Choosing Joy with Joyce Ashley

We have a guest today and she has a great giveaway for one of you!

I first met Joyce Ashley two years ago at our Proverbs 31 She Speaks conference. I knew instantly she was an encourager who loves God and serving women. My daughter Kenna and I got to witness this firsthand as we did a conference at her church last year.

Her smile is contagious and so is her joy. Meet her now:

Joyce J. Ashley is founder of JoyJoy Ministries and delights in sharing a double portion of the joy of the Lord with others.  She and her husband of almost 40 years (Pat) live near Douglas, GA. They have three children and six “grandjoys”!

Joyce is the author of a two books: JOYJUICE: Delightful Flavors of JOY in the Lord and Abundant JOY JUICE, Squeezed from God’s Word.

She is the writer and voice of a daily radio program called “Joy Juice” which airs on several stations in the South GA/North FL area.  Feel free to invite Joyce to speak at your next ladies’ event by contacting her via email at [email protected] or visit her at “JoyJoy Ministries” on Facebook.  She, also, has a website at

Joyce partners with singer, songwriter Tammy Arant and writer, speaker Amanda Hayes to form Team RADIATE.  They are available to lead women’s conferences and events.  For booking contact Laura Beth Tucker at 229-392-7310 or email [email protected].

Now, from Joyce’s heart:

JOYfully blessed!  That’s what I am!  If I had to write down my blessings of joy, it would be impossible to list them all….BUT one that would certainly be at the top of my list today is Karen’s invitation to share the JOY of JESUS with you!  So, thanks to Karen for this opportunity; and thank you for taking the time to read what God has placed on my heart.

About five years ago, I retired from the public school system.  I loved my job and considered it my ministry for many years.  These days, however, I like to say I’m reFIRED with a passion for sharing the JOY of Jesus! God blessed me with “JoyJoy Ministries” and a passion to share a “double portion” of the joy of the Lord with anyone and everyone who will listen!

Keep in mind that joy is not the same thing as happiness.  Happiness depends on what’s happening in our lives….our circumstances.  Joy is about relationship with Christ.  When we give our hearts and lives to Jesus, we can trust Him to be in control. No matter what challenges are tossed our way, we can count on the promise that “He will never leave us or forsake us”Deuteronomy 31:6

During my reFIREment, I have written hundreds of devotionals on finding the joy of the Lord in our daily routine. Here’s a sample of one “JOY JUICE” message that I pray will touch your heart and draw you closer to the Giver of abundant joy.

Taken from my latest book, Abundant JOY JUICE, Squeezed from God’s Word:

Have you had your Joy Juice today?  Drinking it faithfully is imperative to assure a life of abundant joy.

Abundance—what does that word mean to you?  I immediately think of a huge amount of something.  Sometimes we think we have an abundance of work.  Many days moms (& dads) have an abundance of laundry and housework.  Some probably feel that they have an abundance of yard work and chores.  And most likely, we all feel that we have an abundance of bills! J

Today let’s think of abundance from the perspective that Jesus taught in John 10:10. I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”   What kind of abundance is Jesus speaking of in this verse?

In The Prayer of Jabez, Bruce Wilkinson tells us that the secret to true abundance is to want what God wants. That means that we love God so much that we put aside our desires and trust that God knows what is best for us.  He wants us to bring our needs and desires before Him, but when we do so, we need to be content with whatever answer He gives us.

Abundant life in Christ is living every moment soaking up His love, His will, and His direction.  Only then will we be overflowing with abundant joy…otherwise known as the “Joy Juice of Jesus!”  Drink it in and spill it out onto others today!

Okay gals– now for her giveaway. It includes:

 ~ A copy of both of her books

~ A RADIATE t-shirt (the winner will get to choose a size)

~  A pink “EnJOY the Journey” tote bag

~ A couple of “Outrageous & Contagious” JOY pens

~ And a bag of Almond JOYs!

To be entering into the random drawing, tell us one simple thing that brings you joy.

I’ll go first…….hearing my 80 year old father’s laugh as he attempts to keep his composure while telling my kids a funny story from his childhood.

Oh and coconut. Coconut always brings me joy. (May have to choose myself for today’s prize. Almond Joys are the best!)

And you? What is a simple thing that brings you joy?

(winner announced Monday)


  1. my most recent joy was the sweet smile i received when i called my oldest son ‘my precious boy’ he wasn’t expecting it, so the fact that it surprised & pleased him just filled my heart to overflowing! Those unexpected, tender moments are glimpses of the love God has for me & for my son, and they are what sustain me.

  2. I feel so much joy when I watch my son (3yrs old) and my dad (81yrs old) playing and laughing. My dad has a very infectious laugh and I hear the same laugh in my son. I am truly blessed to still have my father living and am honored that the Lord has kept him here for my son. Noah is “Opa’s boy” and to see the joy in their eyes every time they see eachother brings tears to mine! I am so blessed!

  3. JOY………looking in to my 3 boys eyes…….ages 5, 7 and 53(husband)……..Thank you God!!!
    oh yes, and coffee.

  4. I experience joy in my Monday night prayer group – hearing the sweet prayers lifted to heaven from all of us raising our voices of praise to the Lord. Beautiful!

  5. Making the dolls I do for children with devestating illness, and giving them away free (tall dolls and girls are topsy turvy ones) including P&H is my joy and ministry of love. If one doll makes a difference to a child in medical trouble the work has been worth it 98 dolls now have a home with 2 hanging out in the spare room. I’m starting 101 this coming Monday with a goal of reaching at least 200. I am a retired nurse and writer as well. God bless all. If you’d like to see my dolls, just send me an e-mail.

    Vickey S..

  6. I will soon be 72 years old. I am a retired nurse, writer and crafter. The majority of my retirement hours (thanks be to a hubby who does everything to help so I can do what I wish with my days) are spent making cloth dolls…topsy turvy girl dolls that are 24 inches tall. They have a skirt that flips to make them wear a nightgown. Lots of trim and lace and a mopcap on their head. No hair as most go to kids with cancer (98%). They have a simple embroidered face and if I may say so, are gorgeous and huggable. I make boy dolls also 28 inches high with a face on front and back of their head. I’ve now made 100 and am planning to make the next goal 200. (93 have a home and on Sunday 5 more will be picked up by the ACS for kids with caner.) Looks ike time to get busy again on more. I love to write and send out inspirational stories through a friend that adds music and graphics. I teach a 2 hour class weekly in basic crochet and knitting. I have serious lung problems (34% lung capacity) but the Lord has been good to still let me do all I do. I have been loving the Lord for almost 60 years now. He just gets better and better. The last doll went to a child in Minnesota with a non-cancerous tumor in her head wrapped around her brain stem. She has a little brother and she (AVA) is only 2 years old and cute as a button. (saw her picture on the CARING BRIDGE website). Her first surgery is Monday. I pray over my dolls as I bring them to life that they go to the right child each time and bring comfort. My girl dolls take 12 hours to make. The dolls and postage to their destination are free. woman all over have donated fabric etc to keep this ministry going. I hope receiving the dolls, will make them sense God’s love through me. There is so much to do, and so little time to do it all in. I think we can only do our best. God Bless you and yours. Vickey Stamps

  7. Sunshine brings me joy every time. I feel like it is God smiling down on me and makes my whole day better.

  8. The greetings I receive from my eight grandchildren when I arrive at their homes is a fantastic joy to me. They drop what they are doing, run or walk quickly toward me and open their arms wide to hug me. I’ve never before received such demonstrative, pure love greetings in my life. It’s a great joy to be old enough to be a grandma.

  9. This week the Lord gave me the opportunity to share what He means to me and what He has done in my life with two young women both from Jewish backgrounds. Such joy! Also, my heart leaps with joy every time my grandson runs up to me to share a hug and kiss.

  10. At my father-in-law’s funeral today, it was such a joy
    to see my one year old granddaughter and 8 month old
    grandson happily playing together one minute and then
    at the same time they both fell asleep with their heads inthe
    same direction and like clockwork they woke up at the same
    time, smiling!


  12. I am filled with Joy when I gather in fellowship with my Christian ‘sisters’ at our evening womens meeting. Whether we are laughing or crying together we are filled with His Holy Spirit and Joy.

  13. Canoeing with my husband brings me joy, as we look for wildlife in hidden places. I also agree with the coconut comment. I Love almond joys!

  14. The sound of a child laughing. Walking through the woods & praying. Listening to the birds sing always reminds me that God sings over us. I love hearing from our grown sons who live out of state. Oh the list of joys could go on & on….just thinking about all the joys brings such peace & brightens the day!

  15. I Love the Joy that my children bring my husband and me. And there is nothing like the sound of the laugh of our children that simply comes from their toes. You know that laugh that takes their breath away!! The joys of family!!

  16. Having one of my precious grandsons tell me that they “love you Oma” unprompted from their mother. Another thing that gives me immense joy is how wonderful my daughter is in her mothering skills! She surely outshines me!

  17. I love experiencing the joy in the amazing world God created for us to live in, while we are here. Currently, listening to a beautiful seranade of peaceful doves cooing in the pines behind my home, along with the lone quail cooing also in his tranquil way– maybe attracting a mate for the spring? Love it!!

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