11th Day of Christmas Giveaway….with Suzie Eller

ani-email-xmas-66x106On the 11th Day of Christmas….. you get to meet one of the newest members of the Proverbs 31 speaker team! Oh, I think you are going to love her as I do. (If you are just joining us in our 12 Days of interviews and giveaway goodies, click here to get caught up. You can enter to win the prizes on any of the 12 posts until midnight EST on this coming Sunday, December 13th.)

Suzie Eller and I have known each other for years. We both speak at Hearts at Home conferences and first became friends years ago as we chatted at our book tables or shared a quick lunch between sessions. I soon learned what you are about to discover: she is a treasure.

Suzie has a zest for life, a deep love for God, a knack with teens and hurting women and excels at all things ‘techy’. She even taught yours truly how to Twitter — or is it Tweet?— when we were roomies at last year’s P31 She Speaks Conference.She is friendly and stinkin’ cute, with a love of fun and funky shoes to match! Suzie really is an incredible woman with an incredible life story. (If you have time, click here to read it. Especially if you come from a difficult childhood. You won’t be sorry!)

Now, meet my friend Suzie! (And check out her FABULOUS giveaway!!!!)

suzienewT. Suzanne Eller (Suzie) is the author of several books and hundreds of articles. She’s been featured on TV and radio programs, sharing her story of overcoming faith and living free. Suzie is married to Richard, a guy she still loves like crazy, and is mom to Ryan, Leslie, and Melissa and her much-loved in-law children, Kristin, Stephen, and Josh. She lives in Oklahoma. You can learn more about her at: http://tsuzanneeller.com

Suzie, can you share a tradition your family has enjoyed over the years?

My kids are in their twenties, and married. The traditions are more important than ever—for them! We have become the “hub”. It still feels strange that we are now the hub, when our parents used to be that for us when our children were younger. We have several traditions. We always have a special breakfast. All the guys cook while Christmas music plays. Richard reads the Christmas story from Scripture and we pray together as a family. Then we open presents one at a time. There is tons of laughing, teasing, and genuine fun during the opening presents. Presents are personal. A lot of thought is put into the present.

How do you intentionally focus on Christ in the midst of all the flurry of activities that happen in December?

18 years ago I found out I had cancer. Now that’s a bummer way to start this story, but that period of time taught me a lot. It taught me what was important, and what was not. I learned to slow down and savor life and people and moments, rather than trying to have an elegant dinner or picture perfect Christmas. We still have great foods and there are lots of pictures and memories, but the atmosphere is relaxed and focused on Him, and each other.

What has been your most memorable Christmas as an adult?

Growing up was hard because my family was chaotic, so every Christmas with my children and Richard seem super special. Last year Kristin (my DIL) was in the kitchen dancing playfully. My SIL Stephen was joking with Richard nearby. Melissa and Leslie were tucked close, just talking, and Ryan was telling a story to whoever would listen. Music played in the background. That’s home to me. That’s family. So every Christmas that I have with these very special people is memorable.


What activities do you most look forward to doing with your family at the holidays?

Playing ping pong, playing Wii, Apples to Apples, and cards.

You are offering a great giveaway today to one of our cyber sisters. Can you tell us about it?

Four (FOUR!) of my books:

  • The Woman I Am Becoming
  • The Mom I Want to Be: Rising Above Your Past to Give a Great Future 
  • Making It Real: Whose Faith is It Anyway?
  • Real Issues, Real Teens: What Every Parent Needs to Know

(Click here for the descriptions of Suzie’s books.)

WOW! Thanks for the great giveaway Suzie, and thanks for hanging out with us today!

Here we go, gals. If you want to be entered to win Suzie’s books, leave a comment answering this Christmas shopping question: Since Suzie is very tech savvy and I am a store shopping nut, do you prefer to shop at the stores while braving the crowds or on-line while at home in your jammies?

Do tell….

Shop-til-You-Drop Blessings,


  1. I like both. Stores by myself when I have time to stroll and on-line when I need to do it quick and with the DH or DD close at hand.

  2. I do both but I probably prefer the store shopping. Sometimes it is hard to get a good idea of clothing etc online.

  3. I’ve done a little of both. I don’t like shopping as much as I used to and it is so nice to do it from home and then have it delivered to you. Guess it makes me lazy, or maybe a good use of my time however you want to look at it. I would love these books and would give the one on parenting to my son and his wife..between them they have six children, and two are teens and one more will be a teenager this year….it’s needed….thanks….

  4. I shop a lot on line. We live in the country and it is not always convenient to go somewhere. However, I pick one day to go to town, to the mall. I get charged from the atmosphere. I have lunch with friends and then meet other friends for coffee.

  5. At the stores. I make it fun by talking to other customers and trying to cheer up the employees. It’s a challenge for me to engage others this crazy time of year and hopefully pass on cheer to them.

  6. Totally all about online! I can’t stand trying to navigate carts in skinny rows filled with people in huge coats!!!

  7. I’m in. And I love shopping in stores when I have the chance. On-line shopping is great when you’re crunched for time.

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