Baking and Girlfriends
I love my girlfriends.
Together, my girlfriend April and I split duties and came up with these platters of goodies for our kids’ teachers:

And, since I too am a teacher since I homeschool one child, I am treating myself to a gingerbread latte with a girlfriend this morning. (I’ll skip the cookies although I LOVE church windows! Recipe here)
Well, she started out as an “important curriculum editor person” at Zondervan publishers when I met her a year and a half ago at a conference.
Now she is a girlfriend and, I’ve discovered, a fellow coffee lover.
Then, tomorrow I will hang with my very sweet (and very pregnant!) friend Ayla whom you met here last spring as she shared her story of leaving the world of Islam. We are gonna finish up Christmas shopping and yes, I’m sure there will be more coffee involved.
After a crazy summer and fall with my sister-in-law’s cancer, some transitions in our life, a mom who just had back surgery last week and the stress of writing an e-book and a regular book in the midst of it all, I’m gonna go play for two days. Yeah!!!!!
Enjoy your weekend, whatever it brings!
And what a wonderful time we had!!! I was so thankful to have some time to myself before babygirl gets here and I am homebound for a few weeks. So priviliged that you shared your limited time with me and in abundance too ;)
(Sorry I didn’t see this prior to our day together otherwise I would have commented then.)
Love you my sweet Jesus-friend-sister.
: ) I sure hope it will be a wonderful two days for you Karen.
Hi Karen, Thank you for the recipe!! You are amazing doing everything & still taking time to send us an update!!! The cookies look delicious for all the teachers!!! They are blessed to have you & your friends do that for them!! Have a =) week-end!!!! [email protected] Donna
The church windows look decadent, I have to get that recipe!
Click on the link above. :-)
So thoughtful, and beautiful display platters!
Love your platters of goodies! I know the teachers will be blessed by them!
Thanks for the recipe as well.
Merry Christmas,
Janet W.
those platters of cookies look yummy! i knit so my daughter’s teacher is going to get a scarf. enjoy your 2 days off!