Starting Over for the First Time

Be sure to read to the end for a chance to win a copy of Made to Crave!!!


How often have you (and I!) vowed to lose weight, started out of the chutes with gusto, only to fizzle within the first weeks (or days!)? Yes, I know, sometimes even by noon of the FIRST day!

Regular readers know this has & will always be a battle for me. And for many of my close friends.

After all, we gals bond over food, don’t we?

When we’re eating it.

Or trying desperately NOT to eat it?

A sister loses weight and we want to know the secret.

So we share and struggle; sometimes seeing success. Most times not, which leaves us back where we started.

Starting over AGAIN!!

Four years ago when I lost over 100 pounds, I was securing endorsements for a book I was writing and for my website. My friend & Proverbs 31 President Lysa TerKuerst wrote this:

“……Karen encouraged me to finally get serious about losing my baby weight. Twenty-five pounds later…I’m healthier and happier than ever.”

I thought, “Oh how sweet, I was an encouragement to her.”

Yes, Lysa & I bonded over tiny little pre-packaged, calorie restricted cakes & air-popped salty treats. We  lost weight by working from the outside in; being a food Nazi about every morsel that went into our mouths.

It worked.

For a while.

Then, within less than two years, Lysa gained back all that weight.

A year after that, I gained back over a third of what I lost.

Then, Lysa, at her wits end, tried a very different approach.

An approach from the inside out.

And it worked.

I won’t go into the long story as you can read it for yourself, but the result was Made to Crave.

It is a book.

And a website.

And weekly webcasts.

No….it is a movement!!!

I encourage all of you who are also tired of starting over to check it out.

And, if you want to study this fabulous book (I’ve already read it!) with a group of over 1000 gals, check out our other P31 sister Melissa Taylor’s online study of Made to Crave.

Melissa is a fellow struggler. She and I have commiserated over the years as both our weights have meandered up and down the scale. She is such a shot in the arm with her sweet demeanor and warm, encouraging (yet often zany) ways. You will LOVE her!!!!

The study starts January 16th. You can sign up in the right sidebar of Melissa’s site here.

I’ll be there too. :-)

I want to start over again….for the first time.

How about you?

After checking out Made to Crave & Melissa’s online study, be sure to come back here and leave a comment. One gal will be chosen to win a free copy of Lysa’s Made to Crave book!!! Winner announced Friday. :-)



  1. I lost over 70 lbs after my husband passed away–I have since put back 45 maybe even 50 or so after the hoilday!!! I felt so much better when I was thinner–I would so like to be a part of your journey but money is my problem–I would love a copy of the book–maybe,hopefully I might win!!! Good luck to everyone on their journey!!! Barb

  2. Oh, oh, pick me, pick me!!!!!! I am a lifetime WW, and also a SB dieter–always interested in finding the life-long solution to the puzzle. Can’t tell you how many diet books I have, and would love to replace all of them with Lysa’s MADE TO CRAVE.

  3. I got the Kindle book a few days ago and am excited to get started, count me in!! I’m so sick of the up and down the scale has taken (mostly up in the last few years). For the first time ever, my weight is affecting my health, Ugh!

  4. I have been slowly losing weight this past year. I don’t have a whole lot to lose, but I do keep trying to get this last “baby weight” off. And my baby is almost eight! Thanks for the post!

  5. I would love to win Made to Crave. I am already a blog follower of Lysa and I have signed up for Melissa’s bible study and also to follow Amy Carrol’s blog on Fridays for Made to Crave. I need to lose 15 lbs and life the rest of my life craving for God and be healthy.
    Yes Karen we are in this together.

  6. I need this book. I have dropped 70 lbs and I don’t want to put it back on. I have a 109 lbs to go and right now the enemy has hit me and my family from every angle from finances to a run away child to cps knocking at my door and I don’t want to indulge in food for comfort,that is what got me here. I want to go to the author and finisher of my faith. Please keep me and my family in your prayers.

  7. Sounds like an awesome study. Weight is something I have struggled with but have never made it a priority to change.

  8. I can’t wait to read this book!! Last year my daughter and I lost 30 and 20 pounds but have since gained some back. This book would be awesome to read together.

  9. Hi! I’m so thankful you are going to go that “extra mile”and bring a much needed message to SO many women!
    I already have the book, so i don’t want to win a copy for myself, however, I would love to win a copy for my sweet Mama, who needs this message, too!

  10. I saw an email last week about it and started praying about hosting a Bible Study. 2011 is the YEAR and I will not be held back any longer by the weight, the health issues, the obstacles. I am breaking through with FIERCE DETERMINATION. God has placed a calling on my life and I am too tired to do it because of the extra weight I carry. He died on the cross so I wouldn’t have to bear the burden so I am laying down at His feet. I just went to look at more information on this last night and saw the online study so I signed up. Looking forward to having so many other faithful sisters to share the journey with. Happy New Year Karen, thanks for being such an amazing blessing.

  11. Im on board! I lost 25 poounds with Weight Watchers, but it has gotten a little expensive for me! Cant wait to nourish my soul along with my body! I have been struggling with both a lot lately and I think this is just what I need! Thanks as always for sharing your faith and stuggles!

  12. Thank you so much for sharing your story. I had lost 95 lbs but could not break that barrier. Then health issues got in the way and here I am 45 lbs heavier. I still have a way to go. I need help. Battling with depression and major life situations I am very limited on resources to purchase anything. I would love to win a copy of the book. I love P31 and the daily devotionals. I am doing the K-love 21 days also. I know food has been my crutch for many years. I want to win this battle of the mind (and my heart)once and for all! Thank you again for sharing.

  13. My weight is a constant struggle for me. I know all the right things to do & not do, but too many times i fail to stay on track. I am so ready to start again…for the first time! I already feel this journey will be successful as a partner with you P31 ladies and God!!

  14. Every year, I think this is the year. I’m going to finally get a hold of this. I’m still hanging in there, craving mostly to be healthy more than anything. Looking forward to the online study as well as a chance to win this book. Thanks, Karen!

  15. I’ve been having some success at losing weight and I think this book would put me in the right frame of mind to keep it going. I’m signed up for the webcasts and getting excited!


  17. I know it has to be a very conscious means of watching what I eat. Sometimes I don’t even think I just pop it in my mouth and do that several times a day. That snacking that adds to calories. I would love to win this book to give away to my brother and his wife who are very overweight. I bought my own copy and I would love to do the Bible study with them.. that I have already signed up for. I love Lysa’s book styles. She is so easy to relate to and you also, Karen! Thank-you!

  18. I am so ready to be done with this struggle. I have visited the motivated weeks that end in a greasy heap time and time again. But I am always just a visitor. I want to become a full time member!

    There are so many challenges with food. I just want to be done with it. And more of God along the way? I’m IN!!!!

    Looking forward to this journey with my favorite group of women – the P31 crew!

  19. I am so ready to be done with this struggle. I have been visited the motivated weeks that end in a greasy heap time and time again. But I am always just a visitor. I want to become a full time member!

    There are so many challenges with food. I just want to be done with it. And more of God along the way? I’m IN!!!!

    Looking forward to this journey with my favorite group of women – the P31 crew!

  20. What a great resource. I can’t wait to read it. I see that they have a group study set! My Bible study gals are looking for something new.

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