Read Your Bible, Change Your Life. Interview with Kylie Bisutti & Giveaway with Rachel Lee Carter & Shari Braendel

NOTE: The winner of the hospitality gift basket is: Jenn M.

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I love reading stories of lives changed because of Christ.

Whether it is the apostle Paul, who once persecuted Christians, turning into a bold believer or my son’s new friend David (whom he met at a gas station) who recently left a life of drugs and sin for a life lived scouring and devouring his new Bible and learning about God in church each Sunday.

Young Christians excite me.

They are eager.

They are fearless.

They are authentically fresh.

They haven’t been trained to give “Sunday School” answers or rattle off a list of legalistic “dos and don’ts” without having a clue what the Bible really says about them, only what they have been told “real Christians” believe.

They also seem to have a genuine quality about them that I find incredible— and sadly often lacking in the lives of believers who have walked long with Christ–(me included!) It is this:

They read the Bible and it changes their life.

The woman, a new believer, who reads that adultery is a sin–and then promptly moves out of her boyfriend’s home although she has no placed to go.

The once tax-cheating businessman who reads God’s word one day and becomes so convicted that he figures out how much he owes the IRS by his cheating and pays it back.

I stumbled across one such person recently.

First I saw her on the national news.

Then my friends Courtney and Clare were able to have dinner with her.

Last week, she and I met (via email) and I discovered a bold young Christian who recently one day read her Bible and it changed her behavior.

She read that her body was to be for her husband’s eyes only. (Perhaps not a verse too hard for a middle-aged mom like me to obey. You know, make sure my summer shorts aren’t too revealing and such.)

For her, however, reading this scripture with the intention of obeying meant she would need to walk away from some activities in her life.

Oh yeah, and from a LOT of money.

You see she was a Victoria’s Secret model.

She’s not anymore.

Meet Kylie Bisutti:

Kylie– how did you first get started modeling?

I first started modeling at age 14. My mom any out some headshots of me to local agencies and I got picked up by one. They sent me to Thailand, Japan, and I moved to New York by myself at age 16.

What caused you to begin to think you might want to stop taking on certain jobs that you felt were in conflict with your faith?

God works in His children in His timing. I wasn’t even convicted about certain jobs five years ago that I’m convicted about now. He is just continuing to mold me and shape me into His image and it’s a daily thing.

Christ opened my eyes to the fact that I wasn’t honoring Him or my husband by modeling in lingerie and other things. He showed me through His word how to change and He completely reshaped the desires of my heart that were not centered on Him two years ago.

How have others responded to your decision– both those in your family and circle of friends and those in the industry?

All of my friends and family love my decision and are so thankful to God that He has changed my ways.

I have gotten a few negative responses from people in the modeling industry, but no matter what choices people make in life there will always be someone out there who doesn’t agree.

I know you’ve said publicly that you want to be a role model for young girls. What is the most important piece of advice you want to relay to them?

Christ is the ultimate role model, so I’m just striving to live in His image and hope that other girls will see what that looks like. I want girls to see themselves as Christ sees them, for their hearts; their inner beauty and not their outward appearance.

WOW! Kylie’s decision has rattled the modeling world.

As I have viewed some of her on-air interviews, I have been impressed with how she says that reading her Bible was what made her leave behind modeling articles that were too revealing.

Some people who say they are believers, when finding out she has been a Christian for a few years but only recently became so convicted she walked off the runway of immodesty, have chosen to criticize; to finger-point or slam publicly with cutting comments on websites.

I actually was very convicted by her actions.

How many of us who have been believers for YEARS do what she did–read our Bible and then make a change let alone one that costs us friendships, status or money?

No, we read  about having a gentle tongue…..and then close our Bibles and a few minutes later snap at a family member with a cutting tongue instead.

We read we are not to gossip…and then we hop on the phone to “discuss” another person with a friend, cloaked cleverly as a prayer request of course.

We read…..but we don’t always change.

This gal read and then was changed.

When I grow up, I want to be more like her!

Since I am featuring Kylie today, I have asked two friends, both in the fashion industry, if they would offer a giveaway of their books and they agreed.

The first is Good Girls Don’t Have to Dress Bad by fashion expert Shari Braendel

The second is Fashioned by Faith by model Rachel Lee Carter of Modeling Christ.

To be entered to win a signed copy (we’ll give away a couple of each book), leave a comment of encouragement or a prayer for Kylie here (she has been under attack big time!) or tell us what your greatest fashion challenge is.

Mine currently is trying to fit the pant legs of my jeans into the trendy boots my daughter got me for Christmas. She told me I need to lose the boot-cuts and get me some skinny jeans!

Ok—leave your comment!

Please note: We kindly ask that you keep your comments to the areas specified above. We realize that there are still many pictures out floating on the Internet that Kylie wishes she could remove but she simply can’t. And remember please, we are talking today about letting the Bible alter our actions not debating definitions of modesty. Thanks!


  1. Kylie,
    Thank you so much for sharing your story! Thank you for being obedient to God’s word, even though it must have been immeasurably hard for you to give up such a lucrative aspect of your career, and I can’t imagine how hard it is on a daily basis to stand up for Christ in your field. You are an inspiration, and as a mom of 2 (soon to be three) young girls and a son I pray for more women to follow your lead-they need to see more Godly role models in the media such as yourself!

  2. Kylie,

    WaY to go! Wanting to reflect and model Christ is giving you Major cool points. I love fashion, I’m in the industry a little, and when I was younger, I wanted to be a victorias secret model..Haha, thats so laughable, because I’m 5′ 2.”. Anyway, God is using you big time. It’s easy for someone who is unsatisfied with their body to say, ” dress modestly young girls!” but you’re gorgeous and young girls are totally going to respect that and ask why…what’s the point to not show everything? Then they’ll find Christ….you’re living your life leading to Him and that is seriously delightful…to God and other believers.

  3. Kylie God Bless you for hearing the voice of our Savior and obeying. God is opening a door for you to be the “New Christian Model” for our young girls. Hang in there. My prayer go with you. KathyMills

  4. What a wonderful testimony, Kylie! It takes courage to let God changes us and work in our lives, even in the smallest things. To make the decision you made, in such a public platform, is a testament to the strength God is supplying you with and your willingness to obey. Thank you! Love and prayers, Beth

  5. Kylie,you are beautiful because you are the daughter of the King !Thank you for your courage and your humble spirit.The lord will bless you .

  6. You got it so right, Karen!! That so many times we read the Bible and think we understand but then don’t walk the talk (the “read”)!! Kylie did!! What an inspiration to the rest of us! There are so many things she followed from what she read — the love of fame, the idol of money, etc. I hope we too, can follow in her footsteps and take BIG steps in our faith to become more Christ-like!

  7. What an awesome decision! I pray we can be more like Christ and follow Him like Kylie has done. May God wrap you in His arms, Kylie, and keep you strong for Him.

    My struggle is finding pants to fit over the hips and thighs but not gape in the waist and show my whole backside; and finding flattering skirts that have pockets – I cannot function without pockets.

  8. Kylie, as a mom of 2 (soon to be 3) young boys, I am embarrassed by the pics that many of the stores in the mall display in their windows (let alone what they put in their catalogs). My boys don’t notice them yet, but as a female I cringe when I see them, and it will be interesting/challenging to try to teach them to avert their eyes and keep their minds pure. Thank you for using your beauty and courage to honor God and not stir up lust in men, young and old.

  9. God Bless you Kylie! How many times I’ve been so busy in the supermarket to stop and do as Christ commanded….Share the gospel! Food to get ready, kids to pick up, dishes to get home to…or even just a bad day….YET!! You chose to take such a public stand for Him, and in doing so, gave up a career that would have thrilled most womens hearts today, money, fame and personal attention Wonderful obedience and courage you have and I can’t wait for my daughter to get home so that I can share your story with her as well. I have truly been blessed by your story this morning and pray great blessings over you! Thank you so much for your example to not just my three daughters, but to this “worldly world of daughters”.

  10. Thank you Kylie for sharing your heart and testimony. I was so encouraged by your story and I’m sure this will help many others. God Bless You!!!

  11. God bless you, Kylie for taking a bold stand and for being willing to let God mold you and change you. I appreciate you giving Him the glory and your desire to impact the lives of young women. May God bless you and your efforts!

  12. Hello Karen and Kylie, fellow sisters in Christ –
    I too am a “newbie” in this beautiful world of Christ. How blessed I am to stumble upon this site and your story this morning. Yes, it is exciting to be a young authentic Christian – everything is so new – such a gift that we never could have imagined without having the Lord in our hearts – we are hungry for God’s Word, crave it, devour it and allow our lives to be shaped accordingly. It’s a beautiful thing!

    Kylie, many people think you walked away from a lot (fame & fortune); however, I’m sitting here with my cup of coffee smiling because I know all too well that feeling of certainty when you receive a message so clearly from God. The reality is that there was no choice at this point – you had Jesus in your heart guiding you. Am I right here? I love the statement you have made, and hope that both Christians and non-believers will learn from you.

    As a mother of a “tween” aged daughter, and leader of a small faith based girls group, I am thrilled to share your story. I am trying to emphasize the importance of inner beauty before these girls hit the pressures of middle school and beyond. You, Kylie are a role model for girls and young women alike and I commend you for the path you have chosen. Your words speak loud and clear, “Christ is the ultimate role model, so I’m just striving to live in His image and hope that other girls will see what that looks like. I want girls to see themselves as Christ sees them, for their hearts; their inner beauty and not their outward appearance.”
    So, thank you Kylie, you are a blessing to us all!

  13. Thank you for this amazing post. I look up to you now and pray to have your strength. After becoming a mother and wanting to be a great example for my kids, my way of dressing change. As a young mother I see all the cute clothes, but that doesn’t make me happy, showing a good role model & looking great while not looking un-Godly means the most to me.

    Thank you for this post, I have enjoyed reading it so much.
    I was sent over by Courtney & so glad to be here!

  14. Kylie, my prayers are with you! You are such a strong person and a role model for not only young girls but for all of us. As the mother of a sweet little girl, I thank you for acting on your convictions and then sharing your story with so many.

  15. Dear Kylie,

    Keep walking with the King! Let his word guide your actions! Stand firm in the Lord as you are doing! You have a lot of people praying for you!

    My biggest fashion obstacle is finding a top that is fashionable but hides my muffin top! lol

  16. Kylie,
    Thank you so much for your courage to share your faith and life changing decision you’ve made. I have seen a couple of your TV interviews and was blessed by your story. I am planning to share your story with my 3 girls ages 15, 12, & 9. May the Lord bless you and keep you!

  17. Kylie- Wow- what an amazing example of following Christ with your whole heart! I admire your conviction and faith, and incredible witness. Thank you for taking a stand, and for sharing your story!

  18. Thank you Kylie for following what the Holy Spirit put into your heart. I struggle with modesty and to find the line between just wearing skirts or are pants ok too? I would really LOVE to win a book so I can decide for myself which one I choose. God Bless you Kylie!!

  19. Kylie

    I am so proud of you. It took such courage to make this decision and to be bold about it. You truly are a role model and God is definitely working in you. It took a lot of courage and strength from the Lord to walk away from Fame, Money, and Power when you were still very much in the spotlight. I pray that young girls will listen to you and change there own lives.. When we accept Jesus as our Savior we don’t automatically become perfect. God works in us to changes us into the person he wants us to be. I have been a Christian for about 25 years and God is still working in me. He is still changing me into his image. Thank you for your sweetness and truth. May God bless you and your husband.

  20. Kylie,

    Thank you so much for being an example in our culture today and also most importantly being obedient to the Word of God. May you vividly see God’s blessing in your life for this obedience and may He open many doors of ministry for you. Obeying God can mean us looking crazy to others, but this earth is not our home and and everything we do will have an eternal impact. Thanks can not express my gratitude for you making your decision and being a living testimony to us!!!

  21. Kylie,
    You did an awesome thing in seeking to honor God in all that you do, even in your career ;) :) It is really encouraging to see young women pursuing God and honoring HIM in everything they do. I also think that you are encouraging so many young ladies out there, that they can also do the same and not be afraid to do the right thing. You’ve done it…and you are definitely encouraging other young ladies out there to do the same!!!!

    Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

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