Your Second New Year {A FREE Challenge}
How are you doing on your New Year’s Resolutions? Feeling motivated? Still going strong? Or have you fizzled a bit? Today I’m welcoming my friend Clare Smith to the blog to share about her new challenge, Your Second New Year: Course-Correct, Re-Focus and Awaken Your Year. I hope it inspires you to live your priorities and love your life! ~ Karen
I get it. Life got busy. Things changed. You aren’t sure if those goals even apply anymore. This is the perfect time for you to join me for Your Second New Year. I’m here to help you commit the next few months to the Lord and where He is calling you.
The Lord laid on my heart to take us through a process together that I work through every fall when my kids go back to school. I consider it “my second new year”. You see, as a mama, I have learned that the natural rhythm of life gives me two “new years.” In addition to the New Year every January 1st, we consider the start of every school year a new year too. Even if you’re not a mom, many people consider the fall a new year for them too. So this series isn’t meant to just be for mamas, and I’m really hoping everyone will participate!
Let’s see if any of these questions resonate with you:
- Do you feel that you’ve lost traction with what you were focused on in January?
- Have you found your interests changing?
- Are you an empty nester, or did your house which was filled with littles all of a sudden empty as they all entered school?
- Did a relationship in your life take a sudden twist to where you need to put some extra energy in it? (or perhaps you’re adjusting to someone not being there anymore)
- Have your health goals changed either because of something new you found out about your body, or time restraints?
- Do you have a desire to grow a business or dream, but you’ve come up against resistance?
Welcome to life. It’s these twists and turns that can take us from a goal we have, be it in our health, finances, career or more to finding ourselves out of steam, getting lost, and feeling stuck. Good news! I’m here to coach you through all this and regain your flow for the fall!
The challenge is totally self-paced so you can start it anytime, by yourself or with family and friends. Here’s a FREE guide to get you started. You can follow along on my blog or on Instagram or Facebook. There’s no sign up required for the challenge, but if you’d like to receive the challenge posts by email, please sign up here.
I pray Your Second New Year helps you gain some clarity over the next couple of months and look forward to hearing how it’s going for you!
Clare Smith lives with her husband and 2 children in Northeast Ohio. She is a certified fitness instructor and teaches Pilates and group fitness classes at her church and local university. Clare’s passion (outside of raising and nurturing her children and home) is motivating women of all ages and stages of life to live well physically, emotionally and spiritually. Check out Clare’s book, The Living + Active Challenge: Your 5-Week Training Guide for Body and Soul.