Thanksgiving Weekend Give Away

*Give Away has Ended*

“I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy.” Philippians 1:3-4

I do. I thank my God every time I remember you.

Some of you I know very well. Others of you I met once at an event or retreat. Many I have gotten to know only by your screen name as I read your comments. Still others of you have lurked around this site, peeking in once in a while, yet never commenting.

That is okay. I still thank God every time I remember you.

In my prayers, I pray with joy for all of you. (For “y’all, if you are in the south :-))

I rejoice that somehow, our paths have crossed.

I rejoice that we can connect over  the week due to this tool called the Internet.

I rejoice when I see you hop on and leave a comment.

I rejoice even more when one of you hops on to encourage another; someone you have never even met.

You have refreshed and encouraged me by your very presence here. For I know your time is precious. You have families and jobs to do, at work or at home; you have responsibilities and time commitments….and dirty laundry and dishes. So I am thankful each time you carve out a minute to stop by.

Really I am.

To show my gratitude, I want to give you a chance to win two sweet gifts. Not the sugary, fattening kind. These two gifts will sweeten your life.

Your waistline however, will be unaffected.

First, I am giving away a copy of a teaching CD by my sweet friend and our Proverbs 31 resident President Lysa TerKeurst.

It is called Fear-less and Thank-ful. In this message, Lysa asks the questions, “What if you had the confidence to face anything that happens? What if you knew that good could come out of any circumstance?”  Well, as a wife to Art, mother to five children, and committed ministry leader, this gal is no stranger to the fears that women face. This encouraging message will strengthen your faith in God as Lysa shows how to:

  • Reduce controlling fear by placing your deepest desires into God’s hands.
  • Embrace a sense of worth by realizing your desirability to Christ
  • Apply proven biblical examples to modern-day decisions
  • And make your walk with God an exhilarating journey

And ladies, this is not just a “pie-in-the-sky-three-point-slick-yet-spiritual-message” given by someone who happens to be a good speaker. This gal doesn’t just give this message. She lives this message. I know. I am close enough to her to vouch for it. Experiencing it will help you too, shifting your perspective from fear to faith.

Secondly, and just for some Thanksgiving-time fun, I’ll be sending along with the CD a bottle of Bath and Body Works Pecan Passion body lotion. Thick, creamy, and oh-so sweet-smelling. I’m talkin’ the  “if-you-are-married-don’t-put-it-on-if-you-haven’t-got-time-for-your-hubby” kind of sweet smelling. It will drive him crazy and he’ll be suddenly in the mood for a little….well…shall we say horizontal fellowship? :-) Trust me. I know.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Tell us one thing you are thankful for. It can be just one word.

You’ll be entered in this ‘sweet’ give away if you do.

NOTE: Be sure to join us Monday as we kick off the second annual 12 Days of Christmas giveaway. Each day one of my P31 sisters will be featured and will be offering way cool gifts just for you! See you then!!!

Thankfully Yours,

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  1. I am thankful for my husband’s love. It took me a long time to notice that he never mentions my faults. How special is that?

    Colors! Sounds! Aromas! I am thankful for our God who obviously gets a big kick out of giving us WAY more than what we need.

  2. Ditto, Jwilcox!
    I’m also thankful for a spur-of-the-moment family Thanksgiving prayer time tonight, during which our kids went on at length about what they were thankful for. The first on our 6 year old’s list–“I’m thankful Jesus died on the cross for our sins.”

    I’m thankful that the Lord has opened our childrens’ hearts, even though their parents aren’t always great examples.

  3. I am thankful for the Lord’s gentle nudges on which way to go or not to go, and am even more thankful that I followed His leading this year!

  4. I am incredibly thankful for my two beautiful children and awesome husband! And I am reminded today of how thankful I am of my christian heritage after spending a wonderful day with my extended family.

  5. God has blessed me in so many ways! I am thankful for my incredible husband and 2 children. I am also very thankful for the ministry of P31. You are all a wonderful blessing to so many.

  6. I am thankful for the encouragement I receive from reading this blog. Thank you Karen! You should know how much this forum means to a lot of women. Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. I am thankful for Jesus, my family and for friends. Also, for my daughter being home for Thanksgiving!!! What a treat.

  8. LOL I am laughing so hard at your comments on the body lotion! You are so funny.
    Karen, I am very thankful for you and for the Weight Loss Wednesdays you started. :) Thank you!!!

  9. I am thankful that my daughter, who has been at Bible School in Buenos Aires, Argentina since September, is coming home on Monday for the month of December!

  10. I am thankful for my hard working husband, our healthy boys, my family and friends. Happy Thanksgiving. God is so good!

  11. I am thankful for my family and that we are all healthy this year. I am also for the new baby in our family my little nephew steven. Have a blessed Thanksgiving everyone!

    Deb V

  12. So very much to be thankful for!! Our God is the giver of good gifts. He has given us peace in our home, joy in our hearts, and health in our bones. Our family is together today to give thanks to the Creator and the sustainer of life. I am thankful for my husbands job, my childrens unique learning styles and my ability to rise each day and serve them.
    Karen, I hope your day is overflowing with happiness and joy. Theresa

  13. I am so thankful that God reached out gave me the greatest gift ever and that my husband followed soon after. Now, I am thankful for my children who are all walking with Him and my daughter, Annika, who is in heaven with Him. I am so thankful that He is my Rock and my Redeemer.

  14. I’m thankful for God, my hubby and daughter, my extended family and my sweet memories of my grandma.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  15. I’m thankful for the smooth place God has made for me today. For my children, my husband, for his job, their love for wanting to follow Jesus. I’m thankful for God leading me to get past my past. And for this post.

  16. I am thankful for so many things, but I will list just this one. My husband, a man who loves the Lord, and seeks to do His will.

    Thank you Karen for this site.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all.

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