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Got a spouse? Then get this book!

Free Resource-Date Night Questions

Bust up the boredom by getting to know your spouse all over again! To make it easy, I created this list of twelve Getting to Know You Again Date Night Questions. Subscribe HERE to get this 2-page PDF sent directly to your email.

Hot Fudge Sundae Cake Recipe

This is a super easy dessert to make when you have company. A layer of delicious, ooey-gooey warm fudge settles to the bottom as it bakes. Serve with vanilla bean ice cream for a decadent dessert perfect to make any night a celebration.

Hey there, friend!

I’m so glad you’ve dropped by!

Welcome to my online home! If you and I were visiting in person, I’d grab a mismatched mug from my kitchen cupboard and make you some French press coffee. But for now, click or tap your way around my site and grab a free resource or two. I also invite you to subscribe to my newsletter full of creative ideas for following God, serving your family, and loving people—including a few recipes per issue! And I’d love to hang out with you on social media so be sure to connect with me via the links at the bottom of this page. I’m so thrilled and honored to have you here.


The Love Your Life Project

If someone watched how you spend your days, would they be able to tell what your passions and priorities are? Sadly, sometimes we allow the trivial activities of life to crowd out what’s truly important.

Offering a road map back to a life of purpose and passion, The Love Your Life Project—a 40-day guided journey—will help you unlock a vibrant life uniquely suited to your personality, season of life, and schedule limitations. Packed with encouragement, biblical advice, and personal discovery, this practical and biblical tool will empower you to:

  • prayerfully determine and intentionally pursue your passions and priorities
  • craft a personalized action plan deeply rooted in Scripture
  • manage the tension between your relationships and your responsibilities 
  • cultivate a life-giving routine of rest and productivity
  • impact others for eternity through your current life and unique gifts