I Used to Be So Organized Giveaway with Glynnis Whitwer

Well now, doesn’t that cover say it all?

In fact, my friend Teri showed up at church a while back with two different shoes on, just like the frazzled woman in this picture.

Have you had life throw you an organizational loop?

Kids? An aging parent? A new job? A move? Newer, bigger house? Older, smaller house?

I’m sure many of you often think, “What happened? I used to have it more together than this.”

Enter my friend Glynnis Whitwer to the rescue.

Glynnis’ newest book, I Used to Be So Organized addresses the frustrations many women feel when they can’t handle their lives.  They know, deep in their hearts, they should be able to manage things.  After all, they used to be organized…five, ten or twenty years ago.

But now, life seems to hand them one distraction and challenge after another.

Combining spiritual encouragement and practical application I Used to Be So Organized presents a balanced approach to finding order and peace for today’s overwhelmed woman.  This book contains 23 chapters, each short enough for a busy woman to read during a lunch break or a child’s naptime.

Every aspect of your busy life comes together in this one easy-to-read guide. (And I was honored to get to write the forward to the book!)

If you’d like to be entered to win a copy of this brand new book, along with a $10.00 Target gift card to buy yourself somtehing organize-y (or a pair of shoes that actually match) leave us a comment here answering this question:

Which is more challenging for you—managing your time or organizing your “stuff”?

Or, is it a toss up and both throw you for a loop?

Have a wonderful weekend. Winner announced Monday.


  1. My problem is managing my time AND stuff. We’re a military family so we move every 2 -3 years. Sometimes we’re able to get/afford a house that has ample storage and then even if my stuff isn’t organized at least it’s put away (you know out of sight out of mind!). And on the other side of it I love to get involved at church and at my daughter’s school and forget to say “no” that I don’t have time to do simple things like cook a home-cooked meal or read a book with my daughter before bedtime. We’ve been at our new place for a year now and it’s a great house but has NO storage it’s all living space so moving boxes are just stacked under the stairs or to the ceiling in the laundry room and I’ve hung a curtain in front of them to hide the mess. And of course….I’ve gotten involved at church and throwing 110% in to that so the stuff just stays stacked up. And now I’m starting a part-time job in the fall teaching pre-school. And to make things even worse. I’m severely ADHD and the mother of 2 children one of which is also ADHD and thanks to a really bad long-term sub last year she is also HATES school. So there is a new battle to fight! As I usually say…maybe tomorrow it’ll get done!

  2. Time for sure! Last year I began homeschooling while still trying to work a bit….somehow I did pull it off well but was equally convicted of all the time I wasted. Somehow wasting time has become a way that I deal with life … counter-intuitive I know, but that’s where I’m at.
    Thanks for the opportunity.

  3. I’ve come to the point where I say “why organize it? Give it to good will” but then it’s who has time to take it or gather it up? So it must still be a toss-up!

  4. I definitely find it more difficult to manage my “stuff” than my time, but they both seem to be more in charge than I am!! I have been unemployed for almost a year now, & you’d think I would have gotten everything together by now, but the opposite seems to be true. I feel less in charge than I ever have, and no matter how I try, things don’t seem to get done. But every day is a new day with God, and I start all over again!

  5. Organizing my stuff…..where did it all come from??? I walk by plastic bins at target or Walmart and I get a sense of excitement to get organized then the fear of tackling all of the stuff sets in and I walk away overwhelmed. It is an ongoing battle for me. I was “that girl” back in my early twenties that kept lists and was obsessively organized, then work, kids, life began and now I have forgotten how to stay organized!

  6. Wow, I defnitely have a toss up there! I was organized and on top of things until my husband died 7 years ago. Things slowly snowballed–I was raising twins that were not quite 5 when their dad died, working full-time out of the house. Then about 2 1/2 years ago, I lost my job (of 21 years) and was unemployed for a year–depressing! I now work part-time and things are no better! I just dont know where to start and what to buy to make organizing better, so much stuff out there. Procrastination has become my first name, never mind the middle name! HELP!

  7. Definitely organizing my stuff is the biggest challenge! So much stuff and not nearly enough places to put it!! =)

  8. That is a great question! For me, managing my time is the greatest challenge. I have two children; ages 3 1/2 and 2 months. I “feel” quite overwhelmed most of the time, and I am struggling to keep my focus on Christ and His promises, and not the way I “feel.” I found your blog through womenlivingwell.org and am looking forward to reading more. This book looks great!!! Thanks for offering a free copy!

    1. I noticed on one of your replys, you carried some cheerwine back with you from NC. My husband is from NC, and we carry cheerwine back with us anytime we visit! We just returned from a 2 week vacation there with his family, and we have five 2-liters waiting some special times. :o)

  9. There’s always more to do than I feel I have time to do it in. However, once I get started, most jobs can be broken into smaller, less time-consuming jobs. I guess it’s a mental block! I have 4 children, ages 8-18, with lots of demands on my time, and tons of un-organized stuff! I feel like I’ve been “behind” on tasks ever since my husband had an overseas deployment 8 years ago. He came home, and life went on with the kids’ activities, but I never could get back on track with the house.

  10. I would have to say it is harder to organize my stuff! For whatever reason I have my time management under control. I just don’t always organize mail, school papers, cards and the like all that well. My home office is a dumping ground for all my mess. Thanks for considering me for this organizational book.

  11. Both are challenging for me but probably time is just a little bit more difficult for me. I seem oblivious to time!! I am drowning and would love some help!

  12. I guess it would be time . . . because I waste so much of it trying to figure out how to get organized! I am clueless.

  13. For me, time management. I am now a single mom of 3, I work part time and go to school part time. I serve in the kids ministry area of my church too. When I get time, I may start to organize, then I look around & get overwhelmed. After that, I don’t get anything done. I have partially done projects all over!

  14. I have more trouble managing my time. I consider myself pretty decent at purging my extra goo. Being a single mom, 3 kids, one with autism, suffering from chronic illness I do find it hard to get everything done that I’d like (and need).

  15. both! but mostly the clutter, I have a hard time making myself go through things and then letting go! Nice to know I am not alone!! Will get the book even if i don’t win it, thank you!

  16. Time management has always been a challenge for me, but then a few years ago when I became partners with my sister in caring for my parents I found that I really have problems with both. I really need to read this book and get a hold of on this problem. I feel if I do my life will improve in so many ways and I will be pleasing the Lord by doing this.

  17. Spending time with God everyday, grown kids, aging father, husband, friends, family issues, bible studies, house to care for…TIME is my issue…finding time to do it all and have time for my fun things like sewing, paper crafting and reading…Calgon…take me away!!

  18. It’s a toss up. I have so little free time that organizing and staying on top of the “stuff” gets put on the back burner. Then, when I do have a little time, I often waste it trying to figure out where to begin or not starting at all because I don’t want to start a project I can’t finish.

  19. Organizing my stuff. I know I should get rid of more things that we do not use but I don’t because I think someone could use them. I’m working on just lettng them go.

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