A Confident Heart Giveaway with Renee Swope

Have you ever felt any of the following?

~ I’m not good enough.

~ I have nothing special to offer.

~ I’d love to voice my opinion, but I’m afraid I’ll sound stupid.

~ Why does God seem to give everyone else the brains, skills and qualities? I am just a nobody.

~ If I am a Christian and serve the God who made heaven and earth, why do I lack confidence in myself?

Can you relate? If so, you will LOVE my friend Renee Swope’s very first book, A Confident Heart. Take 3 minutes to watch the book trailer here:

Renee Swope – A Confident Heart Book Trailer from SoundPost Productions on Vimeo.


I read Renee’s book just after her manuscript was completed and before it was published. As a woman who vacillates between sorely lacking self-confidence in certain areas to fearing I’ll cross the line into self-pride in others, A Confident Heart brought me balance.

Renee has drawn deep from the well of her life experiences, both pleasurable and painful, to craft a life-manual that is solidly biblical and perfectly practical.

This book will enable women to discover God’s original plan for them–that they would operate in the power of His word and as a result, unearth a holy confidence. Let this volume be your godly girlfriends GPS guiding you to a self-assured life lived for Christ!

~If you’d like a little taste of A Confident Heart, you can download chapter one here.

~ If you’d like to order the book, click here.

~ And, if you want to be entered in a drawing to win one of three copies Renee is giving away here on my blog, leave us a comment with the area in which you most struggle with doubt and a lack of self-confidence. (or God-confidence as Renee calls it!)

Winners announced Monday!


  1. My area of struggle is; Am I really good enough for the solos I keep getting asked to take in choir? After five years there and many offers I keep saying “No thanks” and I am starting to wonder if it’s all just a huge mistake. But I find that because I say no to that, due to feeling unworthy, I am saying no to everything. And I know that’s not good, and I know that I can’t be living the life God has in mind for me; I need help getting out of this cycle of self-doubt so I can live the life that God needs and wants me to live.

  2. I love what I’ve read of Renee’s book. I’m constantly struggling with “Am I good enough/smart enough/ deserving of God’s Love.” Also, how to be a good wife, daughter, mom and serve in my church and community like I desire. What is the best balance?
    You would think that at 52 yrs old I would have this all figured out, but that is definitely not the case.
    Love reading both of your blogs. They really address so many issues that I deal with daily.

    Love all blessings.

  3. I feel like the “fun-me” that I was years ago has disappeared. I was thinking it was from being a mom and always having to keep everyone in line. While hanging around some fun friends, I realized it was more of a self-confidence issue.

  4. I struggle with confidence in moving forward with what i feel the Lord lays on my heart after hearing even one persons negative comment about it. I then question what I’m doing and weigh too heavily on others opinions and approval. I especially struggle with this in ladies ministry leadership. I would love to read Renee’s book for encouragement,

  5. I struggle so much with fear, fear of not being good enough, fear of being laughed at, fear of being alone are the three biggees but there are so many other fears lurking around me. I have been working on my fears and now, after more than 50 years, I can sometimes stand up for myself. Sometimes.

    I want so much to follow the path I know God has laid out for me but I am afraid to be a leader, what if no one will follow me? I am going to the leadership summit next week and I have begun to put myself in positions just outside of my comfort zone. I can feel the fear creeping up but I can also feel God stretching and growing me. I know I am in good hands, if I look back I can see lots of growth over the years. In the end, that is what matters, that I let God shape me and mold me, that I allowed Him to stretch me. I pray for all my sisters out there on a similar journey.

  6. Hi Karen!
    I have struggled with self-doubt all of my life. Every other girl was always better-looking, had more talents, had a better personality, had nicer clothes, etc., etc., etc. It never ended. To this day I still feel like I have very little to offer in way of talents and struggle with self-confidence! One area of weakness I have is with my personality/temperament. I have a very quiet temperament, probably mostly phlegmatic with some melancholy. I have always wanted to be outgoing and have always felt like everybody loves the energetic personality types. I feel like I was labeled as shy and quiet, which made me feel more self-conscious than anything. I still feel that way today. One of the questions that we get asked throughout our lifetime is what are your hobbies, talents, what do you like to do, etc? I cannot ever come up with an answer. My answer is usually, “I don’t know”. I hate being asked that question because I feel like I have been put on the spot and I feel dumb because I can’t come up with an answer. I am 50 years old and feel like I am still a child. At this point, I wonder if I am too old to really see any lasting change.

  7. Thank you for all you women do for us women, I struggle with self worth feel like a big failure I have been out of work for 2 yrs now and have had very few interviews and as the days go by it seems like the self worth just gets worse always feel like I am not good enough to get a job so it’s really struggling here to get some Confidence and I need me some God- Confidence so so so ready to read this book by Renee Swope

  8. 2 Cor 12:9 says…But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.

    What a marvelous thought, a profound statement – His grace is sufficient! To all of these dear ladies here, I felt led of the Holy Spirit to encourage you with that scripture. Precious and powerful words from our loving Father to encourage us to press on.

    My area of greatest weakness is lack of confidence in hearing the voice of the Lord, doubting He would use me to minister to others, and not fully surrendering to His will for my life. Unlike many of my hurting sisters here, I have confidence in my own knowledge, my own strength…however, the confidence I desire is hearing God’s voice and acting on faith when He speaks. In my own confidence I am nothing, for anything I purpose to do without the direction of God will not prosper. Sure, it might work for a while, but my heart’s cry is for a sensitivity to the Spirit and the confidence to walk boldly in the authority and power of God. Keep me in your prayers, and I will do the same! Much love to you ladies!

  9. I struggle with feelings of inadequacy. Whether homeschooling my children, speaking engagements, being a wife, or just in simple conversation with a friend-I constantly battle feeling inadequate or less than or just that I don’t measure up. I constantly worry, am I doing enough? Am I smart enough? Am I attractive enough to my husband? Am I loving them enough? Did I give enough?

  10. I struggle w/ motherhood and doubt more times than not, as to whether I am a “good” mother. Also struggle w/ body image/weight, etc………feeling like I’m unattractive………so…….put those 2 together……….and I’m left w/ another area where I lack confidence….”am I a good wife”? Oh my………I need to read this book and pronto! :)

  11. At 54, multitudes of failures have taught me, I am not worth anything. Fear has paralyzed me from trying any more. I know God is greater, stronger ect, but I can mess up anything…
    I just try to focus on helping others .Hopefully that will count for something.

  12. I have struggled with low- self esteem issues all of my life it has effected my relationships, my jobs and most of all how I am serving the Lord, for example I teach Sunday school and sometimes I get an overwhelming feeling that I am not good enough or smart enough to teach Sunday school. I stepped out of my comfort zone a few months ago and started teaching the young adult class at my church when I used to teach the children II class it was a big step for me. I have been recieving the free 7- day Doubt Diet on my e-mail that I requested thank you so much for that information. I took the Doubt Index Analysis survey and scored 152 this really helped me realize I do need to comfort this issue of low- self esteem so I can be all that God has called me to be. I feel this study and this book is touching lives I would love to win it!! I would most definately put it to use.

  13. With a parent that committed suicide and unhealed pain from past abortions, I struggle daily with the feelings of not being good enough. . . I know that turning my struggles over to the Lord’s forgiveness will make me clean and white as snow. . . but I still struggle.

  14. I’m struggling now with the “empty nest syndrome”…..who am I now? How can I best use my talents and time?? Do I have what it takes to pursue my passions?

    1. Me too! Have had kids at home for 35 years and the youngest is now 15 and active. I find myself with lots of time on my hands and asking myself and God, “where do we go from here”?

  15. Within the past year I have left my job, left my church of 23 yrs. ,am staying home to homeschool my youngest child, and looking for a new church. Along with this I struggle with TMJ, Fibromyalgia, Degenerative Disc disease and migraines. I have found most of my friends from my old church and work have fallen away and I feel caught in a limbo without friends and a home church. Plus, feeling so inadequate to do this home schooling, especially with this physical issues. This is nothing new, having always been the “black sheep” of my family – never quite measuring up – as well, as having a first marriage where my husband bordered on verbally abusive and had a pornography addiction. Those things seem to stick with you, no matter how hard you try to repress them.

  16. I end up missing out because I doubt that someone would want my company. I doubt that I can home educated my strong willed child, let alone raise him to be a strong man of God. I doubt that I can raise confident girls, when I am not. . . .

  17. I struggle with having the confidence to speak my mind/opinion in situations where it could lead to confrontation.

  18. There is always that moment, right before I begin to speak to a group, that I think “Who am I to stand up here and teach them anything! They don’t want to hear anything I have to say!”

  19. Wow! Just when i feel like i am all alone – i hear from you all. I am struggling with SO MANY things in my life. My relationship with GOD my husband etc. I struggle with my self confidence and opening my heart to hear what God is saying to me.

  20. I deal with lack of worth. Believing God see me as worthy of His love even in my own “deficiencies”. This also goes over into my own feelings of self-worth with others.

  21. I have been doubting myself a lot these days. My husband walked out of our marriage a few years ago and April of this year I lost my job. I’ve been on a few interviews and have struggled with doubt after. God reminds me that I am good enough and that He hasn’t opened the right door for me yet.

  22. I am SOOO right there, right now (actually have been all of my life). It seems that everything I touch is messed up or rather I mess it up. . . .I love being a wife and mom but have no clue what I actually contribute besides a clean house and meals. I have never measured up in my life and find it hard NOT to compare myself to others. The worst for me s Proverbs 31-that woman- is that ever actually attainable? It’s Depressing! So, yes, I would love to win this book!!

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