Setting Up a Holiday Notebook

This one is an annual tool I can’t live without!

There are only a few weeks left until Christmas and lots to be done by moms everywhere. One idea that has helped me over the past several years is a holiday notebook I crafted to keep all of my important info in one place. You might want to set one up this weekend. Here is how it works:  


Setting Up a Holiday Notebook 

Purchase the following:    

  • a one-inch, three-ring binder with a clear cover pocket to slip a scrapbook page or picture collage in
  • a three-hole punched 8 1/2 X 11-inch plastic pocket with Velcro closure
  • a three-hole punched 8 ½ by 11-inch calendar for November-December (easily found on most computers)
  • seven tab dividers 
  • five or more clear page protectors
  • notebook paper

First, take a snapshot of your family or make a scrapbook page to slip down in the cover of the binder.

Next, set up your notebook in the following order:

*The plastic pocket to keep holiday receipts in. No more lost receipts! Keep receipts in a pocket with a velcro closure

*One tab labeled: Calendar 

*Calendars for November-December

Record target dates for tasks such as addressing Christmas cards, decorating the house, purchasing the tree, shopping  and wrapping presents, writing thank you notes, etc…. You may want to record each family member’s holiday activities in different colors.

*One tab divider labeled: Family Gifts

Here you can use notebook paper to record what items you purchase for your immediate as well as extended family.

*One tab labeled: Other Gifts

Use paper in this section to record gifts to purchase or make for teachers, coaches, neighbors, friends and others in your life. Think in quantity. Why not give the same thing to all of the neighbors, teachers, etc… Simplify, Simplify, Simplify!

*One tab labeled: Christmas Cards and Mailings

In this section keep addresses on paper of those you will mail cards or packages to. Or use a few clear page protectors to hold address labels if you are printing them up on your computer.

*One tab labeled: Decoratingng Ideas

Behind this tab, place several page protectors designed for you to slip in printed directions from Pinterest or other online places or old-fashioned magazine clippings. Look for decorating, centerpiece, and tree-trimming ideas you might want to try.

*One tab labeled: Holiday Food

 Here record your family’s favorite holiday recipes or tuck in some you’ve found online or in magazines or newspapers in a few clear page protectors. You can use full sheet protectors or ones designed to hold 4 x 6 photos. They fit recipe cards perfectly!

Keep your yummy recipes in this section
Keep your yummy recipes in this section

*One tab labeledThank You Notes

Record on paper any gifts received for which you need to write a thank you note.

Using this notebook as an organizational guide can help to alleviate holiday headaches and keep everything in one central place. However, you might want to hide it from your offspring who can read. They might snoop at the gift section!

Happy Organizing!

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