Biblical Hospitality with Guest Ruth Schwenk
Toward the beginning of our book of study A Life That Says Welcome, (on page 35 to be exact) I talk about many biblical examples of hospitality. Today’s guest leads us through unpacking one of the great examples from the pages of scripture, Abraham.
Meet my awesome friend and clever mom, Ruth Schwenk!
Like you, Ruth wears many hats! She is the wife of a pastor, who is her best friend and the love of her life.
She is a blessed homeschooling mother to her four beautiful children, and she eagerly waits meeting her five others in heaven. Ruth is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, IL. She has a passion for following God, leading worship, rescuing orphans, and inspiring others to create a God-honoring family.
On August 1st, 2011, Ruth launched The Better Mom . It is a site dedicated to moms who want to be better moms by sharing life and learning together, to the glory of God.
Most days, the thought of opening our house to people takes a back seat to the task of keeping our house in one piece. Hospitality? Like most moms, the thought is almost humorous!
I have always been a “people person”. Then I had 4 children and I had a house full of people all the time! I was constantly entertaining. ;) My zeal for hospitality was lost to survival.
Whether you are a mom or not, we all have so much stuff that is filling our lives that finding room for hospitality is nearly impossible.
One of the first acts of hospitality in the Bible is described in the Old Testament book of Genesis. We often think of Abraham as the father of faith, but he should also be highly regarded as the father of hospitality. Both he and his wife Sarah demonstrate for us a great picture of the hospitable family. Genesis 18:1-5 says,
“The LORD appeared to Abraham near the
great trees of Mamre while he was sitting at the entrance to his tent
in the heat of the day. Abraham looked up and saw three men standing
nearby. When he saw them, he hurried from the entrance of his tent to
meet them and bowed low to the ground. He said, “If I have found favor
in your eyes, my lord, do not pass your servant by.
Let a little water be brought, and then you may all wash your feet and
rest under this tree. Let me get you something to eat, so you can be
refreshed and then go on your way—now that you have come to your
Hospitality is not only important for me personally, but it is also important for our family. As a mom, I want my children to understand the need to sacrificially give our lives to encourage and inspire others. Like anything, this must be intentionally taught and demonstrated to have lasting impact.
Following are three things we learn from the story of Abraham’s example of hospitality. They are also great reminders of how to teach hospitality to our children.
1. Abraham WELCOMED his guests – He had eyes for those who were in need. Abraham did not wait for a need to be known. He initiated an invitation. Helping our children learn hospitality means helping them see the needs of others.
2. Abraham SERVED his guests – True hospitality always has our guests on display, not our home. We are not the center, but our guests are. Helping our children learn hospitality means teaching them that our guests are the center of our attention when we invite them in.
3. Abraham REFRESHED his guests – He was focused on refreshing, not impressing. Helping our children learn hospitality means teaching them to see that we desire to see people leave more encouraged, strengthened, and refreshed then when they came.
I encourage you today, no matter how busy you are, to sit down with your family and take a look at your calendar. Make a list of friends and families that you are going to invite in to your home, and put it on the schedule! And don’t forget…get your children involved in helping plan, prepare, and welcoming your guests in.
I have a FANTASTIC giveaway to add a little warmth to your entertaining!! This adorable Ladybug Teapot, and 2 Ladybug Mugs from Pumpkin Seed Press!
Pumpkin Seed Press publishes and carries fantastic mentoring and character training materials and products!
To enter the giveaway leave a comment below and tell me one thing you do to make your guests feel especially welcome.
Thank you so much for letting me share in this hospitality series with you all!
I would love for you to join me over at The Better Mom, where thousands of mom gather to learn and grow every day!
WOW – I am really feeling like I need to step it up something fierce!! I am completely lacking when it comes to being hospitable – it’s something I’ve been trying to work on!! I get so stressed when trying to prepare for guests and I get so wrapped up in making sure my house is in perfect order, that I lose focus on the need of the guests! It’s been all about me and I’m going to try and make a very conscious effort to make it all about the guest from now on!! And I never really thought about how this trickles down to our children – I really, really want them to be better at this hostess game then I am! Thank you for sharing your heart and for helping me to see things in a whole new light! God bless!!!
I always prepare a special dessert, such as white chocolate cheesecake with raspberry sauce or chocolate mousse pie with fresh strawberries. A delicious dinner and a special dessert always leaving me feeling honored and I hope my guests feel the same.
Having my table set so when they come in I am not running for mugs, spoons, etc. and contacting them before to find out what they prefer such as, coffee or tea?
When people come and my house is a wreck, I totally focus on them and REFUSE to apologize for the mess because it only takes the attention away from them and on my mess!
oh… I am so not good at this .. I guess the best thing I do to make guests welcome is offer them something to eat and drink and a place to sit a while and chat .. :)
When I have guests, I try to have what they like for dinner or drinks. When family comes I try to have somethings that they would like. I always try to visit with each person and have the house cleaned before they come. After reading these posts I will have to turn up my hospitality meter and get busy.
I have to struggle to keep from working in the kitchen the whole time and take the time (quality time) to spend with my guests. People are the most important, chores can wait.
I try to either bake cookies or some aromatic treat that makes the house smell welcoming and relaxing. Guests know that they have a delicious snack to look forward to as we spend time together.
Well I had a full weekend and just getting caught up on this study… :-)
I have a small home and don’t get many over night guests but the one person that does stay with me is my father. I can humbly say that I treat him like it’s his first stay!
(the relationship is rocky but actions speak louder than words)… He usually gets one of my boys rooms… (spiderman or skateboard room)! ;-)
It’s how I make the bed specifically for him (I totally strip the bed down and make it just the way he likes… (a set of sheets and a blanket that I use just for him).
On the night stand a bottle of water and at the end of the bed will be a towel and wash rag. He is always tickled and puts a smile on his face ~ I know I made him feel special and my heart is full!! :-)
Dessert! Nothing says you are special like chocolate!
We live on a country road with little traffic, so I hear guests coming down the dirt road before they reach the house. I go outside to greet them as they arrive, offering to carry items into the house and inviting them to “make themselves at home” during their stay. Whether an hour or a few days I want my guests to know that they don’t have to ask permission to pick up a book, or touch a nicnac… and if admired closely… you may be invited to take it home. I love making memories by giving something to my guests, especially books!.
I try to fix something to eat that I know they like
I always greet my guests at the door when they arrive – I do whatever I can to be expecting them and stop what I am doing to come right to the door.
As soon as my guests enter my home, I give them a hug smile. IF they are huggers, they get a big hug. I also give one when they leave.
Living in the deep south (Georgia), hospitality is inbred! We were taught as young girls that guests were important and we should always ‘put our best foot forward’. One thing my Mama would not allow was for a bowl to become empty on her table and I have followed her lead all these years. When guests sit around our table, seconds (or even thirds) are encouraged. Yes, I know all about the ‘food pyramid’, but when I have a large gathering (especially family), I prepare anything I think anyone would like. There may be two or three starches, three or four vegetables, at least two meats and a variety of desserts. I want eveyone to feel like I had them in mind when I cooked. Yes, it takes a while to do this and clean up afterward (which I never expect guests to do), but the rewards are worth it. I remember vividly we had out-of-town guests and they had driven down the driveway and returned. Thinking they had forgotten something, I went to the door. Our friend said, “Do you mind me taking the rest of that banana pudding with me……………….you know my wife is a terrible cook! This made my day and I fixed a ‘to-go’ dish on the spot! It made me feel good that he thought he could ask to take it with him.
I try to make a favourite meal or dessert that my friends enjoy. I want them to feel special and know that I thought of them. I want to have everything ready ahead of time so that they can sit and relax and we can enjoy our visit together.
I feel it’s real important to greet my guests with a big smile and hug. I want them to feel welcome and special the moment they arrive. I make an effort to greet them right out of the car if possible. When I know someone is coming around a certain time I start looking out the window for them. When I see they arrived I head right outside to greet them.
Getting the whole family involved is so important. Sadly some of my husband and my worst fights have been while preparing for company. I have let the stress get to me and he doesn’t seem to be as helpful as I would like. He will choose projects that I think aren’t necessary to do like repot the plants! We have gotten better thank you Jesus! Which for our children’s sake is so much healthier. We had last minute guests over on Saturday for a cookout and no fighting! Praise God!
I always, ALWAYS, have coffee and special creamers on hand. :) Each time I host a play date the moms are pampered with a hot mug of coffee and we enjoy chatting. I try to start the morning out by just listening…sometimes we just need someone to open our hearts to.
I try to find out what they love and pamper them with it!!
My daughter and I enjoy trying to remember her friends favorite soda and snack and color so we can be sure and use all 3 next time they come over to play! :-)
I always try to make a food or dessert I know they like. They are the guest so I always try & cater to them and make them feel like they are #1.
This is a wonderful revelation thank you for sharing! I love it
I just started inviting people into my home. I think what I do to make them feel special is greet them with a smile and hug when they first walk into my home. I make one of their favorite meals. And most importantly I pray before my guests arrive over the meal and time we will spend together and invite Jesus into my home with his love and peace.
We try to focus on our guests and make them feel special and welcome.