Real Moms Real Jesus Giveaway with Jill Savage
When I first had kids, I used to have misguided notions about what “real moms” did.
I thought real moms never needed to use a pacifier.
After three weeks of practically no sleep with my first newborn, I desperately popped the one the hospital gave us into her mouth…..and slept for 6 hours straight!
I used to think real moms never needed to holler at their kids.
In the past 19 years….well let’s just say on occasion I’ve had a touch of laryngitis.
I used to think real moms had toddlers and children who never misbehaved in public.
Boy am I glad when my kids were little there wasn’t the humiliating one-two punch of cell phones with cameras combined with Youtube!
I used to think real moms could figure this mothering thing out on their own…….you know “mother’s intuition”.
It only took me a few days to discover that real moms need each other……and Jesus.
And I know the ultimate go-to place for moms to find both— Hearts at Home!
My friend Jill Savage began this fabulous mom place with a handful of friends and a whole lot of Jesus in her little living room in Central Illinois back in the early 1990’s.
Now it is an international lifeline of encouragement and information for all moms at all stages. The national conference is next weekend in Bloomington, Illinois.
That conference has changed my life.
Each year since beginning as an attendee and transitioning to a presenter, Jesus has met me there.
Sometimes He nudges me about my mothering.
Other times he cleans up my marriage.
Other years He guides me in my homemaking.
Sometimes He just lets me laugh with old & new friends alike as together we tackle this mothering thing.
So check out “Hearts” by clicking here. It isn’t to late to attend this next conference.
Or check out the remaining conferences for the year. (If you can come to the Colorado one where I’ll be speaking, I’d LOVE to meet you!)
Or take a trip through the resources on the website and give yourself an early Mother’s Day gift for a real mom.
Jill is giving one to a soon-to-be-smiling mom today here on my site.
Her encouraging book Real Moms, Real Jesus just might be the shot-in-the-arm you need.
What does Jesus know about the peanut-butter-and-jelly life of a mom? Plenty!
In chapters that examine key behaviors and decisions Jesus made during His life on earth, Jill brings those lessons right down to the laundry-filled, sticky-fingered days every mother knows.
Throughout Real Moms…Real Jesus, Jill helps you see that you have a Friend and Savior who understands—
- never getting time alone
- high demands
- lack of sleep
- betrayal
- disappointment
Between the chapters are interactive vignettes that turn the concept of the book back around.
If the meat of the content is looking at Jesus’ life on earth and understanding how to apply that in our everyday lives, these perspective vignettes are brief, refreshing glimpses starting with our own messy, busy lives.
Jill continually reminds the reader that Jesus is not an unattainable deity, but a Friend who understands.
So girlfriends & fellow moms, if you’d like a shot at winning a signed copy of this helpful mommy manual, then leave a comment on this post.
You can tell us what ‘real mom’ activities you have planned for this weekend.
Or simply say “I’m in”. Winner will be chosen randomly & announced on Monday.
I’ll go first.
My real mom weekend consists of a little catching up on paperwork & spring cleaning from when I was sick. However, I will be taking a brief break to perform one of my most favorite real mom duties……
Cheering my son on at the JV state homeschool basketball tournament when his team plays in the finals on Saturday. Whoo-hoo!!! Go Warriors!!!!!!!!!!
Okay…now what is on your real mom agenda? I’d love to know!
Real Jesus Blessings,
My real mom plans consist of picking up and delivering Girl Scout cookies, tackling the mounds of laundry, doing my MBA homework while taking care of one sick child and helping another study for 2 tests.
I am cleaning because we are sharing a babysitter with some friends tomorrow night for a comedy benefit night! Sunday is church and the mandatory “after church nap.”
My real mom agenda for the weekend is attending our local St. Patrick’s Day parade to watch my daughter march and dance with her Irish dance group on Saturday. We will also be attending church on Sunday and visiting with relatives after church.
I’m in!
Hmmm… real mom activities. Cooking dinner, sewing and squeezing some time in to catch up on journaling and some sort of bible study! I’m determined.
Real mom activities for me this weekend include helping my daughter deliver GS cookies and getting my hair cut and colored. Also, maybe some cleaning and games with the fam. Laundry is actually caught up! It feels so good not to have to do that over the weekend :)
My weekend will be busy cleaning and laundry. Yuck!
My first mother daughter trip. Taking my daughter to a honor’s choir event and including a Passport 2 Purity adventure. Leaning on the Lord!
I’m in!!
I’m a real mom and a grandma. I’m putting my name in the hat for our daughter – a single mom. Being a mom was hard enough with my DH who is a great dad. How our daughter handles being a single mom – part time as her son spends time with his father – amazes me sometimes.
Spending the day tomorrow at my daughters track meet! Church Sunday. Oh yeah, all the household chores in between there. :)
I’m in. I’ll be cleaning up the play room, enjoying a lazy morning of Saturday cartoons, and taking my kids to church on Sunday.
I’m supervising a sleepover with my girls’ cousins.
Well I will be catching up on my almost 5 yr. old daughter’s school lessons as we have had a trying week of obedience and had to forgo a few lessons in order to work on the condition of her heart!
So true… I had many ideas what “reals moms” were prior to having children. My ideas have changed now that I have 5!!
Real mom plans for this weekend? Nurturing my family back to health as 5 out of the 7 of us have been sick this week!
My husband and I are going to see Christy Nockels and Chris Tomlin in concert in Springfield tonight — we’ve never done anything like that before and we are both so excited! We have an hour of uninterrupted drive time / talk time there and back — looking forward to a date with my favorite guy! :) Tomorrow will be family time — which will be even better because of our time away together tonight! :)
My weekend includes Mommy Time on Saturday and watching the first ever Vball game of my 10y/o.
My real mom activity is taking my 2 and 3 year old to a birthday party!
I have to smile because I am an adoptive mom of two beautiful children and I have often been asked, “Are you their real mom?” Oh yes, I’m their “real” mom. I have done all the things you mentioned and then some. I have loved when they were acting unloveable. I have soothed when the storms on the inside were much stronger than any hurricane we’ve ever gone through (and we went through Katrina). I have cried more tears for them than they have ever imagined they would cry for themselves. Yes, I’m their real mom. Thanks for the reminder….and the encouragement.
I am attending three different basketball games, one for each of my three sons, on Saturday. Sunday is the awards ceremony for the season. And I should take at least one of them for a haircut. Real mom activities.
I’m in! As a single mother of 6,who has to work at least 40 hours a week, I really need this book!!!
I’m definitely a real mom who needs a REAL JESUS!
I’m definitely a real mom who needs a REAL JESUS!
Daddy is on the road working, little girl and I are going to enjoy our time together. Sounds like a wonderful book,and the nudge in my arm that I need.
um, laundry:) i’m in!