Those Nasty Numbers

Hey Weight Loss Wednesday gals! I sure hope you had a fantabulous week and, if you didn’t, that you will find encouragement here today!

After reading our post for the day, please hop on and leave a comment. We care about you, your progress and you are an important part of our group, so don’t just read….write!!!! :-)

My week went pretty well. After staying off of the scale for over a month (while God worked on other issues in my life and started to break me of my need to find my identity from a stupid number on said scale) I hopped back on two weeks ago and began to weigh-in weekly again.

Tracking my progress the last two weeks has proved to again be an emotional roller coaster ride.

Last week, after doing great in my eating and working out 5 times, when I hopped on, I had lost 6 pounds. In a week!


Then, this week, after doing great in my eating and working out 5 times, when I hopped on, I had lost 1 pound.


While I try to keep the chant in my head “I am defined by obedience, not a number on the scale”, still, that stinkin’ scale defines me.

However, if I had just hopped on today, after two good weeks of eating and moving, and saw the display flashing a number that was 7 pounds less than two weeks ago, I would have been thrilled!!! Seven pounds in two weeks (which my brain quickly deduced is a 3.5 pound loss per week rate) would have made me smile.

HELLO!!! It is the same thing!

Why, oh why, do we women get our worth from a number on the scale???????

Instead I should be asking myself, did I eat right?


Did I make carve out time to exercise?

Uh, huh….

Do my clothes fit a bit better and zip up easier?


Okay then….progress. Right?

Can anyone else relate?

While the scale does track our progress and give us an overall, big picture of how we are doing (meaning, my number on the scale is 30 something pounds less than when we began in October and my jeans size is smaller than then), the little week to week progress isn’t always reflected in the scale. We might be retaining water; gaining muscle from weight training, etc…

So don’t let that nasty number trip you up. (I am talkin’ to myself here on this one ladies!)

Don’t give up and reach for a donut (or two or three).

Keep going.

And pray about how often you should be hoppin’ on the scale in the first place.

I’m thinking every two weeks might be better for me. Yes, maybe that is the ticket. Check in weekly with you; every other week with the scale.

Your thoughts? Do you have the same love/hate relationship with your bathroom scale?

I can’t wait to hear how your week went and to pray for you…..

Scaled-back Blessings,


  1. Hi Everyone, yep the scale only makes me cry! It’s easier to focus on the process. In time it will all be worthwhile and the scale is being moved to some innocuous place in the garage, by the stinky cat litter box where I never go…hubby empties that!
    I did get on the treadmill mon – fri last week, got very sick over the weekend with the flu but was able to get back on this week too, three weeks in a row! YAY! for me that is an accomplishment. Please please pray that I can slow down on the food consumption. The evening is the worst!!
    Thanks for the support I read going on here in this list. When I didn’t want to get up and get on the treadmill today I thought of you all and didn’t want to have to say I didn’t do it. Thank you!!

  2. I think weighing myself weekly holds me accountable. And I can usually tell if the scale is going to move and which way. Not surprisingly, the scale moved up this week. Do-over for me. Still trying to figure out balance…but I’m not giving up!

  3. Hi,
    This is my first time posting, but I have been following for a few weeks. Over the past three weeks I have had many up and downs. I started strong with food journaling and eating right. My quiet times revealed that portions are my biggest battle. But, finding time to exercise still eludes me. This weekend I mowed the lawn for my husband, took the kids to the zoo, and went for a bike ride with my three oldest girls. I finally felt a little breakthrough. I don’t even own a scale and am weighing on a friends whenever I think about it and I am visiting her. I have lost about 10 pounds since Easter.

  4. Oh, I too know the frustration when the scale doesn’t budge and I know I have not failed in my healthy eating. For the past two weeks the needle has hovered around 182-183 despite all the fruits and vegetables and daily walks. But! And this is the interesting thing: when I tried on clothing this morning I noticed that it is all fitting looser than it did two weeks ago. What I suspect will happen is that I will get on the scale in a few days and see the needle suddenly below 180. Not sure what goes on in my body–fluid retention perhaps? Anyway, I agree with those of you that advise not to pay attention to the scale but to rely more on the fit of the clothing. Still and all, there is such validation in seeing the scale show the change…

    So, what I will do to lift my spirits is to brew some fragrant and delicious herbal tea in my prettiest cup, savoring it while I read encouraging verses from God’s Word. Then I will do something delightfully feminine for myself like paint my toenails with sparkly pink polish. Anyone want to join me??

  5. Thank you so much for your “Wednesday Wisdom” Karen. Some how it makes it easier to keep focused when you know others are struggling along with you. I do have an up and down relationship with my scale. I used to weigh myself multiple times during the day, however I am down to 2-3 times a week. This is still too much and I am setting a goal to only weigh in Wednesday mornings. Danette: You are not alone with the feelings you have. I too struggle with what I want to do and what I do. I had a weight gain this week, however I did not follow through on my eating. As Karen said last week…I am starting over!!

  6. I find the blog posts and comments on here to be so encouraging. I have been following Weight Loss Wednesdays since November and other than a pound or two lost/gained, that’s all I’ve seen on the scale. Pretty much maintaining. I need to lose at least 50 pounds to be at a healthy weight. That number just seems so overwhelming sometimes. Especially when I look at my shirts on me and see rolls when I sit down. Augh!

    However–I have made some significant changes in the last month. I exercise almost every afternoon (usually walk 2-3 miles). I homeschool 3 of my 4 children so that break has become a very welcome time for me that I look forward to. My children and I also walk a mile in the mornings together for our phy. ed. :) Yesterday I didn’t get my personal walk in and by 7:30 p.m. I was so tired and grumpy. I decided to head out at that hour and do it! What a victory for me. Exercise is key to my mental health which then impacts what I choose to eat.

    I have also started eating balanced meals. I actually started buying fruits and veggies I like. :) I now order an organic farm box that is delivered every other week. I’m trying different veggies on my salads. We’re grilling chicken on the weekends for our salads during the week. I’m meal planning and sticking with it for dinners. I am no longer downing a bag of Hershey kisses in a couple days or buying candy that’s on sale that I can’t resist. It’s all about stocking my house with the right stuff. If I have Reese’s PB cups here I can guarantee I’ll talk myself into eating them. I never realized how much I was sabotaging myself.

    Danette–I am not following a certain eating plan, but I am reading “Greater Health God’s Way” by Stormie Omartian. Trying to following some of what she says about ‘cleaner’ eating. It is making me realize what I have done to my body but that it *is* reversible. I never realized before how much hopelessness I had…she’s making me realize that it’s never too late. I seem to be okay with serving healthier alternatives (I still make lasagna, hamburgers, taco salad, etc.. just using no oil/butter/only ground turkey) but my problem is with quantity. I always want seconds.


  7. Well, it has been quite a week–whirlwind funeral trip 10 plus hours one way, then back. Eating was a challenge on the road, and when depending on others. I didn’t do so well at eating only when hungry, and I ate more than I needed a couple of times. SIGH. God is still good, and I have been reading about overcoming obstacles in the Thin Within book for the past 2 days.

    I am the same weight as last week–I am not going to check my weight much more than weekly. I know I cannot do this on my own–I need God’s help to reduce the stress in my life. That was the other point to my study this morning–I need to trust the Lord with ALL things–and feel the peace that brings. God allows us to struggle so that we can learn to depend more upon HIM. Please pray for me to deepen my trust in my Daddy above–$300 extra dollars that we didn’t really have was spent going to the funeral. But, BOY was my hubby’s grandma a Proverbs 31 woman, and she is finally home with Jesus–that was reason enough to make the effort to go out there. I sang during the service to help the family send her off–overall, all went as well as possible.

    Danette, sweetie–let God help you! Trust Him to take on your burdens–He wants to. Plus–He already knows you’re upset anyway, so what’s the use in trying to hide? I will pray for you this week, that you will remember that God has plans for you, and He will take care of anything you’ll let Him have.

  8. Haven’t tried the scale this week, am going to venture back to the Wii this week. I did however, take off a pair of capris without having to unbutton them. I’ll take that as a step in the right direction…now if I can step away from the ice cream. I’m really hungry this week…is it a hormone thing? Have tried more snacks with protein and fiber, still want lots of food. Suggestions anyone?…
    While writing this, just saw the scripture you posted Vicki Foss…must be a God thing :). Will print and keep on my desk where I can see it.

  9. Still taking baby steps here…..I really need to cut out drinking soda…..I know it is just loaded with sugar and zero nutrition. My hubby loves Coke and we always have it in the fridge. I think I’ll focus on kicking that habit and keep on walking for exercise.
    I do not even step on the scale, but use the fit of my clothing as a measure as loss or gain.

  10. Ha ha ha. God sure knows what we need to hear. I just came back from my Weight Watchers meeting very irritated. I only lost 0.8 pounds this week, the same as last week. OK- why is it “ONLY LOST” and not “YEA! I lost and didn’t gain!” I guess because I felt I had worked HARD this week, I mean walked between 3.5 and 5.5 miles 4 of 7 days. I also ate well, minus my icing incident yesterday. And I only lost 0.8 pounds. It makes me angry, I guess at myself and life in general. I need to go read your post again to calm down.

    Check out my weight loss blog if you’re interested…

  11. Danette, don’t give up. I know what you are going through. I’m the same. I’ve been battling my weight for 22 years. I now weigh the same as I did when I gave birth to my daughter 20 years ago! And I’m down 18.5 lbs!! :( I’m trying to incorporate more fruits and veggies in to my meals and less carbs, which I love. But one thing that has helped me the most is planning for the emotional eating. I have a VERY boring job and mid afternoon I was so bored that I headed to the vending machine nearly every day for a candy bar. I started bringing yogurt and 1 square of Ghirardelli dark choc and break it in to 4 pieces then suck the life out of each one taking the time to really savor it. That has helped me more than I can say. Don’t be so hard on yourself. You CAN do it. Focus on making 1 small change every week. Find something you really love (mine is the dark choc) and put a very small serving in a container, take a deap breath, pray and SLOWLY enjoy your treat when you need it. Karen gave us this scripture several months ago it has kept me from snacking on many occasions. It has been such a blessing to me. “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is good, he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with temptation will also provide the way of escape that you may be able to endure it.” 1 Corinthians 10:13. I’ve memorized it and use it often. Come back next Wednesday as we will be here for you. Good Luck. You are in my prayers.

  12. Thank you for the reminder that it’s not all about the “number”. I did pretty well this week. I’ve lost 2 lbs. I need to get back to walking on a regular basis. So that is my goal for the coming week.

  13. WOW….this is so true. I constantly guage myself by the scale. I had lost over 70 pounds over the last 2 yrs. and was almost to my goal. After moving 3000 miles across the country, I got off track. I have put 15 pounds back on and can barely look at the scale. I go to a popular weight loss support group, making it necessary to weigh in every Thursday. I have consistently gained a pound or two a week since January and feel like the scale is a monster; however, I know that if I wasn’t facing the scale weekly, I would have gained much more than 15 pounds. So I guess the scale is there to help us but in some circumstances it can also be our worst enemy. Thank You for today’s wisdom. I just pray that I can soon get back into the mindset that I was in before I made the huge move. God Bless You….

  14. Karen! God is sooo good and gives me what I need, exactly when I need it. Tues is “weigh day” for me. After a week of 6 days on the eliptical @ 30 min a workout and eating exactly what Im suppossed to without a cheat and increasing my water intake……I lost only 1 pound which is my least weight loss in a week yet! I wanted to have a pity party for myself but instead forced myself to remember that consistancy is key to breakthrough and God has been too good to me in too many ways for me to forget that He blesses my efforts and wants me to be healthy more than I even want it myself. So your blog today was just so on par with my lesson of the week also! Thanks for your encouragement. Let me encourage you to keep on keepin on! It IS working! Praise God!

  15. Oh that is sooo me!! After walking 6 days a week and quitting sweets, I am not seeing the results that I want on those dog gone scales! I only lost 1/2 pound last week. Then I get all discouraged. I think that you are right, maybe I should just weigh every 2 weeks instead of every day. I can see that what I have been saying is true I do have the metabolism of a snake!! But I will not let this get me down. I will continue on. I do need to watch the other things that I eat, not just the sweets. I am still convinced that God’s call to this “temple renovation” was real. So I will continue to lean on him and not my own understanding.
    God Bless you for your willingness to share. You are a real inspiration.

  16. I’ve stopped getting on the scales…completely! I rely on how my clothes fit and how I feel…only. Those scales practically ruled my life for a while, and I do not care to let them control me again. My satisfaction comes from the looseness in my jeans and the joy in my heart!
    Danette, hang in there! I appreciate your ‘being real’, and please don’t feel ashamed! Don’t give up! God loves you, and I do, too!

  17. I too did not have a good week and realized that I’m an emotional eater!! Then on to the scales and ready to give up, but thanks Karen for your encouragement. I have a loving Lord who is willing to forgive and is there for me. The bathroom scales need to be put away for awhile and I need to focus on my relationship withCHrist in all areas of my life including my food intake. Thanks for your prayers girls.

  18. The scale is a tricky thing for me.I tend to get on it a lot. If I’m up in weight, I know I need to work harder. If I’m down in weight, somehow I don’t think I have to work as hard. I need to focus on just being more consistant. I don’t need to be weighing everyday to know if what I’m doing what’s right.

    After 4 weeks in a stand still I lost 2 lbs this week!!

  19. Ladies, are y’all following the clean eating plan or various plans? I’ve tried everything in the book and some I just made up! I’m such an emotional eater and this has been a very bad week for me on so many levels. My head says…give up, it hasn’t worked in the last 10 years so why would it work this time. But my heart tells me that there could be a healthier life out there for me and maybe of life without shame. I know this sounds awful…I’m just being real.

  20. I do tend to let the scales set the course for my day at times. I think I’m better lately. So many months of no progress, that the little progress I have now is a blessing. I’m finally below the weight that i started dating my boyfriend at nearly 3 years ago! (small goal met) Down .75 this week is all. I guess I really have the problem of being jealous of other people progress rather than being thankful for my own. I’m 46 and have had a hysterectomy(?). I have never been able to lose 6 pounds in a week. If I am completely obedient and exercise 1 hour a day 7 days a week I can lose about 3 pounds in a week, but that is max, and It’s only happened once or twice. Mostly I’ve been settling for relatively obedient and 5 days of exercise. Which has been leading to 1 pound a week down. So, I’m trying to be thankful for the 18.5 lbs I’ve lost so far. Still have about 55 lbs. left to go. But downward progress is what I’m inspired by now, not how many. Have a lovely day ladies. You are all a blessing to me.

  21. I’m with you friend. When did all this madness of being defined by the number on a scale begin? Perhaps it’s a conspiracy from those that manufacture the scales. HA!
    I”ve taken a scale break myself and am focusing on exactly what you mentiond. OBEDIENCE to the program, not a slave to the scale. Thanks for always encouraging us on this journey.

  22. Exactly… I judge my weight loss by the way my clothes fit and eventually “fall off” :) Plus if I know I’m eating right and exercising, it has to follow the seed time and harvest rule… we are sowing seed so the harvest HAS to follow. It’s a promise in God’s Word. I am EXPECTING my harvest!!!

  23. Great reminder Karen and what I needed to hear today. I am up about a pound from last week. Frustrating because I was sick and virtually didn’t eat for two days. However, I’ve not been as diligent with eating right (fruits and veggies) and exercising. Starting over today! I am not defined by a number on the scale!

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