Keep Showing Up
It is true that opposites attract–for a while. But often as the years go by in our marriages, opposites may also begin to attack. The habits and characteristics we once found endearing about our significant other are the exact things that drive us crazy years later!
Whether you and your spouse disagree about finances, parenting, or how to load the dishwasher, your differences don’t need to divide you. They can actually bring you closer together–and closer to God.
Throughout Keep Showing Up, Karen includes ideas to implement in your marriage right now, such as powerful statements to speak to your spouse, date-night-on-a-shoestring suggestions, and discussion starters. Discover how your “incompatibility” can become the strength of your marital team in this real-life guide to both living with and loving your spouse–differences and all.

Endorsements for Keep Showing Up

Dang girl! Powerful and practical straight-talk in a world that wants you in a twist about marriage. A must-read and re-read. A dose of vitamin T (truth) about what marriage can wonderfully look like when we look more at what God can do in our commuted hearts than what our husband or wife should do for us; more at what God gives to the unit than what we are expecting to get as individuals.
-Elizabeth Hasselbeck, Wife, Mom, TV Personality, Author

When you open a Karen Ehman book, you know you’re going to find tons of practical suggestions, years of hard-earned wisdom, and a down-to-earth, we’re-all-in-this-together approach that is relatable, reliable, and well worth reading. Whether you have been married ten months or ten years, Keep Showing Up will help you grow spiritually, even as you strengthen the most important relationship you have on earth.
-Liz Curtis Higgs, Best-selling author

Whether she’s just starting out or has been married for what now feels like a lifetime, there’s something for every wife in Keep Showing Up. With humor, practical teaching, vulnerability, and Biblical Truth, Karen hits on all the hard topics. I see this book restoring marriages that feel dry, empty, shallow, or just tired and becoming a long-standing resource to pass onto women who just need a wise fried to encourage them to keep showing up.
-Nicki Koziarz, Wife to Kris, Best-selling author & speaker with Proverbs 31 Ministries

Keep Showing Up will make you wonder if Karen has been secretly living in your home, watching and listening to your marriage! We found so many of her stories resonating with our own. Insightful, fun, and incredibly practical!
–Patrick and Ruth Schwenk, Founders of & and Authors of For Better or For Kids: A Vow to Love Your Spouse with Kids in the House
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