love in 2018:

My Abba Father, thank You for showing me love when I didn’t deserve it. When I was still steeped in sin, You sent Your Son to die for me. When I didn’t deserve it, You reached down and loved me with the love that only You can give. You engraved my name on the palm of Your hand and etched my name in Your heart.

Even now, when I mess up, when I throw fits, when I doubt Your plans, You patiently love me through it all. Help me to live and love like You. Your love is patient. Your love is kind. Your love is not proud. Your love is not easily angered. Your love has no limits! As I walk through this journey called life, enable me to not only grasp but deeply understand how high and wide and deep and long is Your love. Help me to live out Your love in my family, in my friendships, in my community.

Father, make Your love alive in me. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

The Giveaway – now ended – Congrats Rachel Corona, please check your email for more information.

I’d love to hear if you are joining us in studying I Am Loved. Leave a comment below for a chance to win Wendy’s I Am Loved Bible study book and teaching DVD. U.S. Addresses only please. Winner will be announced here on this post on Monday, January 22.

I Am Loved, a study of 1 John, by Wendy Blight.

P.S. There’s also an optional teaching series called Fulfilled every week during the #IAmLoved study. These are live conference calls with guests including Mandisa, Lysa TerKeurst and other amazing women who know firsthand what it’s like to struggle with feeling loved and fulfilled in life.

Hope to see you in the study next week!



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  1. I will not be joining this bible study, even though it looks intriguing. I’m getting ready to participate in another one of your bible study books: “Let It Go.” The lady who is facilitating our moms bible study really drives us to want to sink our teeth in the word. She gives meat to our discussions and I pray that God uses her in extraordinary ways! Karen Ehman, I love the ideas you describe in your books.
    Thanks for the chance!

  2. Yes, I’m signed up and ready!! I’ve been doing P31 online Bible Studies for several years and have made some amazing friends in my small group on Facebook. I love all of Wendy’s books, and know this one won’t be any different! ???

  3. I am definitely looking forward to diving into this Bible study. The message of living loved despite the past (and lack of love in the past) is a centerpiece for me for the current season of life and what I need to get healing for in order for the lack not have any more side-effects in a number of areas of my life than it already did and caused to date.

  4. I am excited to study the book of 1 John with Wendy Blight’s newest book “I am Loved – Walking in the Fullness of God’s Love”! I’ve loved her books “I Know His Name” and “Living So That” and know this one will be no different as she is Bible teacher who supports her study with lots of scriptures. .

  5. I came across this new study by accident.if you believe in accidents. I believe everything has a define purpose.. I struggled with being loved all the time. I grew up in a dysfunctional family of 5. No one felt any love. My dad was bi-polar so we had to walk like we were walking on egg shells because you never knew what kind of mood he would be in. I want to find God’s unconditional love. I know He loves me but that unconditional love is greater than all other loves. I look forward to the study and hope that I can win. My husband has just been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and I need God’s love and strength to carry me through what’s ahead. My dad died 3 years ago Jan. 9th. My parents could never say a kind word to each other or us kids. Now she’s more bitter and angry than ever. Thanks Wendy.

  6. Can’t wait for this to begin on Monday. I really need to allow God deep inside my fortress walls so he can heal my very shattered heart and soul; and I can feel His love in my heart and not just know it in my head. My wounded betrayed and shattered little girls heart and my wounded betrayed and shattered woman’s heart deeply needs to feel His love not just know it in my head.

  7. I.would love to win this! I am going through a divorce right now and this study is something I need right now!

  8. Super excited for this study and bummed I’m missing the taping of your next one! You ladies are 2 of my faves! God bless y’all!

    1. They should be shipping in a few days and P31 also has books. Plus P31OBS will provide a PDF of the first week’s study so you don’t have to wait. So glad you are joining us!.

      Kim Stewart
      Karen Ehman Ministry Team

  9. I am looking forward to this study (so excited!!) and thanks for the chance to win Wendy’s book. God Bless your awesome ministry and to all those who are taking part in this study..

  10. I would love to win this bible study book. I have been having trouble with how to study the bible. I hope this helps with it. Thank you for the giveaway. It will be a blessing for who ever wins this.

  11. I signed up, but not sure where to enter to win the book. I could really use this as I can totally relate to the subject matter as this is something I’ve struggled with my entire life

  12. Love the start of the prayer Abba, Father. The term of endearment found in Mark, and taught about on the First 5, to remind us Gentiles that we are loved. Can’t wait to start this study.

  13. I’ve signed up for the I Am Loved Bible study and can’t wait for it! I love Wendy Blight’s studies and listening to her teach!

  14. I am signed up. I am looking forward to this new study. I think it is something we need to remind ourselves of often. In this crazy I think we can easily forget Who loves us no matter what.

  15. I am signed up and have purchased books for my group. I didn’t get the DVD because of buying their books.. I now need 2 more books. I would love to win them to help these ladies out. Thank you for this opportunity. I am excited about this study and sharing it with some sweet ladies who really need it.

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