Getting Kids Talking Giveaway with Mary DeMuth
In my post earlier this week, we chatted a bit about raising kids who are passionate, not perfect.
Another goal I’ve had as a mom is to raise kids who will confide in us. Communication is key to any healthy relationship but sometimes getting kids to open up isn’t the easiest task to accomplish.
Enter my friend Mary DeMuth.
Mary is a writer, speaker, wife, mother, writing mentor and worshipper. A prolific southern fiction writer, she also has two fabulous books for helping parents raise kids who are confident, courageous Christ-followers. I’m including a copy of each in today’s giveaway. It includes:
~ A copy of 150 Quick Questions to Get Your Kids Talking
~ A copy of You Can Raise Courageous & Confident Kids; Preparing Your Children for the World They Live In
~ Some Orville Redenbacher’s movie theatre butter popcorn to munch on while you talk with your kids
Hear Mary’s heart on a few elements brought forth in her books:
Mary, what prompted you to write 150 Quick Questions?
I wrote the questions because I grew tired of just doing “What was your high & low point of today?” around the dinner table. I wanted to delve more deeply into my kids’ hearts.
So I wrote up 150 questions, printed them, cut them into strips and put them in a basket in the middle of our kitchen table. The kids took turns taking them out. So we tested all of these before they ever became a book. In fact, it was a few years before Harvest House published them.
Why do you feel engaging kids in conversations is more valuable than issuing ultimatums?
Engaging kids in chatter is a great way to our kids’ hearts. They’re more likely to entrust us with their secrets, fears, and wishes if they feel we’re listening. They will naturally confide if they feel safe. It’s always better to go for relationship, because good behavior flows out of good relationship.
What is the best piece of parenting advice you’ve ever been given?
Best piece of advice: Look into your kids’ eyes. Stop and pay special attention to them when you’re talking to them. Make them feel like they’re the most important person in the room.
Okay friends, if you would like a chance to receive this helpful book bundle, leave us a comment telling us either the best piece of parenting advice you’ve been given or your favorite way to connect with your kids—a game, tradition or simple activity. Winner announced Friday.
I have tried to have time for my children seperately. First is might be going out for hot chocolate or a cold drink and over the years now it is a coffee or latte. I love that adult children will call and say “Mom can we go out for a coffee”. I know that really means Mom can we talk.