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Keep Showing Up Release Day

*Welcome to those of you joining from my Encouragement for Today devotion Will You Please Do It Just For Me? (If you haven’t read the devotion, click here. Be sure to come back for the GIVEAWAY!!)

It is release day for my latest book Keep Showing Up: How to Stay Crazy in Love When Your Love Drives You Crazy!

Toss the confetti and give your man a kiss.

To celebrate, I am giving away a prize package worth over $500. More about that in a minute. But first, here is the description of my new book on marriage:

It is true that opposites attract—for a while. But often as the years go by in our marriages, opposites may also begin to attack. The habits and characteristics we once found endearing about our significant other are the exact things that drive us crazy years later!

Whether you and your spouse disagree about finances, parenting, or how to load the dishwasher, your differences don’t need to divide you. They can actually bring you closer together—and closer to God, when you discover the proper perspective on marriage. Marriage is hard and it’s not about you. It is about displaying the gospel to those who are watching. You see, it isn’t just pastors who deliver a sermon. Your marriage is a message and people are watching you preach.

In Keep Showing Upyou will discover…

  • The top three reasons for conflict in marriage and how to navigate them
  • How to play to each other’s strengths as you work on your own weaknesses
  • Strategies for avoiding the social media comparison trap
  • Why it’s dangerous to mimic a friend’s marriage
  • How to unearth the magic in the mundane
  • A guided questionnaire for discovering your unique calling as a couple
  • How to become a faithful forgiver who also forgets
  • Why a spouse who drives you crazy can help you grow spiritually


To celebrate—and help to get the word out about this message—I am giving away a prize package worth over $500 that includes some resources for you and a $400 Groupon gift certificate to plan a getaway with your spouse, or maybe several small getaways to local establishments. Anything goes! You can use it to stay a few nights at one of the featured hotels or bed-and-breakfasts or you can purchase several Groupons to restaurants for several date nights. The entire date night package includes:

One winner will be chosen on Tuesday, March 5, and we’ll update this post and contact the winner via email. U.S. Addresses only please.

Date Night Giveaway worth over $500 up for grabs at karenehman.com to celebrate the release of her #keepshowingupbook on marriage.


To enter, share this post, or download the image above and post it, for your family and friends on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. Be sure to use the #keepshowingupbook. Each time you share is a chance to win!

My team and I will be scouring the hashtag this week and can’t wait to see your posts!

We’d love to hear in the comments below where you shared it and how long you’ve been married. (If you don’t use social media, you can simply comment below.)

P.S. Save the Date!

As if all of these cool giveaway goodies aren’t enough, I have some FABULOUS and FUN news

Keep Showing Up has been chosen to be the next online Bible study at Proverbs 31 Ministries!! It starts April 1 and you can learn more here.

Thanks so much for helping by sharing the excitement and sharing about Keep Showing Up with your friends. I appreciate you so much!

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  1. I shared on Facebook. My husband and I have been married 47 years. I have been blessed with a loving husband.

  2. Shared on Facebook! My husband and I have been married 29 years this October, together 31. We got together my senior year of high school. I have joined the Proverbs 31 online Bible study and am so excited!

  3. I shared on my facebook page. My husband and I are going to be celebrating 11 years married on March 21st. It seems like the first five years were trial and error…lots of hard times. It is finally starting to get good. Not perfect, but better.

  4. This it’s going to be such a great book. I think I need it more than I realize. Can’t wait to get started with proverbs 31 when they study it. God bless you Karen for writing this book. We need this getaway.

  5. I don’t use social media (I have in the past but taking a break now) but would so love a chance to win this package. I’m looking forward to doing this study in April with Proverbs 31. I think it is just what I need right now. Thank you so much for the opportunity and for writing this book.

  6. My husband and I have been married 31 years. Three years ago I discovered that He had been unfaithful. My world fell apart, but God. Through godly counsel, hard work, and the work of the Holy Spirit, my husband has become a transformed man and I have healed. We are united in our marriage as never before and have made the transition into a new normal. I am amazed that I have survived this Everywoman’s nightmare, and can actually experience true joy, peace and love. I started a local support group for betrayed spouses, and my husband and I are both preparing to lead an online group for couples touched by infidelity. I would love this date night package to strengthen our marriage after having gone through this storm. Karen, I have enjoyed your devotionals immensely through the years – thank you so much!

  7. I recently became engaged, after being single for over ten years. My fiance and I both have had failed marriages, but are determined to grow together in our love and faith for our Father God. God is pouring His blessings upon us!
    Your book looks like a must read, which will help us grow in our love for each other.
    I shared this post on my Facebook page.

  8. Love it! We just celebrated our 19th Anniversary yesterday! We have such a heart for marriage ministry and work with an organization that helps missionary couples with strengthening their marriage and families. This looks like a wonderful book! ?

  9. So exciting! What fun it has been to be a part of the Launch team. I have shared this post and others on social media Instagram, Twitter, Facebook as well as emails and word of mouth. My prayer is that this book would become a bestseller in record time, as well as a most effective resource for marriages to flourish and become all that God intended.

    1. I have also signed up for this study which is the next one for Proverbs 31 Ministry. That is something I am really looking forward to doing.

  10. I’m so excited and this book and the upcoming P31OBS on it! I just shared on Facebook, Instagram, and twitter. My hubs and I have been married 15 years.

  11. Blessings to you all…I have been married for 27.5 years and been with my husband for 31 years. Wow! That seems like my entire lifetime. While we married young, our marriage has never been easy. We were blinded by love and money problems…but we have always put Christ first so that is what kept us together. Love that Karen has written a book to help and guide us along. Happy Book Release!

  12. My husband and I have been married for 24 years. We renewed our vows a year ago after a very difficult time. Marriage is not a cake walk, but the good is so worth the difficult times. Thanks for writing a book like this. It is much needed.

  13. Hi! I have been married to my husband for 37.75 years! We are really needing a get-a-way as we have been focusing on home repairs lately…so I would try to find a groupon deal at the nearest beach. Thank you!

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