Resources & Recipes

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Getting to Know You Again Date Night Questions
Bust up the boredom by getting to know your spouse all over again, asking them to share their thoughts on anything from their favorite toy growing up to what is one thing they have always wanted to try, but were afraid to. To make it easy, I created this list of twelve Getting to Know You Again Date Night Questions.
Subscribe HERE and you will receive this 2-page PDF in your email. Download it to your device, or print it out, then head out for a meal, go to a local park, or sit out on a sidewalk table at a bistro. Take turns answering the questions listed. I’ll bet you discover some things you never knew about each other.
5 Day Email Challenge
5 Days to a Hospitable Heart
Each day walks you through a passage of scripture on opening your heart and home, and also provides a reflection question for the day, a heart-felt prayer to pray, and a delicious recipe to prepare.

5 Days to Sweet & Salty Speech
Need help learning to watch your words? Sign up for this free five-day challenge. Five characters from the Bible. Five lessons for our lips.
5 Day Email Challenge
Pause Before You Pounce
When you can’t always control the look of your house, or the actions of the people who live there, do you sometimes have trouble controlling your anger? Sign-up for the 5-Day Pause Before You Pounce Challenge and learn to pause, pray, and then… Don’t pounce at all!

How to Hear a Heart Drop: 5 Days of Listening Between the Lines
When we hear a heart drop, we can brush it aside and go on our busy way. Or, we can respond with an act of kindness. This 5-day challenge includes short video messages full of biblical inspiration and practical ideas for reaching out to others with the love of Christ–family members, friends, coworkers, the lonely and grieving, the necessary people who help you get life done–even the oh-so-hard-to-love! Want to know more?