Absorbing the Word
Its homecoming weekend here in my small Mid-Michigan town.
Hot cider.
Crisp air.
Crazy kids donned in red & black. (My own 13 year-old son and two of his friends were plotting just last night about face-painting and—gasp chest-painting!)
They may change their minds on the chest-painting when they see the forecast for game time. Rainy and in the 40’s.
Now that is crisp air.
After running carpool this morning, I swung by town to grab a cup of my favorite coffee. Then, I’ll be ready to tackle my day which includes some school for our 16 year-old (who is homeschooled) and office work as well as running a relative to a doctor’s appointment.
When a busy day ensues, it always helps if first I’ve carved out a bit of time to center myself on God and His word, the Bible.
Thankfully, my Good Morning Girls group helps me to do this. Three friends and I, all from different states, check in with each other via email once we’ve had are alone time with God. It can be in the morning, afternoon or even at night once the house is finally quiet.
I want to help you to spend some time reading and absorbing God’s word too!. So, I’m giving away a copy of our Proverbs 31 devotional book God’s Purpose for Every Woman along with a bag of Starbucks cinnamon coffee.
Simply leave a comment telling us your favorite story, verse or concept from the Bible. If you’ve never read the Bible before, that is completely fine. Tell us instead why you never have or why you’d like to give it a try.
Winner announced Monday.
Have a wonderful weekend!
“No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you.”. ~ John 15:15
The whole chapter is such a special passage! Jesus’ own words tell us what our relationships (to Him, to each other, and to the world) should be like. Nothing is more precious in the Word of God than words spoken by The Word, Himself… Christ Jesus!
Thank you for your blog Karen!
I absolutely love the entire chapter of Ephesians 5. From beginning to end it explains in great detail how we are to be both men and women, as spouses, parents, employees, and employers. It has taken me a while to understand exactly what it means to submit to my husband. I grew up thinking that it meant that I had to cower to him and I could never have a voice. Now from reading God’s word I understand that what my husband needs from me is my support and respect. Not my nagging and complaining. When I remember that God put him as the head of the household and I’m his support. It makes it so much easier to be my husband’s biggest fan.
My favorite verse is Revelation 21:4 God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and death shall be no more, neither shall there be anguish (sorrow and mourning) nor grief nor pain any more, for the old conditions and the former order of things have passed away. (AMP)
Reading this verse brings me so much comfort, joy, and peace! This world can be very draining and God’s Word gives us the energy we need through each day. And this verse absolutely refreshes every fiber in my body!
There are so many stories…but if I have to choose one it would be The Christmas Story in Luke 2….my current verse, needed in dealing with aan ailing father is I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength… ( and ONLY through Him)
I would have to say Psalms any of them…