Even When Nobody Notices (Free Download)

Have you ever gone by a drive-through for food or coffee and been told that the person in front of you paid for your order? This is just one way to scatter kindness in secret. Here are a few more ideas that are not only sneaky but so much fun!!

  • Tuck a gift card to a coffee house or restaurant in a friend’s purse when you are at Bible study or a life group meeting and she is not looking. Include an encouraging note that was created on a computer so she doesn’t recognize your handwriting.
  • Ask your pastor to deliver some kindness to a needy family from you. Gift them with a gift card to a local grocery store. That pastor can tell them to thank the Lord for it because the person who gave it wishes to remain anonymous.
  • During back-to-school buying, hang around the school supply section and give some cash to a parent who is a stranger and seems to have a lot of supplies to purchase.
  • Go to the layaway department of a local department store and pay off the layaway of a family who has put children’s clothing on layaway.
  • Purchase some bouquets of flowers at a roadside stand. Leave them on the doorsteps of elderly neighbors or other shut-ins you may know. Ring the doorbell and run. They will discover a lovely surprise!
  • Purchase some fall fruits and vegetables and put them in a cute basket. (You can find great ones at second-hand stores.) Place the baskets on the hoods of cars at church specifically targeting families you know who may be struggling. You may need to sneak out of church during the final song so as not to get caught!

What other ways can you think of to scatter a little kindness in secret? We’d love to hear your ideas in the comments below.

*BONUS* I am giving away a free printable of kindness cards for you to use as you bless others and scatter kindness. If you use these cards, be sure to snap a picture and upload it to your social media account with the hashtag #scatterkindness. We can’t wait to see!

To download the PDF of kindness cards to print, simply click below.

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  1. Thanks to a talk I heard Karen give at a Hearts at Home conference years ago I do secret acts of kindness every year during Lent. I bring treats and a note of appreciation to all of our church organizations, such as the parish council, Sunday School teachers, and quilters. Nobody knows the treats come from me, and I hope they enjoy them! Thanks for this life-changing suggestion, Karen!

  2. I buy flowers at the grocery store and give them to an older person. There is mother like fresh fliers to brighten your day.

  3. The last couple of Christmas seasons, my kids (16/21 years old) and I have made goody bags and left them on random peoples’ windshields. In a candy cane cellophane bag they include a lip balm, travel tissues, small green or red notepad with a red pen, mints bought from the local Christian bookstore with scripture verse on them, a small piece of candy cane that comes with the “Legend of the candy cane” printed on the wrapper its in, a packet of hot chocolate and a tiny booklet we’ve found on Christian book websites about the meaning of Christmas…wrapped up with a note attached that wishes the recipient a blessed Christmas season. Such a great feeling, knowing they’ll never know who left it for them, could be anyone! : )

  4. Loved this whole post. And definitely needed ideas to help me reach out to people in some way. Feel it a lot but can never think of things I can do. Thanks for sharing your heart.

  5. I must take a moment and brag on my God! I hit a Jeep last night. Yup totally backing up into a parking space I mean I’m not going to hit a moving vehicle or nothing. So after I hit the Jeep I decided to park somewhere else. You know don’t wanna keep hitting that vehicle just cuz it’s staying steady and taking walks. (? ?). I made the decision to do the right thing find the person who belonged to the Jeep. So I went into the fast food restaurant and I thought I’d just ask at each table before I start to question the staff as there wasn’t much line inside. The first table I asked held the owner. I said would the Jeep out there be yours. He says yeah why? I said I may have hit it a little bit but I think you should have a look at it. So he looks really worried ? come to find out he’d just gotten his 4 wheel drive working on it. (I didn’t understand what he meant by the statement but from how he said it it sounded expensive). So he determines all is well but God prompting me I say well check your lights and everything before I leave. He goes oh yeah thanks for reminding me. We check everything out and determine I messed up his license plate and the holder it was in other than that I knocked a good amount of dried mud off his Jeep. And here’s God again the guy goes it doesn’t look like a problem to me if all the lights are working as you said so I think it’ll be ok. He thanks me and says I hate to get pulled over by the police if the lights aren’t working because I used to be a police officer. ? ? ? ya gotta appreciate Gods humor. Thank you for this devotional today and for allowing me to share the “impact” it made in my life.

    1. A few years ago, I won a big ham at Christmas, and I already had bought a ham. I contacted a woman at church who always seems to know if there’s someone in need, and I asked if I could donate a ham to a family in need. She knew of someone, and I left the ham in the church’s refrigerator so she could take it to the family.

  6. Thank you for wonderful ideas on how to be a blessing to others. I will certainly challenge myself this week to show kindness and compassion especially to those in need.

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