~Top 5 Retro Pies~
I love to make different pies and am always getting asked for my recipes. So today I’m sharing my Top 5 Retro Pies. I got all of the recipes from vintage cookbooks I’ve collected over the years. Mixed-Fruit Holiday…
Looking for a Bible reading companion that will help you spend time with God each day? Check out 52 Weeks in the Word.
I love to make different pies and am always getting asked for my recipes. So today I’m sharing my Top 5 Retro Pies. I got all of the recipes from vintage cookbooks I’ve collected over the years. Mixed-Fruit Holiday…
Today, I’ve asked my super-creative and crafty friend April Wilson from Etsy Shop AlynnsArpons to help us make things a bit more autumn-y around our houses with a little fall DIY craft. Enjoy! **************************************************************************************************** Decoupage Pumpkins Fall is in full…
Valentine’s Day is a great opportunity to share and show the love of Christ with your family, with those around you, and especially with those who have never experienced His love. Here are 10 simple ways to sprinkle God’s love…
Happy May Day! In past generations, people left bouquets of flowers on doorsteps, rang the bell and ran. The homeowner would soon emerge and discover the fragrant and lovely surprise adding delight to their day. Might you grab your kids or…
Imagine you get a call from old friends. They are on a trip and will be driving past your town in 2 hours. “Can we swing by?” they want to know. Come on….be honest…what is more likely to be your…
Hi all! While I know the real meaning of Memorial Day and have worked hard to teach our children the importance of honoring our fallen heroes, I also know this weekend means doing some mean grillin’! Here are a few…