Good Friday Devotion: Following From Afar
“Peter followed him at a distance, right into the high priest’s courtyard. He was sitting with the servants, warming himself by the fire.” Mark 14:54 (CSB)
At the back of the little country church, I clumsily thumbed through the pages of the worn pew Bible. It was Easter week and I was a senior in high school. I had given my life to Jesus just over a year prior at a youth campfire gathering and was still uncertain about the location of certain verses.
That Good Friday, I was at a drop-in service. This wasn’t a traditional service at an appointed time with a message and singing. People could stop by the church at any time to individually and quietly work their way through a devotional reading and accompanying verses.
It was during that time of reflection that I met the Apostle Peter in the words of Scripture. Peter, who later became a bold witness for Christ, was not so valiant at the time of Jesus’ betrayal and crucifixion. Although Peter claimed that even if everyone else ditched Jesus, he would remain faithful, Jesus knew the truth. The truth was that Peter would deny Christ not once, but three times in one night.
Before Peter’s denials came, something else came: a widening space between Peter and Jesus. Although Peter was a close companion of His, when Christ was suddenly arrested, Peter stopped his “right-beside-ya” stroll. Today’s key verse from Mark 14:54-55 clearly states where he stood, “Peter followed Him at a distance” (HCSB).
My teenage heart broke as those words stung my soul. They cut a bit too close. As a new believer I’d eagerly told others about Jesus. However, when I saw that my new-found faith wasn’t so readily accepted by certain friends at school, I’d backed off from associating myself so publicly with Jesus. Like Peter, I was following at a distance.
The remedy to my problem lay squarely in my hands. It was so obvious I almost missed it: The Bible.
To walk closely with Jesus we have to walk ourselves daily through God’s Word. Tethering our hearts to Scripture helps grow our friendship with Jesus. As a result, He becomes more important to us than others or their opinions of us. The more we learn about God’s character, the more we fall in love with Him and the less likely we’ll be to turn from Him when the crowds tempt to sway us. Or when fear of judgment or persecution comes.
Have you been following Jesus at a distance? Walking far enough behind that you can still see Him but others don’t see you right next to Him? Grab a Bible. Crack it open. Get into God’s Word and get His Word into you. No more lagging behind. Let’s walk right beside the Lord, unashamedly, and allow others to see our desire to be near Jesus in hopes they will long to get to know Him too.
Dear Lord, help me to follow through with my intentions of immersing myself in Your Word and then walking close with You day-by-day. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Great reminder!
Thank you. Your message is a blessing. Thank for sharing so we may be blessed.
Great word! Amen! Thank you for this.